A New Power is Rising. Its Victory is at Hand!

Commander / EDH Lhurgyof


ChiefBell says... #1

I have never seen this general before.

December 8, 2013 8:52 p.m.

Lhurgyof says... #2

Legends had some crazy cards. Most of them are too junky to be ran as generals.

All the others are extremely expensive. Gwendlyn is around $30 right now.

December 8, 2013 10:17 p.m.

LegitAstroBoy says... #3

Looks like a lot of fun!
+1 from me

December 10, 2013 1:03 a.m.

Lhurgyof says... #4

Just got all the cards in the mail today! I'm pumped to try it. :D

December 10, 2013 4:14 p.m.

Lhurgyof says... #6

I really like some of those cards, especially the creatures. I threw them up on my maybe board. Thanks for the suggestions!

July 20, 2014 1:12 p.m.

hereticloki says... #7

May want to consider Fatestitcher , with all those tap effects, a tap to untap target effect should generate a ton of value.

August 11, 2014 11:10 p.m.

Lhurgyof says... #8

Great idea!

August 11, 2014 11:18 p.m.
August 12, 2014 9:33 a.m.

malfeischylde says... #10

Overall, interesting, but I don't think you can use the Thrull Parasite b/c it has white mana in the activating ability cost.

August 12, 2014 9:39 a.m.

hereticloki says... #11

Extort is ok in non white or black specifically because the white/black symbol is REMINDER text, not CARD text. Reminder text is in parenthetical enclosure and italicized on the cards to distinguish it from Card text.

Crypt Ghast is ok in Mono-Black for the same reason (and is why I know this off the top of my head)

August 12, 2014 9:43 a.m.

Lhurgyof says... #12

UpperDeckerTaco, Hidetsugo is an interesting idea, albeit one with a rough drawback.

Thanks, malfeischylde, but hereticloki is correct. Reminder text doesn't affect color identity, or Trinisphere would be black.

August 12, 2014 1:15 p.m.

malfeischylde says... #13

oic. Ok, then. I stand corrected. I had Privileged Position in a JUND deck, though, and someone called me on it. I'll have to check up for myself.

August 12, 2014 8:16 p.m.

Lhurgyof says... #14

The difference is position has white in its mana cost and / or text box, whereas extort is an ability that doesn't actually have mana symbols attached to it.

August 13, 2014 9:59 a.m.

malfeischylde says... #15

Oh, I see. Ok, then. I stand corrected.

August 14, 2014 4:11 p.m.

Lhurgyof says... #16

It's okay. Color identity has to be one of the more confusing rules in magic (next to stuff like phasing).

August 14, 2014 6:52 p.m.

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