Bloodstained Mire - Fetch lands serve the twofold purpose of mana fixing, ensuring that you have the correct colors of mana when you need them, and thinning the deck. The more popular choice for this slot is
Verdant Catacombs, which allows Dead Guy Ale players to splash green for
Tarmagoyf and
Deathrite Shaman. While I can see the inherent value of the two cards, I have always felt that the third color is risky in decks where you cannot control your draws. Decks running blue, have access to
Brainstorm, and
Preordain, which solves many of their color fixing options.
1x Horizon Canopy - While I said I wasn't splashing green, the illusion of doing so creates some confusion for my opponents, perhaps lulling them into expecting certain threats that aren't really there. While this is a completely political move, the card does provide an additional white source of mana, another target for wasteland (which protects the lands I need most), and in the late game, it can be used to give me another draw outlet.
1x Karakas - The ability to protect Thalia, Guardian of Thraben against storm and spell decks is amazing value, but it also works against decks running legendary creatures, prevent them from becoming serious threats.
4x Marsh Flats - Black and white mana fixing, as well as more deck thinning.
2x Plains - Provides a solid option to play around Wasteland and Blood Moon.
3x Scrubland - While most would run a full playset of these dual lands, I've opted to add in an additional basic land, as most decks running Wasteland run a full playset, making these lands prime targets for land destruction.
1x Shambling Vent - This doubles as fixing for my double white or double black spells, and provides me with a body that can attack and gain me life post board wipe, ensuring that I maintain a threat on the board.
4x Swamp - More basics to play around Wasteland and Blood Moon.
2x Wasteland - A way to remove troublesome lands, creature lands, utility lands, or to shut my opponents out of a color of mana that I do not want my opponent to have access to.
2x Windswept Heath
- More thinning, more mana fixing, but this provides me with an additional way to get just white mana for the spells I need it for.