smashadams83 says... #2
I think that my number of sphinxes is pretty good right now so i can chain a ton of them into play in one turn psuedo storming off. both ambassador and arbiter have been good but thus far. With the number I have I can basically put almost all of them down sometimes.
I haven't run into trouble w/ getting out unesh early, I would say normally turn 4 is the average.
I would like to add a Mana Crypt but I dont have one. (And that would be a great target for Tolaria West).Trading Post looks like so unassuming but it does look like a great utility card. I might give that a try.
I generally target Reliquary Tower or Nykthos with tolaria west. I really try to prioritize getting Reliquary Tower or Thought Vessel out as once you start storming off and untapping you just have all the answers and can protect the board state. I've had people just scoop from the sheer card advantage!I've found that the deck is hungry for blue mana so nykthos has been great as well as Gilded Lotus. Again, I think the higher number of sphinx I run might make a difference with nykthos here compared to other builds. I feel like Lotus+Paradox Engine+another mana rock and I can storm off and play a ton of sphinx. This is another reason why I like Sword of Feast and Famine; It can make a difference when you need that colored mana and normally I can push a flyer through for damage. Plus, the sword protects unesh and makes him a faster clock. I need to find room for the sword.
Imprisoned in the Moon is another awesome removal, great for getting rid of commanders as well, love this card.
- my other sweeper in addition to Cyclonic Rift and Curse of the Swine would be Capsize and it has worked great for me. I was thinking of putting some mass bounce effects in but they just dont work as the deck relies on mana rocks too much and it would be a huge tempo loss.
thanks for the comments and let me know if you come across any other sweet tech for the deck! Unesh is underrated and people dont see him or the card advantage train coming until its too late.
February 19, 2018 3:43 p.m.
Love the list!
Why no Extraplanar Lens and Snow-covered lands though?
February 19, 2019 7:49 p.m.
Did the list perform well with only 1 wipe?
I would add one more mass bouncer... or things like Oblivion Stone .
March 17, 2019 8:38 p.m.
smashadams83 says... #5
Gwathnar that’s a good suggestion I should add it for some extra ramp.
Wedjat while I do have rift , I also have Curse of the Swine to take care of creatures and also Duplicant which can be abused with Crystal Shard and becomes absurd if I have shard with a paradox engine setup to exile all of my opponents’ creatures. Addionally, I have a good amount of countermagic to take care of problem cards. O stone is a good suggestion though as I can tutor for it easily. I’ll keep that on the maybeboard in case I find I need it going forward.
noshadowkick says... #1
Dude, I just tried to post an in depth comment and for some reason tapped out just deleted my post instead. I don't have time to re-type everything but here is the gist of my thoughts.
1) You run several more sphinxes than I do. How have the ones like Sphinx Ambassador and Arbiter of the Ideal been performing?
2) Land count seems low. Have you run into issues getting Unesh out on time?
3) I highly recommend Trading Post the card draw and artifact recursion are the best parts, but making tokens and gaining life can be great on defense and untappers just take this card to the next level.
4) What do you usually tutor for with Tolaria West? I may pick one up and give it a shot.
5) I like that you run multiple pieces of spot removal, I think I'm going to give Rapid Hybridization a shot.
6) It doesn't seem like you run any sweepers outside of Cyclonic Rift. Have you had issues with not being able to reset the board when you need to? Evacuation is a great option.
February 19, 2018 9:55 a.m.