When life gives you a steak, eat it. If you don't nature's gonna call and come runn'in, so you better eat it.
This deck is current 32-9 to date. I feel it's doing pretty good. But I feel it still has a lot of room for improvement.
*Please note, it's not a conventional Wolf Run Ramp deck.Because typical conventional WRR decks run approx. 10 creatures and ramp like a mofo. Then they go rawr WR pump this random dude I drew.
*As you can see I run a heavy load of creatures. I also don't worry about Day of Judgment too much. While it may be inconvenient I don't really mind as much due to the fact that I still have my Inkmoth Nexuses.
*I also have a very explosive playstyle with this deck and it has caused me to win several games Turn 2 for me and Turn 1 for my opponent, this is usually much more often against tri color decks like Solar Flare (terrible mana bases most of the time) and Grixis Control or Heartless Control (Same reasoning as Solar Flare). Anyways I usually lead off with a T1 Birds of Lawnmower and next turn make my land drop pass and blow up their one land on their upkeep with Beast Within and pretty much Time Walk them. This being very explosive can also be very risky if I start dead drawing or if they decide not to concede and end up drawing the lands they need anyways.
*Took out the Faithless Looting for 1 Birds of Paradise and 3 Acidic Slime
- -1 Acidic Slime, +3 Huntmaster of the Fells, -2 Viridian Emissary, +2 Llanowar Elves, -2 Copperline Gorge, +2 Forests, -2 Predator Ooze, +2 Dungrove Elder, -1 Green Sun's Zenith, +1 Birds of Paradise, +1 Beast Within, +1 Phyrexian Metamorph, -1 Solemn Simulacrum, -3 Galvanic Blast,
Sideboard Changes* -1 Tree of Redemption, took out a lot of other stuff I don't remember >.>, but +2 Ratchet Bomb.
FNM #1
February 24th, 2012
Well, this deck wasn't quite finished and I borrowed cards from a couple really nice guys with a tweaked list where I had 2x Whipflare and a Copperline Gorge added to the list as fillers. But here were the rounds.
Round 1
Vs. BRU Grixis Control
Game 1- Complete Roflstomp, he durdled off with 2 black sources and 2 red sources. Eventually he played an island and I blew it up with a Beast Within. He scooped and noted he needed more blue sources in the deck.
Game 2- He hit his blue sources much earlier and there was a actual game. Eventually I was able to plow through his Mana Leaks with a plethora of titans and Inkmoth Nexused for the win.
Round 2
Vs. U/W Spirits
Game 1- Won through double Drogskol Captain with some handy double Whipflares and plowed through with titans. He tapped out letting me drop a few.
Game 2- Well I drew no lands on my 1st hand AND 2nd hand. Mulliganing down to 5 I drew 1 land and decided I had to keep. Went downhill pretty fast. On turn 4 he had already dropped 2 Drogskol Captains and Phantasmal Imaged one. I scooped.
Game 3- Same thing as game 1 pretty much. He tapped out letting me play my titans and he couldn't keep up.
Round 3, Final Round
Vs. Esper Superfriends splashing tokens
Game 1- Bad draws, what else to say? Also bad choices and late at night (like 11ish 12ish?), I was trying to Ratchet Bomb a Liliana of the Veil...
Game 2- Bad sideboarding, didn't side in my extra permanent removal like Beast Within and still tried to Ratchet Bomb a Sorin, Lord of Innistrad
*Note to self Ratchet Bomb is for tokens >.> derp ba derp, and get yourself some coffee for late games.
***But overall I didn't too bad for my very first standard tournament, I placed 3rd overall which is weird because the guy that placed 2nd was the guy I beat round 2 >.> ... The guy I played in the final round had a bye so that messed everything up probably.