A New Hope

Modern* TheDuggernaught


a mono white ally deck that can obviously play aggro fairly well (since its allies...), but has life gain as a way to sustain and last in poor match ups and also as a secondary win con with the sovereign. and then i am a bit of a control whore. not only does it help the aggro win con, but if for some reason i can get any damage done (like if im playing a f----- myr deck... cant get protection from colorless), then playing white control helps control the damage i take which helps the secondary win con. comments and advice is welcome. I feel that its already a fairly solid deck, but i know it can always be better :)

April 24, 2011 11:28 a.m.

Roderick says... #2

April 26, 2011 4:39 p.m.

Epochalyptik says... #3

With 20 allies, 4 of which are Ondu Cleric , you will not need the Kabira Crossroads . A CIPT land that does something you could just play a creature to do makes little sense, and it would speed your deck up to swap them with plains. On the other hand, I really like the idea of Emeria, The Sky Ruin in an allies deck.

Your control spells are kind of high-cost, which can hurt you in what is essentially a white weenie build. I would recommend trying out Oust and Smite instead of some of the Journey to Nowhere s, Arrest s, and Pacifism s. Having that one or two mana left over after a control spell can make a huge difference. It could mean playing another ally or being able to use the Mimic Vat .

Since the Vat works well with allies, I would bump the count up to 4. You can essentially guarantee that anything you're imprinting will be useful to you and your field, and with all ally triggers going off it is even better.

You might also want to sideboard a playset of Revoke Existence for artifact control, especially when Torpor Orb comes out because that card will completely destroy allies.

April 26, 2011 4:40 p.m.

thanks Epochalyptik. i was just thinking yesterday that Revoke Existence should probably go sideboard. and i like Smite , i put that in instead of Arrest . i do have Oust in the sideboard. i like it because i can use it on my own allies and make their abilities trigger again in a few turns, but i feel that other removal spells are more consistent in that once i use a removal spell, i dont want the creature coming back.

and, Roderick, Survival Cache is an option. i like how it gives some draw power, but im not sure what i would cut for it. im already at 64 cards and dont want to add anymore. i would love to cut some if anything.

April 26, 2011 5:12 p.m.

Bo5dey says... #5

Drop Emeria, The Sky Ruin to two, adding another Mimic Vat .

If you want to drop down to 60 cards, I'd lose the 2 Join the Ranks (while it is good, the allies that enter the field never grow past 1/1). Also, my next comment suggest two more cards to drop.

As for the sideboard, I'd get rid of the 4 Makindi Shieldmate , 3 Brave the Elements and 2 Join the Ranks . In their place, I would run 3 Celestial Purge , move 2 Pacifism from mainboard to sideboard, and add 4 Kor Firewalker to combat Red.

I found some New Phyrexia stuff that might fit well in here. Marrow Shards would combat Kuldotha and Infect well. Due Respect would be an excellent card to drop during an opponent's upkeep. Also, though it may seem strange, card:Tezzeret's Gambit could help you out. It'll only cost you three mana, since you should be able to spare two life. Draw two cards, and proliferate the counters on all of your Allies.

Hope this helps!

April 28, 2011 10:59 p.m.

crg77 says... #6

May 3, 2011 8:45 p.m.

i would love to put in Join the Ranks , but as mentioned earlier, the allies that enter do not get any bigger than 1/1. they do offer quick boosts to my other allies (especially with it being an instant), but im not sure what i could cut out to put them in. if you or someone else has a suggestion, i would be more than willing to look into it and play test it.

May 4, 2011 6:18 p.m.

crg77 says... #8

I think you could definitely take out some of the spot removal and a Talus Paladin . Something like:

-1 Pacifism , -1 Smite , -1 Talus Paladin , -1 Journey to Nowhere

you could keep one of these in to run three Join the Ranks .

Although, I see now what you're saying about the usefulness of it. If anything, it might speed up the life gain aspect with Ondu Cleric . Worth play testing the difference I think though. At any rate, I think you have too much spot removal that could be replaced with something like Honor of the Pure even.

May 9, 2011 2:25 p.m.

makiba says... #9

I'd want to recommend Cauldron Haze Even if you're not running Old D of J. It's a good way to say, I'm swinging, now your creatures dies and mine dont. Also my cleric gives me another 80 life.

