NiRouBolas says... #2
Until the block shifts, bant hexproof is gonna be broken with cards like Invisible Stalker and Witchstalker (although this one will be around for a long time). Seeing this great threat, I put 2x Ray of Revelation in my sideboard to disarm their creatures. Also, I'm running 2x Bonfire of the Damned mainboard to ward off creatures who are hexproof without blowing up my slivers. Bonfire is only 10 bucks at the stores near me now. So the money problem isn't as serious as it used to be with that card.
July 16, 2013 4:12 p.m.
As I had stated previously I won't be able to attend FNM with this deck until at least september, so personally I am not so worried about pre-rotation decks. Bonfire is a great wiper to choose for a sliver deck, though along with ray of revelations should you not also have some artifact hate? Runechanter's Pike + Invisible Stalker is still going to be a problem until the rotation.
July 18, 2013 10:06 a.m.
I've thought about it but Shimmering Grotto is too much of a trap card for me to see as really viable. I may still do it if I get ahold of 4x grottos but I may just save the 4 land slots for shocks.
July 19, 2013 2:12 p.m.
I am considering adding in maybe 2 or 3 Darksteel Ingot s to help out more with mana fixing but am not sure where I could make room for it. I don't want to take land out for them, though once they hit the field they can be looked at as land themselves. I also don't want to take out any creatures, instants or my 2 doors. If anyone feels like the ingots are a good fit and has a suggestion of what to take out or sideboard for them let me know. Thanks.
July 23, 2013 7:17 p.m.
nicktack15 says... #7
I see what you're talking about with the Darksteel Ingot ..... It would be a great add, but there is nothing to take out.... You could possibly take out 1 Groundshaker Sliver and run 2 Darksteel Ingot s and run 61 cards (The extra card helps against mill decks =D). Nice deck man. +1 from me!
Check out my sliver deck sometime, if you don't mind... Naya Slivers
July 25, 2013 11:58 p.m.
Cyber Locc says... #8
nice I thought about making a sliver deck. You defiantly need Hive Stirrings
July 26, 2013 11:55 a.m.
I originally had Hive Stirrings in the deck but with 30 slivers plus the 4 Mutavault s I felt I had enough creatures and that the 3 mana could be better spent elsewhere at that point (a darksteel ingot to help ramp into groundshaker or megantic for example)
July 26, 2013 12:07 p.m.
feyn_do_alduin says... #10
There's no point in running a single of any sliver unless you have a reliable way to cycle through your deck for it,... Just saying.
July 26, 2013 2:37 p.m.
connorcommando says... #12
I don't think the Savage Summoning is really necessary. It's nice to flash things in, but I think you'd rather have a higher threat density right? If you have the money Domri Rade is great in very high creature count decks like this. Also, the ingots probably should be Chromatic Lantern unless you are running into a lot of pinpoint artifact removal. I'd recommend:
-4 Savage Summoning , -2 Darksteel Ingot , +2 Domri Rade +2 Chromatic Lantern
July 31, 2013 7:49 p.m.
Thanks Connor, after some playtesting I had been starting to question Savage Summoning , it may go sideboard in the event that I run into counterspells. I like Domri Rade and if I can grab a couple lanterns I will throw them in as well.
July 31, 2013 8:29 p.m.
Drop Darksteel Ingot in favor of Chromatic Lantern . It's significantly more powerful since it changes the color of all your lands to any color you like and it costs the same to put out. Also, if you have the funds, 4x Cavern of Souls is significantly more powerful than 4x Savage Summoning , it also will leave 4 vacant spots that you can fill with something interesting like Detention Sphere or a couple Sphinx's Revelation .
July 31, 2013 8:33 p.m.
I don't want to use Cavern of Souls as it will be rotating, but popping a Sphinx's Revelation with this deck would be hilarious. As soon as I get the Lanterns I will swap out the Ingots. Thank you both for the suggestions.
July 31, 2013 8:38 p.m.
Also, Groundshaker Sliver just doesn't seem that good of a card, especially if you're running Galerider Sliver . I feel like it's way too expensive for what it does and may just end up being a dead draw more often than not. I personally like Thorncaster Sliver as a 3 or 4 of.
