A Rose By Any Other Name (Esper Gifts)

Modern trixster87


Looks like a good start!

Quick note on mana costs: I'd swap the Languish for a Day of Judgment because it is another WW boardwipe so you don't need BB when you Gifts for a bunch of wraths.

Inquisition of Kozilek is much better than Blackmail, but I'd say Duress is actually better than Blackmail as well. IoK is preferred, but Duress is understandable.

I'd swap 2 Serum Visions for 2 Celestial Colonnade preferably, but 2 more lands in general will help a lot. You really need 25.

Otherwise I think the deck looks pretty good! Gifts is far from a solved archetype, so you have a lot of room to adjust your focus and play stuff you like, as long as you keep an open mind and are honest to yourself on how well a card is working. Good luck!

December 19, 2015 3:56 p.m.

trixster87 says... #2

ToolmasterOfBrainerd on the discard spells: I thought the point was to have the option to target yourself to pitch a fatty if you drew it. Is that just a bonus and the main point hand disruption on your opponent?

I'll probably drop in 2 Shambling Vent I know they're not as good as colonnades but I have them so $0 is better $20 a pop.

I chose Languish as the mana base is from my mill deck so its heavy on the blue and black.

December 19, 2015 11:21 p.m.

Vents are pretty good in gifts, actually. They'll work just fine.

The main point of your discard spells is for your opponent. The only time you use them on yourself is when you have Unburial Rites. Other than that they're used to slow your opponent down and buy yourself time.

I'd still run Day of Judgment over Languish. You have enough white and playing well with your other sweepers is pretty important.

December 19, 2015 11:35 p.m.

trixster87 says... #4

ToolmasterOfBrainerd I've finished ironing out my main board but could use some help getting the sideboard up to speed.

The slots I'm not sure on are: 2 Crypt Incursion, 2 Darkness and the numbers on the rest.

December 21, 2015 9:13 a.m.

Nianmis says... #5

Ashiok is a he.....

January 2, 2016 11:14 a.m.

trixster87 says... #6

Nianmis: technically Ashiok is genderless I just used female but feel free to use male-

January 2, 2016 12:20 p.m.

Nianmis says... #7

Oh....Also +1

January 2, 2016 4:28 p.m.

Sk0oMa says... #8

Hey man, thanks for the credit! Next time tag my name so I can be notified haha, I just by chance clicked on the deck because it was featured lol!ToolmasterOfBrainerd, I'll take it from here lol thanks pal! But seriously, all his advice was pretty spot on and I see you have implemented most of it. The lilis are not as much a major necessity for you as they are for me, as I used them to also pitch my fatties etc, same goes for discard effects, I run a couple thoughtseize mainly to disrupt opponent, but it has the extra bonus versatility of getting rites or fatty out of my hand if need be, not too important for you here...that being said, I highly suggest a split of thoughtseize, IOK, and Duress, probably 2/3/1 respectively. I'll just say that the polymorph was/is kind of a pet project type thing of mine, so in that particular version I was dead set on using it, which is why I couldn't run snaps or baby Jace. Speaking of, Jace is not too great with counterspells, i'd drop them for 2 esper charm, and 2 timely reinforcements (which NEEDS to be in your 75 regardless!).

January 22, 2016 12:19 a.m.

trixster87 says... #9

Sk0oMa- While I know IOK is the better hand disruption for budget and availability issues I'm running Blackmail and Duress.Raven's Crime is a one of since it lets me play from the grave and can help with mana floods. (I have retraced 6 times in one game when I got severely flooded... I lost that one go figure)
I agree jace jr. doesn't synergize well with counterspells and in general counterspells aren't great in modern. I'm not sure about having charm or timely right now as the 3 drop slot is pretty filled with ashiok, downfall and souls. I can safely say at the least I'm actively looking to change the Spell Pierce slot as it rarely shows up early and is a horrid mid/late game draw. The question is kill, discard, or bodies... I may put a single copy of Timely there as I like chump blockers and a lifegain source besides lifelinkers is nice.

January 22, 2016 8:17 a.m.

Omeros says... #11

You must hate Rest in Peace even more than Dredge does.

March 3, 2017 4:06 p.m.

trixster87 says... #12

No, its annoing but I can play a fair game and hard cast every threat. My gift piles get worse but will generally start gifting for what I don't want so I can just draw the good stuff.

March 3, 2017 4:15 p.m.

I love this deck, I love esper control. When is Baneslayer a good option over the other wincons?

March 17, 2017 11:05 a.m.

trixster87 says... #14

It helps to stabize the board and its evasive flying gets around board stalls. So works really well when your opponent has a bunch of ground chumps.

March 17, 2017 11:14 a.m.

Jackfrost23 says... #15

Could you take a look at my budget Esper gifts list? I would really appreciate your feedback. Budget Gifts Control

October 1, 2020 11:53 a.m.

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