May 17, 2011 7:49 p.m.

i would, but Cauldron Haze isnt standard. i would consider it when allies rotate out though. i definitely do like the combo. might need Honor of the Pure though, or some way to make the cleric more than 1/1.

May 17, 2011 8:46 p.m.

epicsnailman says... #11

I didn't know how powerful allies could be, until now....

Great deck, +1 from me!

May 25, 2013 7:08 p.m.

Thanks, i definitely feel like allies are under-appreciated. For how budget it is, it definitely plays like I invested a little more money into it than I did... like when I took this to a standard FNM (back when it was standard), I made a guy rage quit the night because "Who the **** plays allies?!?" That quote is a staple in my play group, lol. I think when most people think allies, they think about multi colored decks. Mono-white just offers so much in the form of Emeria, The Sky Ruin , that I am not sure that any ally deck of any other color/color combo can do what mono white does.

May 26, 2013 2:17 p.m.

This has a good base for a white weenies deck, but there are a few cards that don't make sense. Felidar Sovereign is a win condition, but he's far too big to be a weenie. Your sorceries are also big, and neither is particularly good for a weenies player. Wrath wipes the board and the Gambit draws cards, but neither helps you pump out more creatures than your opponent. Mimic Vat makes no sense here because its mana intensive and doesn't really combo well with anything. O-Ring is expensive removal in this deck, and you already have 8 1-drop removal spells. Talus Paladin and Kabira Evangel are both good Allies, but they're expensive and like lots of other creatures to work well. You can drop a couple of them. Emeria, the Sky Ruin is a good card, but with weenies you want all your lands to come in untapped and you shouldn't get seven plains. Ondu Cleric gains you lots of life, but life-gain isn't really what you want in a 4-of.

There are a lot of powerful cards to add to this deck that can keep it at the top of its aggresive game. For example, all your allies are humans, so Champion of the Parish is as good a 1-drop as any. Join the Ranks is a powerful card, even at 4 mana. Another 4 mana option is Ranger of Eos which can find you any 1-drop creature in your deck, such as the powerful leveler Student of Warfare . There are allies in other colors that you might want as well, such as Akoum Battlesinger , Jwari Shapeshifter , Oran-Rief Survivalist , or Umara Raptor . Those are up to you. Also, Squadron Hawk .

-1 Felidar Sovereign, -3 Wrath of God, -2 Tezzeret's Gambit, -3 Oblivion Ring, -2 Mimic Vat, -2 Ondu Cleric, -1 Talus Paladin, -1 Kabira Evangel, -2 Emeria the Sky Ruin

+4 Champion of the Parish, +4 Squadron Hawks, +3 Student of Warfare, +4 Join the Ranks, +2 Ranger of Eos

May 26, 2013 2:43 p.m.

Well, this is not meant to be a fast white weenie deck... furthermore, getting rid of some of my allies defeats the entire purpose of the deck... triggering ally abilities often. paying 1 mana to give all your creature life link, protection from a color, gaining a ton of life and putting +1/+1 counters on half your creatures is extremely efficient use of mana. also, splashing other colors means i dont get to use Emeria, The Sky Ruin ... which i think you are severely underestimating when used with Wrath of God . it means I can board wipe if I need to and I give 0 cares in doing so as any creatures I have in play will just come back once have emeria going... which is likely to happen given I have 3 Wrath of God s. Also, I am not sure why you think Oblivion Ring is too expensive. It is my only way to remove artifacts and enchantments. I could use some thing like disenchant from my sideboard for that, but those cannot hit creatures if I need them to. Mimic Vat also combos very will with everything in this deck. ally triggers from Kabira Evangel on their turn is insane... especially when that is far from the only trigger I will be getting.

as far as the cards you suggest me put in, none of them are bad. they just dont allow this deck to do what it wants to do. Champion of the Parish would be good if he triggered ally abilities... which if you play test this at all, is pretty easy to see why you want to trigger those as much as possible. same goes for squaks and student. Join the Ranks is actually pretty bad... i have done a lot of play testing on it, and Tezzeret's Gambit is strictly better. I get the +1/+1 counters which are essentially ally triggers for ~half my allies, as well as 2 cards which can give me even more triggers. and I am fine with paying 2 life for that given how much life I will typically have. the only thing it has going for it is the instant speed, but Mimic Vat does that to. Ranger of Eos would be solid, being able to fetch the 2 of the workhorses in the deck, but it kind of accomplishes the same job as Mimic Vat . if any ally dies, im taking it and im going to have, in essence, the same effect every turn as ranger of eos would.

