
Creature (2)

Enchantment (3)


Enchantment (1)

Sorcery (1)


This deck is like Snapcaster Mage and Chandra Ablaze had a baby. That's exactly my speculation for the art of Disciple of the Ring. If it had a lower cmc I'd include it in the deck, but in a modern environment this build just won't allow it.

The main focus of this deck is overwhelming the opponent with triggering Guttersnipe's abilities with rebound, cipher and flashback. Even if you miss the snipe, you can still easily use conventional burn to win.

This is one of those decks that has the potential to take your opponent from 20 to 0 in one turn if a Guttersnipe is left unchecked.Snapcaster Mage allows for some insane plays and by gosh will your opponent's be surprised at what you can do with 4 mana.


  • Distortion Strike - Unblockable damage is an important aspect of this deck. Unblockable is almost an requirement for deck's which incorporate cipher spells such as Hidden Strings. This will be seen more clearly in the "card interactions" section. Having rebound, this card's value is doubled when considering Guttersnipe's ability.

  • Hidden Strings - Effectively a free spell after untapping the land required to play it. Ciphering this onto any creature, preferably Invisible Stalker acts as two extra mana each turn or can essentially give two of our creatures vigilance. Every time the creature does combat damage the spell is being re-cast meaning Guttersnipe's ability will activate.

  • Snapcaster Mage - Every deck running instant and sorcery spells needs this guy. He is a huge part of the inspiration of this deck. There's just such a sense of satisfaction in snapcasting a Mana Leak or Lightning Bolt on the opponent's turn. Of course, his synergy with Guttersnipe and Satyr Firedancer is insane as you're for all intensive purposes adding a whole other playset of Lightning Bolts.

  • Mana Leak - Pretty basic counter spell. The reason I've chosen this over Remand or Delay is that these games go fairly fast, especially in modern. Mana Leak is the only one of these which actually has the potential to deal with the threat then and there as opposed to delaying it. Even though Remand replaces itself and seems like it'd fit well with the deck, in playtest I much rather Mana Leak.

  • Spell Pierce - This will regularly be side boarded with Dispel against a lot of match-ups however buys us some time. I'm considering flat out replacing this for Shock or Lava Spike for a more aggro build, however currently I like the role it fills.


  • Guttersnipe - The absolute power house of this deck. Two damage for every instant or sorcery played is insane considering abilities such as cipher, rebound and flashback.

  • Lightning Bolt - Staple in any deck as far as I'm concerned. With a Guttersnipe out it's 4 of these for the win.

  • Izzet Charm - It'll Negate a spell, Shock a creature or just fix us some cards we need. Versatility is a key factor in terms of the effectiveness of this deck.

  • Electrolyze - This is great for shooting down a couple of Arbor Elfs or even as a Shock the ability to draw a card and replace itself is why this card is loved so much.

  • Satyr Firedancer - You'll never need to waste your burn on creatures again, just go straight for the head and this guy will take care of the rest.

  • Blood Moon - There's a reason this card is so expensive. It's amazing. The majority of modern decks will have fetch lands, shock lands and other manlands such as Mutavault and this just shuts them down completely. Unless they've sideboarded mana... they can be totally screwed. I'm not sure if Blood Moon damages myself too much though. Perhaps I need to add more basic islands.

  • Dispel - Sides in for Spell Pierce against other burn or control decks.

  • Flashfreeze - replaces Mana Leak against or matchups.

  • Grafdigger's Cage - against dredge

  • Hibernation - Green, especially against elf ramp

  • Hurkyl's Recall - Affinity/tron

  • Spellskite - anything which has spells that target things. No but really, mostly just aura/hexproof and burn in some situations.

One of the most important things to do in this deck is control the early game. Don't be afraid to Lightning Bolt or Dispel early threats. Try to make sure you can protect your Guttersnipe with Dispell, Remand and Izzet Charm, all of which trigger his ability.

In playing this deck there are quite a few things you can do

Guttersnipe + Lightning Bolt + Remand - allows you to do 9 damage and draw a card for .

Distortion Strike + Guttersnipe - allows for 5 damage

Hidden Strings + Invisible Stalker - provides two extra mana each turn for saving a Remand or Izzet Charm.

Snapcaster Mage + Vapor Snag - snagging your own snapcaster let's you play him again for extra value.

Guttersnipe + Hidden Strings + Invisible Stalker - If you already have stalker strings set up, then playing a Guttersnipe will mean an extra 2 damage each turn from the strings.

Feedback and support is welcomed and if you have some spare time you can also look at some of my other creations

The Etherium (Esper Artifacts)

Modern Loyalty


Thankyou for Reading!


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The deck has undergone extremely heavy changes but now it's better than ever. With new formatting, a new name, and new spells added; A Snapcaster's Fury is ready for a whole new life and I can't wait to take it to FNM.

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Revision 6 See all

(3 years ago)

Top Ranked
  • Achieved #14 position overall 8 years ago
Date added 10 years
Last updated 1 year
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This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 0 Mythic Rares

11 - 9 Rares

18 - 4 Uncommons

12 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.89
Folders Ideas, KNIGHTS, Reading List, Decks bro, Modern Deck Ideas, Modern interesting, Modern decks to try, decks, top decks, Tibalt Stuff
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