Are you able to play this deck with no mana issues? You're running all five colors and the fact that you can't use Cavern of souls and have to rely on Lanterns to pull out what you need just seems risky.
I have a 3 color variant that I am running. RGW Slivers
Plus slivers are very vulnerable to removal. On top of the Boros Charm you may want to consider Ranger's Guile to protect your manaweft's.
August 5, 2013 1:55 p.m.
@Kazan I had considered the war chant but decided to go with added burn spells along with the elixirs in case I need to replenish my library or just want to shuffle it up.
I am starting to agree with your thoughts on the groundshaker though. In playtesting it really hasn't made a huge difference, between flying from the galerider as you pointed out or the pinging for 1 from thorncaster, I usually don't have to worry about damage getting through. I may take them out for a couple more thorncasters.
As for mana issues and removal, I don't generally have to worry about mana since one a lantern hits the field all my land tap for anything and if I don't get a lantern out early I will probably get a manaweft out which allows my slivers to act as whatever color I need. I would rather run something like Mizzium Skin
for the hexproof effect since it won't rotate out come theros.
August 5, 2013 2:17 p.m.
Ranger's Guile was printed in M14 btw. And green will be easier to pull out than a blue. I don't know how I feel about Ratchet Bomb or the Massive Raid 's and would probably put the war chants/ranger's guile's instead of those. I feel like ratchet bomb is good but probably won't make much use out of it if i keep it there all game, so you would probably want to use it at 2-3 counters, whereas you have a lot of creatures that are 2-3 drops. Just my opinion though.
August 5, 2013 4:10 p.m.
K so the deck i linked earlier wasn't mine so I changed the name. lol
August 5, 2013 4:12 p.m.
oh sweet I didn't know Ranger's Guile was reprinted I will definitely run it then.
August 5, 2013 4:53 p.m.
Hey i really like the way this deck works out what are your thoughst about Door of Destinies and adding Aurelia, the Warleader if you can manage to either cut some Boros Charm for it? I had originally thought that Oak Street Innkeeper would be good with Manaweft Sliver but other people told me that it wouldn't really be doing much but being a 1/2 for 3 when you could be playing other better sliver creatures. also what are you're thought on running Ranger's Guile in sideboard? Great deck list and by looking at your deck i really want to try this at my FNM xD!!! hope to hear what you have to say!!!
August 8, 2013 3 a.m.
i also forgot to read where you said that you didn't want any M13 or AVR or RTR blocks in the deck but i would at least like to try all the cheap stuff while i still can before post rotation! Also, one more thing any thoughts on adding other sideboard cards like Gruul War Chant vs Electrickery as both are really good against certain matchups but yeah sorry i'm flooding your wall here lol. xD!
August 8, 2013 3:20 a.m.
Hey WizKerr Funny you should ask about Door of Destinies
, I originally had it in my maionboard but after some playtesting I found that being a 4 drop it wasn't coming out early enough and to be honest, after playtesting without it, I haven't missed it at all.
Aurelia is an interesting card and would be a neat trick in this deck but since I am gaining so many bonuses from my slivers and/or a domri emblem I don't feel Aurelia would play any major role in the deck. Also since Boros Charm is in here for the sole purpose of saving my permanents from wrath effects, I want all four to get as much chance of drawing it as possible.
Ranger's Guile on the other hand, I am really going to try and find a way to fit it in to give some protection to the manawefts. I had thought about the war chant but ended up deciding against it in favor of more burn spells, and electrickery is just too small a burn spell for this deck which is why i went with Shock , Annihilating Fire , Massive Raid and Mizzium Mortars . the Mortars have been huge in playtesting as I can usually overload it, clear the opponents board and swing in with a bunch of slivers.
One thing I want to mention is that Domri Rade has been the single best addition to this deck. The card advantage he generates is great and feeding slivers to your hand is awesome.
Thank you very much for your thoughts, I hope you enjoy the deck and would love to see any version you come up with.
August 8, 2013 8:13 a.m.
zarkophine says... #25
Just curious with the syphon sliver being removed shouldn't this be retagged as a 4C
AjMcGamer says... #1
Would it be worth it to remove silence, put 2 savage summonings in the sideboard and add 2 Mizzium Mortars to the main?
July 16, 2013 10:09 a.m.