A Murder of Goblins

Standard* lilgirlgoddess


keevel says... #1

Guttersnipe maybe?

November 2, 2012 6:11 p.m.

boomtownblues says... #2

I'd get rid of Foundry Street Denizens and Pursuit of Flight. card:Krenko's Command is a lot more reliable than Goblin Rally . I also like having a few Arms Dealer to sac tokens to take down beefy trample creatures or fliers, your two big obstacles with non flying tokens.

Check out my deck, deck:mono-red-goblins-09-02-13-1

February 12, 2013 9:13 a.m.

grizzell says... #3

dump Pursuit of Flight get card:Krenko's Command

February 12, 2013 9:17 a.m.

TiredTofu says... #4

I'd tend to agree with grizzel. Personally, I love Pursuit of Flight , but it isn't something that belongs in this build (particularly since it doesn't synergize with Goblin Electromancer ). card:Krenko's Command, however is great. It synergizes with your entire deck, from Goblin Electromancer to Foundry Street Denizen .

Also, I think that many of you are severely underestimating Foundry Street Denizen . Remember, his ability triggers for each red creature that enters the battlefield during the turn. That makes means that your 1/1 that you dropped on turn 1 is usually a 2/1 at the smallest. After you drop 2 goblins or a card:Krenko's Command, and he's a 3/1. Drop a Goblin Rally ? You just potentially pushed through a 5/1 for one mana. And don't even start about what he turns into if Krenko gets to tap.

One note: As much as Krenko is a really cool guy and one heck of a win-con, he's too slow for this deck. The earliest he'll affect the board is turn 5, and the earliest he'll do damage to the opponent is turn 6 (assuming he isn't killed before then, which he will be). If you haven't already won by turn 5, you're probably in really deep trouble with this deck.

I'd suggest either dropping him entirely, or--if you feel you have to include him--trying Hellraiser Goblin . A turn 3 Hellraiser into a turn 4 Krenko is disgustingly good since all of those fresh new goblins from Krenko also have haste. Lots of hasty creatures can hurt.

And on that note. Speed in this deck is huge. Don't play guildgates. Shocklands and the Innistad duals aren't cheap, but they're vital to a multicolor aggro deck. You can't afford to let your land slow you down by even one turn.

February 12, 2013 9:44 p.m.

boomtownblues says... #5

@Tired Tofu:

I agree that Foundry Street Denizen can get real big real fast with this sort of deck... but at the end of the day, he'd still be a X/1 without trample, first strike, etc. A 1/1 could be traded for it in combat. Unless he's being Pursuit of Flight'd on, he's not an unblockable threat (even then, a 1/1 flyer could take it down). That being the case, it requires two different cards to be semi-consistently useful. Even then, it's not worth including Pursuit of Flight in my opinion.

With my other goblin deck I also run into the problem of making sure Krenko, Mob Boss is in my hand. I have a 4-of of him and some Faithless Looting . That allows me to fish for Krenko when I need him. Or, less likely, to trade extra Krenko's for more useful cards. Fervor is also great because it allows Krenko to tap the moment he's on the field and allows his tokens to attack as well. Waiting till turn 4 or 5 might not be a problem if you populate the field with enough blocker tokens using card:Krenko's Command to wait long enough to bust out the boss.

Hellraiser Goblin forces you to attack each turn, which is kind of a deal breaker for me. Plus it's going to be easier to remove a creature attacking each turn than it is to remove an enchantment like Fervor .

I agree on dropping Goblin Rally . Ideally by the time you have 5 mana you'd already have Krenko out and he'd be busting tokens out faster.

Just my opinion.

February 13, 2013 12:05 a.m.

keevel says... #6

May 5, 2013 3 a.m.

keevel says... #7

Hearthfire Hobgoblin is a dick

and Hobgoblin Dragoon helps with flying.

February 17, 2014 12:47 p.m.

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