What a heinous deck! +1000 if I could! Have a splendid day!
November 26, 2016 11:07 a.m.
AceGambitDragonfly says... #3
Oh man, I actually recently built a deck kind of like this (just uploaded here: Enemy Forces). Red lets you play Rakdos Charm though, I'm stuck with Stronghold Discipline which is a total finisher a lot of times. I see you have Authority of the Consuls on the maybeboard, I've actually been considering adding Blind Obedience to my deck as well. +1
December 22, 2016 3:43 p.m.
hyperlocke says... #4
@The7thBobba: Thanks, man!
@AceGambitDragonfly: Yeah, I'm testing Authority of the Consulate over Soul Warden right now. Not because of the entering tapped part, but because it's an enchantment and my meta doesn't run many enchantment removals, but many creature removals.
The only bad thing about it is that it prevents "fresh" tokens from dealing damage to my opponent via Angel's Trumpet...
December 23, 2016 8:01 a.m.
AceGambitDragonfly says... #5
If you're worried about Angel's Trumpet, you could try Juntu Stakes instead. It's 1 less mana and also kind of doubles as an attack prevention, and if you're also running Authority of the Consuls you don't ever even have to worry about those pesky 1/1s you're handing over.
December 23, 2016 8:34 a.m.
hyperlocke says... #6
@AceGambitDragonfly: Oh, I'm not worried. It's just that I'm testing the Trumpet, too. It works, but it irks me that it doesn't consider fresh tokens when they enter tapped. Other than that, it seems like a great replacement for Massacre Wurm, which always feels a bit clunky.
But I very much like the lockdown of Authority of the Consulate and Juntu Stakes. I just like Ghostly Prison even better.
December 23, 2016 9:08 a.m.
hyperlocke says... #7
I tested/played new cards for so long that I forgot to update this list...
Authority of the Consuls replaces Soul Warden. It doesn't give me life when a creature enters on my side, but it is less suspectible to removal.
Angel's Trumpet replaces Massacre Wurm. This one was hard. Massacre Wurm was one of the cards that caused this deck to exist and it is a great finisher. But it costs too much. Mostly, it came down around turn 9 or 10, and that's too slow. When Ghostly Prison is out, Angel's Trumpet deals quite a lot of damage to my opponent each turn, which leads to me winning faster.
I'm currently thinking about replacing Suture Priest with Trespasser's Curse, because it is an enchantment and gives me much more life. The problem is that it would turn this deck into a strict duel deck, as the Curse affects only one player... Thoughts?
July 1, 2017 6:12 a.m.
Hey. I'm back after a while and I must say I never considered the trumpet. I will note that I've played with trespassers curse. It's a real all star. It's suturepriest+ which was originally one of the best cards in my deck imo. I'll vouch for it any day. Not sure if I'd replace suture with it. I'd rather find room. But if I can only have 1 id probably go with curse. I know the deck has a tendency to drop hand but do you need the 3 Night's Whisper?
July 3, 2017 9:10 p.m.
hyperlocke says... #9
@aholder7: Thanks, your comment gave me a lot to think about!
I tested Trespasser's Curse on Sunday and it was great in duel games. The additional life gain helped quite a bit to survive a destroyed Ghostly Prison, and burn decks couldn't remove the Curse (as opposed to Suture Priest). But as expected, it made the deck worse in multiplayer games. But I did replace Suture Priest and didn't even think about replacing something else...
Card draw is often neccessary to help me find the second for Hunted Phantasm without sinking huge amounts of money into my mana base, and for generally refilling my hand. Night's Whisper was the best option back when I played only 4 enchantments. If I do decide to play the Curse, this deck would run 10 to 12 enchantments. I could probably get away with playing 2 Argothian Enchantresses or Enchantress's Presences and draw more cards than with 3 Whispers.
If you control Ghostly Prison, Angel's Trumpet wins the game (and I like it because it's such a "wait, what?" effect). But it isn't unproblematic. Without the Prison, it's pretty much a dead card, and it has a slight dissynergy with Authority of the Consuls.
So, after thinking about this, I'm going to test this: replace the 2 Trumpets, 1 Whisper, and 1 Priest with 4 Curses, replace the other 2 Wishpers with 2 Argothian Enchantresses, and keep 3 Priests to keep the deck suitable for multiplayer and make it more aggressive in duel games.
July 4, 2017 6:02 a.m.
