Took 2nd place. I had to make some modifications to the deck due to some of the cards not showing up on time, however, I was quite pleased.
1st round went 2-0 against a 5 color Soulflayer/Chromanticore deck. First game was great, T1 swamp into Bloodsoaked Chamion T2 Temple of Silence into another Bloodsoaked Champion. T3 Mountain into Chief of the Edge and from there I just kept swinging until game over. 2nd game was longer. He got his Sylvan Caryatid up early and I didn't have anything to push through with until turn 5 Zurgo Helmsmasher. Did the 7 damage, then got hit with a Banishing Light. Soulflayer came out next turn, delved with Chromanticore. Thankfully, I was able to Crackling Doom it, and once my Utter End resolved on the Banishing Light, Zurgo was free and victory was at hand!
2nd round went 1-1-1 against Sultai Control. I got hit with everything from Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver to Kiora Crashing Wave, Ugin, the Spirit Dragon and Tasigur, the Golden Fang. Game 1 ran long and I only had 2 cards left in my library before I won. Game 2 I lost and Game 3 went to rounds and was a draw.
3rd round went 1-2 against Mono Green Devotion using manifest and Whisperwood Elemental. I fell behind in Game 1 and as a last ditch effort I pulled an end of turn Secure the Wastes for 6 1/1 warrior tokens. On my turn I used Descent of the Dragons to turn them into 4/4 red dragon tokens. Too little too late. He put monstrosity on his Polukranos, World Eater and killed 3 of the tokens. Game 2 I won fast. Bloodsoaked Champion into Chief of the Edge into another Chief of the Edge was just too nasty too fast. Game 3 he got me again.
All in all I really like the deck. I didn't have Butcher of the Horde in the deck at the time, and I can tell you that there is a bit of tempo loss not having something in the 4 drop slot. Also, I am thinking about swapping out Descent of the Dragons for Obelisk of Urd. I feel that it will be a better synergy with the other warriors. I also found that around turn 5 I started running out of gas, so I am going to try running Damnable Pact to refill my hand late game. Worst case, I use it on my opponent as a black fireball.