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A Pauper Delver

Pauper Mono-Blue




Sorcery (4)

Pauper Delver deck that I want to play in an upcoming casual tournament. It's a lot like the mono-blue matchup Chris Davis plays (look up Pauper Daily events at ChannelFireball), except this runs Delvers to speed up the kill-con. Errant Ephemeron doesn't do it for me, sorry to say, as he's slow and easily countered. So Delver of Secrets   has to pull his weight, but with the amount of spells I'm running I think he's an easy flip and more aggressive board presence. Spire Golem is just a boss; a good blocker and evasive attacker which only costs less and less as the game progresses.

I don't have any Gushes, which I replaced with Ponders, altough I would like a mix of both. Gush is the better spell I think, but Ponder serves a slightly different purpose so I don't want to lose it. Also looking to get 2 of the cycle lands ( Lonely Sandbar ) so I can drop another Ponder and add the Gitaxian Probes that are in my Storm deck atm.

I only have the 2 actuall Counterspells, which is why I'm running 2 Mana Leak. Also wondering if Force Spike is worth it. Currently they're in the sideboard against very quick matches, playtesting has to show if they would outperform Essence Scatter and Negate. Especially against Delver and Zoo, where Piracy Charm will probably do more work. Then again, against Storm, Pump and Ramp, I guess counterspells do more.

The rest of the sideboard includes Echoing Truth and Propaganda against Empty the Warrens, extra Negate against burn decks, the 3rd Serrated Arrows for now (against Zoo) and the 3rd Into the Roil should be replaced by an extra Echoing Truth . I think I'll be up against ramp-Eldrazi, RDW, more Delver, Pump Infect and Zoo as the most aggressive / dangerous matchups.

My other option in this tourney is to play A Pauper Storm, but I think I'd have trouble against Ramp and anything blue running counterspells if I can't storm off on turn 2. This deck has a bit more reach for the long game, I feel.

I'm also still looking for some answer to ramp-Eldrazi (except ofc the counterspells) and some sideboard advice! Any and all ideas are welcome!


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A lot of changes over time. Mostly things that switched tempo - I changed up some draw spells and counterspells. The overall balance between the two didn't change much. I think a Ponder went out for a Gush and stuff like that.

Right now, I love the way the deck plays out.

Force Spike is against the very agressive matchups, and I think it's the first card that might get cut for another Ponder back in. Probably moving to the sideboard. I need more (competitive) games to figure out how to board around. Also, I want 'more removal'. With the new Gushes I might swap a Lonely Sandbar for an extra Quicksand. Will see how things play out in the end.


Date added 12 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is not Pauper legal.

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.17
Folders Pauper, pauper players
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