A Nightmare to Remember (Nicol Bolas, the Ravager)
Commander / EDH
scumbling1, thank you for your suggestions, I defiantly should be running those rack effects. However, this deck is REALLY new so I'm not yet sure what I should take out in place of them. When I find out though I will surely consider both those cards.
May 3, 2016 10:18 p.m.
scumbling1 says... #3
I would think Megrim and company are best utilized by a general like Nekusar, and with a ton of draw-7s. Maybe that would be the first place to look, especially as they both have the same basic function.
Perhaps Telepathy could go? I never liked that card much; it never felt worth a whole card to me.
I dunno... I always find myself having trouble making cuts, too. EDH is about playing ALL my pet cards!
May 4, 2016 10:59 p.m.
I'll probably figure it out after further playtesting, thanks again for your suggestions scumbling1
May 5, 2016 1:44 a.m.
HOPMONSTER says... #5
Thanks for looking and upvoting my build Discarded dreams. I like yours a lot too. Mine is more sorcery heavy while yours is more creature dominant. I might need to add a few more spectors as you have some that I hadn't seen before. Also, your deck reminded me that I have a Nezumi Shortfang and Banshee of the Dread Choir that I should consider adding. Cyclonic Rift seems like a great card for this too, board wipe and fuel for more discarding. You might want to consider Megrim, Sepulchral Primordial, Rise of the Dark Realms, and especially Liliana Vess. Cheers!
May 29, 2016 11:54 a.m.
Thank you for your feedback HOPMONSTER! This deck actually used to run all of those cards with the exception of Liliana Vess. Unfortunately, Megrim was only very useful in the early game because once I empty my opponents' hands, they'll just play whatever they draw and I will no longer get discard triggers. I'm not gonna lie, Rise of the Dark Realms is a great alternative wincondition but it just didn't fit thematically in this deck for me and I have the same feeling about the primordials.
May 29, 2016 12:52 p.m.
Graveblade says... #7
I feel like Gitaxian Probe, Duress, Despise, and Cabal Therapy, along with other effects that reveal your opponent's hand have an important place in this deck, both to go along with the hand-thinning theme and guaranteeing a hit when you activate Crosis.
June 13, 2016 5:56 p.m.
Thanks for the suggestions you guys. My problem with these low costing discard spells is that they tend to target a single player and don't cause as much group slug. While they all do make Crosis more efficient, by themselves they don't really do enough for me -- except for Cabal Therapy because Cabal Therapy.
June 14, 2016 4:38 p.m.
CinnaToastKrunch says... #10
Just the commander in general sounds like a lot of fun! I up-voted and will probably follow your build seeing as my opponents don't get tot have a hand for my next commander!
June 16, 2016 6:02 p.m.
Graveblade says... #11
Just wanted to say- what I love about horsemanship is that it is a mainly forgotten mechanic: in other words, an automatic "You're Unblockable!"
June 16, 2016 6:36 p.m.
xtopazinferno says... #12
Awesome deck. I love control, and will definitely have to make this deck
August 2, 2016 11:09 p.m.
I have, and it's wayy to conditional to be played, I'd have to empty every player's hand including my own. But I appreciate the suggestion Ocelot44
September 25, 2016 6:07 p.m.
freakingShane says... #15
Have you thought about making this into more of an 8-Rack deck? You make them discard a lot, so how about emphasizing that a little more? It will also add some more early game cards, which is always good!
1 mana discard: Inquisition of Kozilek, Funeral Charm, Raven's Crime, and Thoughtseize allows early discard, and may also let you see what's in your opponent's hand
2 mana discard: Hymn to Tourach is more discard
1 mana punishment: Shrieking Affliction, which punishes your opponent for having few to no cards in hand; The Rack will punish your opponent is they DO have cards in their hand (if they are replenishing their hand)
3 mana punishment: Ensnaring Bridge will let you become more and more protected with the longer the game goes on and the fewer cards you yourself have
Overall good card (which will shut opponents down if they have no cards to play): Killing Wave. They finally have some threats out and you play this with a huge cost, then they sack it or deal with heavy damage.
Just some ideas to maybe emphasize on, but keep in mind that this is just food for thought and you do not have to use any of this! Nice deck and I hope any of this is of some help!
October 3, 2016 11:55 a.m.
For some additional hate I'd suggest [Consuming Aberration] as well as [Extract from Darkness]
October 18, 2016 5:29 p.m.
Thanks for the suggestions everyone. I like a lot of the cards you suggested, however most of it only targets one opponent. I much prefer cards that hit everybody or are at least be a body to block with.
October 19, 2016 11:15 p.m.
ironmindraph says... #20
Great deck. I'd suggest you to consider Nihil Spellbomb And Bojuka Bog so you can rid of opponents graves.
October 31, 2016 9:28 p.m.
I've not included blighteneing because I'm not a big fan of targeting only one opponent for discard and the 3 damage is sort of meaningless in this format. I am a fan of the graveyard hate though! I've included both. Thank you both for your suggestions!
October 31, 2016 11:21 p.m.
Just wondering; if you've got all these cards that force opponents to discard (along with cards that damage opponents for discarding and having few cards in their hands), but no cards at all that force opponents to draw cards, aren't you basically going to run out of 'fuel' for your discard spells? At some point your opponents will simply play whatever they draw ...
January 10, 2017 1:45 a.m.
Might you consider a Heartless Summoning? You run a lot of specters, which almost exclusively are 2/3 and have a mana cost of 2XX. You can pump out specters way faster with a Heartless Summoning. Also, specters aren't about damage--they're about discard. Thus, the -1/-1 doesn't hurt as much.
May 8, 2017 4:27 p.m.
Hi NV_1980, thank you for your comment. Sorry for the delay, I've been away for a while.
Yes, you are correct in that with this current build I could essentially run out of 'fuel' for my discard spells and force my opponents into topdeck mode. However, I think this is exactly where we want them. I have chosen to not run cards like Well of Ideas because those cards run well with cards like Liliana's Caress (which you'll typically see in a Nekusar build). Instead of Liliana's Caress, I get to run cards like Lavaborn Muse and Shrieking Affliction to burn my opponents to death all while limiting our opponent's options. In my opinion and experience with this deck, I would rather have my opponents draw less cards and be stuck in topdeck mode rather than them draw too many cards and run the risk of them drawing into an answer. Now I understand that they could always find an answer when they're in topdeck mode but at least in this scenario, if they do find an answer (such as a boardwipe), it will still take a few turns for them to have a playable hand again and I get to keep my hand full of discard spells and abilities.
rwking082: I did not know about this card, thank you for bringing it to my attention! I will playtest it for a bit and let you know what I think!
June 3, 2017 1:22 a.m.
Cooperlogan says... #25
If you enjoy the "Rack" theme, you should consider running Hellfire Mongrel. Because redundancy in commander is great.
scumbling1 says... #1
Nice deck; it's refreshing to see Crosis taking the helm!
Is there any reason you aren't running more Rack effects, such as Wheel of Torture and Rackling? They might net you more damage, given that they don't need to be in play as your discard effects are happening.
May 3, 2016 8:48 p.m.