I think I cracked the Eggs. I found out how to make Pia's Revolution work. And all it took was me looking at an Atog lying on my bedside desk. Remembering that Terrarion exists also helped.
The concept is simple(?). We get a Ravenous Intruder out, followed by Pia's Revolution, followed by quite a few 1- or 0-drop artifacts that we can sac for a pump, followed by either 3 damage to the face or another cast and sac. Rinse, repeat, win.
The Core:
Pia's Revolution - The card I obsessed over to make work. Gives us recursion of our cheap artifacts unless our opponent takes a Lightning Bolt to the face.
Ravenous Intruder - Oh, it's an Atog. Sac artifacts, get bigger, stomp.
Slip Through Space - I'm gonna include this in the core as it is a surefire way to get Ravenous Intruder where it needs to be: In your opponent's face.
The Eggs:
Terrarion - Mana fixing and card draw. The mana fixing is absolutely secondary to the card draw, allowing us to cycle through our deck.
Implement of Ferocity - We're often not gonna use the self-sacrificing ability, since it's off color. The important things are the mana cost and the second ability. Being a 1-drop allows us to re-cast it off of Pia's Revolution and the fact that it draws us a card on death is the only reason it's here in the first place.
Implement of Combustion - The on-color 1-drop implement. Not that we plan on sacking it by itself. Same as above, but we can use the first ability.
Ornithopter - Not quite an egg, but the 0-cost makes it into a Lightning Bolt practically guaranteed unless our opponent doesn't realize their mistake the first time.
The Protection:
Void Shatter - With Torrential Gearhulk in the format, we need to be cautious of removal, since we are COMPLETELY reliant on sticking a Ravenous Intruder. Void Shatter Helps that by exiling whatever it counters, making it untargetable by the firehose automaton.
Shock - Bzzt. It's back. One-drop removal that kills a LOT of things in the format. It can also go face if we really need it to.
This deck is hella reliant on Ravenous Intruder, so if you don't like only having one win con you should probably find a different.