all in all, im not even sure you play tested the deck at all. I think you just saw white weenie and then went from there. I think this is very much a white weenie deck, but it doesnt play like your typical aggro white weenie. If you look at the tags, I also have mid range, and that is what i feel it is. It is a weenie deck, that can apply a significant amount of board pressure. Maybe not as much as a typical weenie deck... but this deck makes up for that in its resiliency through life gain and the fact that its weenies dont stay small,it can wipe the board at will, and it give 0 cares in doing so because if i can control the board state long enough all its creatures are going to come back one-by-one, triggering ally abilities every turn. Thank you for the feedback. It obviously comes from some level of experience... but with experience some a mental set, and this deck doesnt really fit the typical white weenie shell of "herp derp, i turn 5 small creatures sideways and you cannot block them all."

May 26, 2013 3:58 p.m.

Bo5dey says... #15

-1 Felidar Sovereign
+1 Mimic Vat

I'd board the Sovereigns for the match-ups that you struggle to win via aggro.

May 26, 2013 7:30 p.m.

Somnambulist says... #16

I remember playing mono-white allies back when WWK came out. I was looking for a deck that might be cheap but still be powerful. I bought the whole deck for about $30 and went undefeated until ROE came out, which, considering how much I was playing at the time, was only about 2 weeks.

Anyway, I think your addition of Tezzeret's Gambit is brilliant and +1 worthy. I always considered Brave the Elements to be absolutely essential in closing out games since it functions as a secondary Kabira Evangel .

Eventually, though, I ended up moving to a Knights theme, which, if you're interested can be found here: The Heroes of Yore.

August 8, 2013 4:32 p.m.

Thanks. I started playing around the time ZEN was released. This was the first deck I brought to an FNM and it absolutely wrecked. It has gone through a few revisions since then and is now switched to modern, but it still wrecks people. More than a few of those revisions have included Brave the Elements , but I decided that Mimic Vat can be more or less a reusable brave the elements which generates a bit of card advantage -- getting an effect multiple times that I would otherwise have to play a card for. every time after the first... if I even had it. It also has the benefit of triggering ally abilities, giving an awesome chump blocker and messing up decks that rely on some mechanics like undying or persist. Thanks for the +1 though. I've always toyed with knights (as they play in a similar fashion) and I will for sure take a gander at your deck.

August 8, 2013 4:46 p.m.

Busse says... #18

Soooo a colleague here. Nice touch using Emeria, The Sky Ruin ... that could be really helpful in the late-game or in a multiplayer match. Maybe you'll want to see this one? *Alliance! and grab some ideas for the control-aspect of the design. Cheers, and +1, I guess...

August 14, 2013 12:46 p.m.

dsagent says... #19

Mimic Vat is completely insane in this deck. You have sold me on this card.

In my ally deck I am running 1 copy of Angelic Overseer since it has great synergy with all the humans.

December 25, 2013 7:24 p.m.

Angelic Overseer wouldnt be bad, but i feel like Archangel of Thune , and Baneslayer Angel are better bombs for that 5 drop slot. yeah, they might not have indestructible. but once i hit 7 plains, i am likely going to start getting them back if the game is still going on... which i typically can make it given the 3 wraths and 10 spot removals.

December 25, 2013 7:32 p.m.

Jamespoppy22 says... #21

Blind Obedience instead of the vat or thalia side board. Blind obedience makes the Gambit sick even if you cast it for 3 colorless plus extort. But this deck makes me star was nerdgasm for sure. The convoke exile spell or Journey to Nowhere Instead of the Condemn I don't have much modern experience I don't know what the big weakness is.

January 17, 2014 11:18 p.m.

