A Tribute to Chandra

Commander / EDH* Ekuryua


Aroix says... #1

Hey there, i love the idea!

Was thinking of creating mono-decks based on the new magic origins set, Currently i am running Hell Hath No Fury Like Jaya Ballard Scorned which initially i wanted to swap for Chandra before it was spoiled, though i may just have her as an include without having to change around the deck too much.

But take a look, being similar i am sure you can get some ideas I do recommend:

Extraplanar Lens
Mind's Eye
Gauntlet of Power
Furnace of Rath
Dictate of the Twin Gods


June 27, 2015 2:11 p.m.

Ekuryua says... #2

thanks for the suggestions!

Mind's Eye is something i guess i will add.

As for Extraplanar Lens and Gauntlet of Power they are a bit too expensive for me right now, I will have to wait until I have enough saved up for them.

Furnace of Rath and Dictate of the Twin Gods are both quite risky in this deck, I will have to wait and see how this deck plays and then decide.

Thanks again. :)

June 29, 2015 10:54 a.m.

faolmor92 says... #7

You need to up the creature count, but other than that you have quite the destructive deck here.

July 14, 2015 10:19 a.m.

faolmor92 says... #8

definitely add a few phoenix.

July 14, 2015 10:23 a.m.

Ekuryua says... #9

The Question is, which Creatures are worth being added?

I don't know any Phoenixes that are actually useful in EDH, at least not in this one...

July 14, 2015 11:43 a.m.

Player4our says... #10

I'm a huge fan of this. However, I do agree with the majority of thing being said. You do need to up the count of creatures simply to deter strong aggro builds. I would suggest some token making cards or some that are great for dealing damage, like Satyr Firedancer or Rakka Mar. Furnace of Wrath is an absolutely necessary choice as well as any other cards that can double your damage output. It seems risky on when you see it, but when you consider the fact that you will almost always be dealing damage in some way every turn, it will benefit you so much more in the long run. Great start so far!

July 16, 2015 7:20 p.m.

Ender666666 says... #11

Cool deck idea. I'd love to get your thoughts on mine.

Doesn't Play Well With Others Playtest

Commander / EDH Ender666666


July 16, 2015 7:45 p.m.

Ekuryua says... #12

Thanks for the feedback :)

I will most likely add the furnace and dictate later on, but for now I will test it first without them. Satyr Firedancer is in my sideboard and Rakka Mar is a viable option. I will try them out, though I dont believe they will be of much use in my playgroup...

July 16, 2015 10:16 p.m.

Lhurgyof says... #13

Akki Lavarunner would be perfect here.

I'd consider dropping Burn Away.


July 20, 2015 8 a.m.

Ekuryua says... #14

Akki Lavarunner is a bit too unreliable for me, against certain opponents it will be very difficult to flip him and unflipped is he quite useless.

Burn Away is more of a personal favorite, it may be quite expensive for what it does but its a nice and flavourful way to deal with decks that have lots of recursion. So I'd rather keep it :)

Thanks anyway!

July 20, 2015 8:12 a.m.

Ender666666 says... #15

I'm also a huge fan of Burn Away

July 20, 2015 12:49 p.m.

ZeGinger says... #16

you should put in Heartless Hidetsugu for he giggles. any one of those dmg doublers = game end. and you dont even have to feel bad because your playing burn.

July 20, 2015 2:32 p.m.

Ekuryua says... #17

Using his ability with any dmg doublers would kill me too...

He's fun, yes, but I dont think he fits into this deck.

July 21, 2015 9:29 a.m.

Steaditup says... #18

I would be careful with other chandras in your 99. Flame of Kaladesh flips will make you choose, and that seems a bit wasteful. Flavorfully, Chandra's Ignition makes it pretty easy to get chandra to flip. Maybe add Whispersilk Cloak since combat damage counts towards the 3 damage requirement for her to flip.

Also, you're running an awful lot of artifacts for having a general that likes colored spells. I know it's hard to normalize red's power level with the rest of the colors in EDH, but there's still tons of chandra-flavored cards you can add. Chandra's Phoenix perhaps, or Chandra's Spitfire?

July 22, 2015 2 a.m.

Ekuryua says... #19

I think Chandra's Phoenix and Chandra's Spitfire simply aren't good enough for EDH, even if this is more of a flavorful EDH this doesn't mean I don't want it to be good...

Since I play only 5 creatures, cards like Whispersilk Cloak and Chandra's Ignition will be dead cards most of the time and even if they aren't, they simply won't have the impact to justify removing other cards for them.

This is a Chandra EDH, so playing less than all Chandra PW's is not an option (btw flipping her is still pretty easy, even with so many artifacts). Also, if I have her and another Chandra out and want to keep both, I can simply decide not to deal 3 damage to an opponent.

Anyway, Thanks for your thoughts on this, I appreciate it :)

July 22, 2015 9:39 a.m.

H3llfir369 says... #20

Beautifully done. I have zero experience with burn decks as well but I had planned on doing a deck dedicated to Chandra as well since she is one of my favorite planeswalkers. My version is gonna have a fair amount of dragons though. +1 from me!

July 25, 2015 4:31 p.m.

Leonixious says... #23

I'd suggest Galvanoth

August 4, 2015 5:39 p.m.

Ekuryua says... #24

I'd considered Galvanoth myself, but the problem is that about half of my instant and sorceries are spells with X in their mana cost and some of the others are cards that I would rather not play during my upkeep. That leaves maybe 6 cards that work with him, thats not really good.

I thank you for your thoughts on this though

August 4, 2015 10:59 p.m.

doc_cthulhu says... #25

Thanks! This gave me some nice ideas for my own Chandra deck.

August 10, 2015 11:42 a.m.

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