Wow, this deck looks amazing! Especially since most of my friends play token decks, this should be just the antidote. Any particular reason for City of Brass? It seems like an expensive land card that really only takes your health to tap.. I was just wondering if there is something that I'm missing. Thanks!
It'd be awesome if you could lay out the perfect scenario for your turns too, like what players of this meta should look out to play on whatever turn. Again, it looks great and I love out of the box decks like this.. Seriously considering giving this one a try.
July 6, 2017 10:54 p.m.
hyperlocke says... #11
@MrSilk: Thanks for your compliment!
This is turning into a wall of text, so I'll split it up and hide it...
It is very important for color fixing without investing in fetch and dual lands.
The stuff that lets my opponent lose life and protects me is (Suture Priest, Blood Artist, Authority of the Consuls, Ghostly Prison, Zealous Persecution). These are the cards I have to be able to cast, as giving my opponent too many tokens without being protected from them or him losing life is pretty much suicide.
Then there are the cards that give tokens to my opponent: Forbidden Orchard, Varchild's War-Riders, Hunted Phantasm and Mercy Killing. Two of these cards need colors other than black or white.
Now, as I said, the black and white cards are important, so I want to be able to play them early on. I could run fetch and dual lands to achieve that and still be able to pay the red and blue for the other cards, but, you know, money. So I only run Swamps and Plains, and do the other colors with Forbidden Orchard. And because 4 lands that can produce or aren't enough, I need a few more, this is where City of Brass comes in. The life usually doesn't matter, as I gain enough of that.
I can't give you a definite rundown. It really depends on your hand. Nevertheless, here are a few pointers:
Generally, as I said above, you don't want to give your opponent too many tokens without him losing life or being protected (at least gaining life from Authority of the Consuls). Then again, if you have the right cards and think you can be fast enough, go for it (see below).
Get Authority of the Consuls and Ghostly Prison down as soon as possible.
If you have Varchild's War-Riders and Suture Priest in hand, play the Riders first, as that way around will result in more damage, even if you miss the trigger of the first token. Also, if you control the Riders and Blood Artist, attack with the Riders. Most (casual) opponents who haven't yet played against this deck will block with all tokens, which results in them getting 2 damage plus losing life for every token (and you gaining that much).
Hunted Phantasm provides the most value with Suture Priest. But you should play it even if you don't control the Priest. It adds 5 damage to Rakdos Charm and Blood Artist and is an unblockable attacker!
You can take damage! If your Ghostly Prison gets destroyed, depending on your hand and board, it might be better to take the damage than to kill the tokens with Ratchet Bomb. Saving up tokens is almost always better than killing them off in small bursts, and you should have gotten plenty of life with Authority of the Consuls.
If you control Blood Artist and Ratchet Bomb, it is nice to have Zealous Persecution in hand, as most opponents will try to kill the Artist before the tokens die.
While Rakdos Charm has three very relevant modes, I think you should only destroy an artifact or exile a graveyard if not doing so would lose you the game. Let them have a small advantage in order for you to win so much easier.
Maths! Be sure about your numbers! I lost a few games because I thought I couldn't deal enough damage this turn and decided to wait, only to realize later that I hadn't considered the tokens from tapping the Orchard for casting Rakdos Charm or similar things.
I think this is the fastest this deck can win (life without considering combat):
- Turn 1: Forbidden Orchard, Authority of the Consuls. Tokens: 1, my life: 20, opponent's life: 20.
- Turn 2: Forbidden Orchard, Suture Priest. T: 3, ml: 22, ol: 20.
- Turn 3: Forbidden Orchard, Hunted Phantasm. T: 11, ml: 31, ol: 12.
- Turn 4: Forbidden Orchard, Rakdos Charm.
You could manage that with only one Forbidden Orchard in turn 1 (turn 3: 8 tokens and 14 life, turn 4: attack with Phantasm, Rakdos Charm), but if we go to Magical Christmas Land, we might as well go all the way.
TheRedGoat says... #1
@hyperlocke I was keeping the build R/G initially due to the board wide mana ramps available, such as Overabundance and Zhur-Taa Ancient, but from what you've suggested card-wise it feels like, if I did choose between white or black, then I'm essentially picking between self protection or opponent punishment effects. And in that regard I would lean towards self preservation.
I do know I would not run the Hippo though, as if I had to drop red or green then it would be the green (I like playing Warp World too badly).
September 1, 2016 3:03 p.m.