Blind Obedience is more of a tch vs aggro decks, which this list has no trouble with given the 3 wraths. my low drop creatures also outpace most aggro decks since mine get bigger than theirs do. Thalia, Guardian of Thraben is also not bad... but it just doesnt help my matchups that are difficult. Condemn is better than Journey to Nowhere . sure, i cant hit utility creatures with Condemn , but thats what the paths, o rings and wraths are for. being able to pay 1 mana at instant speed to put it on bottom is extremely good. i often dont care how much life they gain out of the deal. the original version of this deck used journeys... but that was back in the day when this was standard.

January 17, 2014 11:27 p.m.

Hey man, I thought I might comment on your deck after having a chance to pilot it in the modern tournament. Here are my thoughts:

1) I think a colour splash is welcome, and blue is a good choice. I would almost just drop your remaining Wrath of God altogether and keep it at 2 verdicts MB, keeping an extra verdict in the side. You never know what kind of deck you will be up against, and in a creatureless or jund or UWx matchup you may find it to be a less than ideal draw. With all of your other spot removal you should be able to solve most problems, as your creatures can handle what your removal spells can't. (Most of the time!)

I used to run wraths MB in my own mono-white knights deck, The Western Way of War. I eventually found that between my creatures and few spot removal spells (i.e. Path and O-ring), there wasn't that many problems it couldn't solve. So I put them in the side for matches where their creatures could overpower mine (i.e. bant, merfolk, tron, elves, etc.) If you do feel that you would prefer a grindy-control-attrition focused strategy rather than midrange-aggro, however, then I suppose you might as well keep two of them in.

2) Ditch your Condemn and maybe even Tezzeret's Gambit . Both are far too circumstantial for an attrition strategy. The Condemn is good when the game plays in your favour, but don't always expect it to. What if you have some powerful allies in play but your opponent walls in with a Scavenging Ooze , Phyrexian Obliterator , Stormbreath Dragon , Knight of the Reliquary , etc? If you truly feel that you must have those 3 slots for creature removal, then run Journey to Nowhere again, or Oust . Believe me, both are far better options. With access to blue you could even look to add in some counterspells MB. One of my favourites, which would slow your opponent, is Remand .

As for Tezzeret's Gambit , wayyyy to circumstantial IMO. You simply just don't have enough allies that use +1/+1 counters. In most cases, it will be outclassed by something like See Beyond or even the well-known turd Divination . I think that Join the Ranks is a better straight-up trade, as it will trigger that proliferate effect just the same, except it will hit ALL allies, not just your +1/+1 counter allies. Plus you get two more bodies. If you really want card draw, then consider how well Mentor of the Meek synergizes here too. And you know whats cool with Meek? You can use his triggered ability before a +1/+1 counter is triggered onto the new ally entering the field, before it goes higher than 2/2.

3) For these 7 slots in question (wrath, condemn and gambit), if I could personally choose 7 new cards for you, I would choose 1x Sea Gate Loremaster , 1x Baneslayer Angel , 1x Sphinx's Revelation , 2x Join the Ranks and 2x your choice of Journey to Nowhere , Mentor of the Meek , Dissolve , Mana Leak , Muddle the Mixture or Sun Titan .

I think you should get rid of Thune and replace it with another baneslayer, or even a sun titan. You don't have enough life sources in here, nor # of creatures for it to work optimally. There will be games where your creatures have been getting slaughtered, and you just need a solid beatstick to come out. Having 2 banelsayer MB and 1-2 Titan MB is insane advantage. Since this is not an aggro deck, you will probably find yourself hitting that mana mark more often than not as each game stretches on. That way you will also have really useful cards to Imprint via Mimic Vat each game. You may need an extra land for Sun Titan . You can't always count on Emeria, The Sky Ruin going online, lest it gets blown up with Ghost Quarter , Tectonic Edge , Fulminator Mage , or one of many other land destroy cards out there.

January 22, 2014 5:29 p.m.

Oh, also forgot about Umara Raptor for an air presence and Coat of Arms .

And a BOSS card I forgot to mention: Mirror Entity . Don't forget that changeling cards will work with your allies as well. And if you ever splashed green for a bant build, you could add Chameleon Colossus , Harabaz Druid and Turntimber Ranger .

With Mimic Vat on the field, you ideally will want to be tapping it for creatures that cost more than 3cmc, right?

January 22, 2014 5:41 p.m.

Troommate says... #25

Cloudshift An Ally for its enter field effect to activate again.

+2 Cloudshift

January 23, 2014 11:58 a.m.

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