Warriors with their Rhinos. This deck can move quite fast. It has a top end of 4 cmc so it's relatively easy to just throw down some threats. It can compete with most of the decks in the meta (still playtesting to fine tune it). Collected Company is boss in this deck. I have never had it miss. I know there's a scenario where it could but so far so good.
Arashin Foremost = This card is nuts in a warrior tribal deck. This is an automatic 4 of. It speeds up your onslaught by a ton. Great card.
Blood-Chin Fanatic
= This card on a board stall can just win you games. Life gain and life drain is sweet. Especially with Bloodsoaked Champion. Attack with the Champion, sac before damage and then get your guy back (Not the best use of him, but it works).
Chief of the Edge
= This helps push through a lot of damage especially with Arashin Foremost on board.
Den Protector = Can become decently big on power. I believe I've gotten it to a 5 power before and in this format, there is little that can block it, especially with Arashin on board, attacking for 10 unchecked should be damn near game. And buying back my removal or even Collected Company isn't too bad either.
Bloodsoaked Champion = Our little guy that could. A recurring threat that keeps punishing.
Mardu Shadowspear = Our only "hasty" threat but no worries, we just push through damage faster on turns 2, 3, and 4. He/she is nice though.
Warden of the First Tree = This card is great in this deck. Especially since I can push through some damage turn 2 with it and it can get huge. Also, it turns into a WARRIOR! Bam! Synergy biotch!
Blood-Chin Rager
= This card is bonkers if left on an unchecked early board. Force double blocks and get through some high damage. Yes!
Anafenza, the Foremost = Just a 1 of that I am playtesting to see if she is worth having in the deck. She does somewhat have some synergy by pumping a dude every turn and she can be hit off of Collected Company. And her second ability is relevant to most decks doing some graveyard shenanigans. And her 4/4 power and toughness is relevant.
Siege Rhino = Abzan...you have to play this card. And he fits well into what we want. Push through early damage and then have our Rhinos help finish them off by drain and gain and swinging big. Too bad he's not a Rhino Warrior.
Hero's Downfall = With the little removal we have in the deck, this is the best one to put. It kills just about anything we don't like that isn't hexproof. AND Den Protector can buy it back!
Abzan Charm = Just a 1 of for the utility, to either A) Push through damage, B) Remove something, C) Or keep the engine going with some draw.
Collected Company = This card is awesome. It has 25 targets to hit in the main. 6 more in the board! A potential 31 targets! That's just over half the deck. And every warrior is relevant to the deck. This card is so worth it!
Valorous Stance = A pseudo removal spell or protection spell, why not! It doesn't cost too much and can help punch through some damage.
Bile Blight = Because Atarka Red is doing so well, when they go wide on us, we have to be prepared.
Dromoka's Command = Another utility card that helps gets us to where we want to be. Make my deathtouch guy fight a big guy, prevent burn damage, sac that Whip of Erebos please, or just pump my dude!
Crux of Fate
= Necessary against any Dragon related, themed deck! Get them Dragonlord Ojutai,
Silumgar, the Drifting Death
, Stormbreath Dragon, Thunderbreak Regent, Dragonlord Atarka,
Dragonlord Silumgar
, Dragonlord Dromoka, Kolaghan, the Storm's Fury, Icefall Regent's out of here! Because dragons are tough to beat in an aggro deck that can't attack through them.
Merciless Executioner = Just another decent bodied threat that helps get rid of any Esper dragon, or just help get something out of Collected Company for value, a bigger body and a removal, or it can be just a removal spell.
Athreos, God of Passage = Can become a creature relatively well, and on a board wipe, play Collected Company into this, now they have to either take a bunch of "damage" (lose life I know) or give me my threats back which are all easily castable. This would come in against control or decks with a lot of removal.
Thoughtseize = Just a great card. Gets rid of the problems before they become a problem.
Mastery of the Unseen = Gives me a long game.
This decks biggest weakness is to Drown in Sorrow. The only thing I can think of that can play around that is Obelisk of Urd, not sure if I want that in here because it prevents me from attacking and pushing damage through, it also costs a lot if my threats get 1 for 1d right away. I removed
Hidden Dragonslayer
from the main and the deck entirely and moved Valorous Stance to the main. I found myself holding onto Dragonslayer to get value out of him but found myself using him on the same cards that I would use Valorous Stance for. Since Valorous Stance is a much cheaper spell and has some versatility, this has become a main deck must. Dragonslayer is just too slow and doesn't offer very much. Athreos, God of Passage was recently moved to the board because I found only wanting him against control decks or decks with a lot of removal. Anafenza, the Foremost has found a spot for the time being. As I don't want to Collected Company into multiples of her and her abilities are semi relevant.