A Song Of Fire And Steel!!!

Commander / EDH Hakuryu


famzim13 says... #1

For a deck like this one I would highly recommend Puresteel Paladin . My feelings of Decree of Annihilation are negative in a deck like this, it works it decks with Jhoira as general but in this instance I feel like most of the time it might be a dead card. Shattering Pulse may work well for spot artifact destruction.

December 5, 2012 8:37 a.m.

Hakuryu says... #2

well thanks for the advises i ll follow them!!

December 5, 2012 10:20 a.m.

camity says... #3

December 5, 2012 noon

Hakuryu says... #4

i dont play so many artifact creatures as you can see so i guess this fellow here isnt suitable for my deck

December 5, 2012 12:01 p.m.

darklordnot says... #5

Mycosynth Lattice .

with vandalblast its insane

December 14, 2012 6:59 p.m.

gibson0111 says... #6

Bludgeon Brawl

Because who doesn't want to hit someone in the face with a Darksteel Forge

December 21, 2012 1:46 a.m.

Hakuryu says... #7

Its true but also i dont want to see my 9 mana indestructible 'burger' artifact being countered so i changed the tactic of the deck :)

January 4, 2013 4:07 p.m.

Ambear says... #8

I just really like the name of this deck - GRRM inspired?

January 20, 2013 5:58 p.m.

Hakuryu says... #9

Yeap Game Of Thrones gave me this inspiration :)

January 21, 2013 1:29 a.m.

Kirtanian says... #10

I have a jor Kadeen deck and I love Master Warcraft in it. Especially since I can cast it with Sunforger . I second Puresteel Paladin as well. Free equip and card draw in a deck like this is fantastic. Leonin Shikari alongside Puresteel Paladin is just brutal as well.

January 21, 2013 2:21 p.m.

Love the name :D Game of Thrones is amazing

January 22, 2013 2:47 p.m.

Dandelo says... #12

I also have a Jor Kadeen deck and I third Puresteel Paladin , the card draw is awesome. Why do you have Ray of Distortion ? It's so expensive, especially flashbacked and there's plenty of cheaper artifact destruction spells out there. Also it's not a huge thing but Breath of Life over Resurrection , it does the same thing but doesn't take an extra plains. Hellkite Igniter has been good for me too, Kemba, Kha Regent , Spiraling Duelist , and Loxodon Punisher are other good creatures for this deck.

January 23, 2013 3:02 a.m.

Hakuryu says... #13

Thanks for the advise i ll try to follow it

January 23, 2013 12:42 p.m.

timmywitt says... #14

I have a Jor-Kadeen deck until I get enough lands to make it into a Karn, Silver Golem deck. I disliked equipment in it (though you have much better ones than I did) so I dumped in tons of artifacts that make creatures, no matter how small. I love Blinkmoth Urn in it, and it has tons of cheap creature generators like Myr Turbine Throne of Empires and even Nuisance Engine . Then after you have a few of them developed, get that Darksteel Forge out or wreck a Soulscour for the win after you get a few ingots out. Tower of Fortunes was also nice to draw more cards. I have tons of fun with it, and when Jor-Kadeen hits the field it makes all of your cheap little Pests into 3/4's. So much fun, +1 for the cheapest commander in MTG haha. (Note to self: add Skullclamps to your regime. Turns Myr Turbine into "1,Tap: Draw two cards."

February 26, 2013 7 a.m.

Hakuryu says... #15

I know what you mean. I tried a Myr-Kadeen once but it failed really hard... all it had was small artifacts like Memnite and many myrs artifacts like Myr Propagator in order to gather a myr army. It didnt really work cause when people saw me gathering myrs they thowned a mass or they just destroyed my artifacts so I couldnt do more... I believe that this deck runs better than the previous one

February 26, 2013 9:15 a.m.

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