A Vampire Always Pays His Debts...

Modern DjinnjerVitis

SCORE: 64 | 142 COMMENTS | 17819 VIEWS | IN 38 FOLDERS

cptjmaverick says... #1

Doom Blade will just have less targets in current standard than Victim of Night ... simple as that explanation, DjinnjerVitis's after rotation deck features it though

July 20, 2013 1:13 a.m.

Loiden says... #2

July 20, 2013 9:41 a.m.

almalong says... #3

okay, I'm sorry... EVERYONE knows about that combo Loiden I've had people tell me a million ways about this combo, and fun fact, Vizkopa Guildmage has been able to do that for a few months, sorry to go off on your comments DjinnjerVitis, and honestly I just run the Sanguine Bond in my deck because even though the combo is nice I'd rather just have the win condition enchantment its a turn 6 win, at the best of conditions, which is way too slow

July 21, 2013 12:59 a.m.

DjinnjerVitis says... #4

exactly almalong. not only does every white/black deck have some guy trolling this combo on the page, i have came to thr conclusion that it is toooo slow.

July 21, 2013 12:30 p.m.

cyber2 says... #5

Great deck + 1 do you mind taking a look at my orzhov it does alright in some macthups and mine is post rotation so the current standard does have an edge on me but ya let me know what you think. Blood Thief

July 23, 2013 2:33 a.m.

vishnarg says... #6

Ah, but stagtusk is coming...

July 25, 2013 11:26 p.m.

Cyber Locc says... #7

I cant believe you suggested the angel to me lol and you dont run her seriously put her in she is pretty good I put her in and playtested w her it was insane I had a crypt ghast 1 tithe drinker and 2 fiendslayers and a BO out The following turn to her arrival I silenced him and my turn doom bladed one of his creatures and ultimate priced another he still had 1 a 4/4 I extort 4 times all my creatures get +4+4 angel 7/7 slayers 6/6 tithe 6/5 and crypt 6/6 he had 15 life and gg if they would have struck they would have got another +3+3 it was insane that was only time i drew her out of 3 play tests but still shes awsemome

July 26, 2013 2:49 a.m.

Cyber Locc says... #8

ohh by the way this cyber 2 up there long story but this my reg acct i had accidentally upgraded the wrong one yeago fixed it so im back to my reg and my deck is too link should still work tho

July 26, 2013 2:50 a.m.

DjinnjerVitis says... #9

i agree Archangel of Thune is great, but im not sure how well she will function in this deck; i have lots of lifegain triggers, but i honestly think she will only help me in long games; im trying to make the deck faster. i also dont have any.

July 26, 2013 5:38 a.m.

cptjmaverick says... #10

I can vouch for Archangel of Thune , even if it dies after one turn of being out getting off a single trigger of its effect makes creatures like High Priest of Penance a pain for the opponent to deal with... if you come by some have an experiment, its a solid card for 5 mana... btw got some Rhox Faithmender s for my deck finally... didnt realise just how much that card can break a game for you :p

July 26, 2013 6:10 a.m.

Cyber Locc says... #11

Tbh I havent seen a deck thag can turn 4 or better win in rtr and m14 I know you wnat it. Faster but you have a perfect world 6 and I really dont think it will get any faster especially as you said in description exrort and control. Control is slow althought the fastest decks i can think of are rakdos and the playtest I was talking about was against he top rated rakdos deck I beat him twice in a row and if I was a deck without lifegain he would have killed me.

July 26, 2013 10:48 a.m.

Cyber Locc says... #12

When i say cant win turn 4 vacuum aside btw.

July 26, 2013 11:18 a.m.

almalong says... #13

okay, I have 2 Archangel of Thune in my deck and here are a few instances of her making the game ALOT faster, any instance of extort puts a +1/+1 counter on EVERYTHING including the blood barron, obzedat's etb turns into a counter gain, every creatures instance of lifelink triggers her separately, if she hits the board, your opponent has to deal with her then and there or else all of your creatures are going to become crazy powerful

July 27, 2013 6:19 p.m.

cptjmaverick says... #14

somebody sensibly suggested Duress for my deck and i think it actually is a slightly better replacement for Sin Collector ... its two mana less and can clear out enchantments too which is a plus... only negative is that it doesn't exile but for dropping that from turn one its a pretty handy card i hadn't thought of.

July 27, 2013 8:57 p.m.

Noteleks says... #15

Having played against this deck, I can say one thing; it is brutal mid-game and beyond. The only weakness we were able to find after a few hours of experimenting were control heavy decks and well built aggro decks. If you can't get under the mana curve you're going to get your face kicked in by the many mechanics this deck has to offer. +1 from I, good sir.

July 27, 2013 9:05 p.m.

DjinnjerVitis says... #16

my biggest problem has been with control heavy, the mill/tempo with nephy drownyard. i want to run Cavern of Souls in the sideboard to help combat this, but not for 25$ a piece. aggro hasnt been too bad honestly, High Priest of Penance and Tithe Drinker with the low cost removal work wonders. typically save those for Hellrider and Hellkite Tyrant as those are game enders. likeiwse Vampire Nighthawk does a decent job as well at stalling and Silence . its not an easy matchup, by any means, but i feel my biggest weakness is to control, as you pointed out. Thank you for your comment Noteleks.

July 27, 2013 11:28 p.m.

almalong says... #17

my one question, why are you not running Fiendslayer Paladin as well? I can see why you don't want the archangel, she is a very high drop but fiendslayer has been a nightmare for the control decks I've played against, even causing a win against an america delver deck, which (after a horrible mana tap screw up on my part) moved on to win the whole tournament, and running both in your deck is worth consideration, though your deck is quite solid without, possibly run it in your side board for a Vampire Nighthawk replacement against alot of r/b removal? (and if you've already mentioned this in the comment stream I apologize I did look but didn't spot it)

July 28, 2013 5:23 p.m.

DjinnjerVitis says... #18

Fiendslayer Paladin is a great card. i wont refute that. Vampire Nighthawk has inherent protection from Victim of Night and the Doom Blade . he wont die from Pillar of Flame or Shock . Vampire Nighthawk scales well throughout the entire game, as he is evasive (flying) and the deathtouch will remove any creature that isn't indestructible. again, don't get me wrong, i love Fiendslayer Paladin i just dont know where he would go in mainboard, or what'd he replace in sideboard. i'm open to suggestions though. i am about to revamp the sideboard here soon after i do some playtesting against my difficult matchups (mill-tempo has been the hardest) and aggro is tough, but not unbearable.

July 29, 2013 4:18 a.m.

almalong says... #19

I appologize now, but I don't see the consistent use of Immortal Servitude in your side board, so that could be a place to start, because saying you put it in and draw it, on average you might be returning 3-4 2 drops if your lucky and the possibility just drops from there when you talk about 3-5 drops, I used to run them in my deck, and had several more of 2 drop cards at the time (during gatecrash) yet never had it be very usefull, thats my only consideration as to where to start side board wise

July 29, 2013 4:24 a.m.

almalong says... #20

and on another note, have you considered Fireshrieker ? it could be quite the boost in the hands of Vampire Nighthawk , Tithe Drinker or worse of all Blood Baron of Vizkopa

July 29, 2013 4:32 a.m.

DjinnjerVitis says... #21

Fireshrieker is nice, but doesnt quite fit the deck. the main wincons here are Debt to the Deathless and Sanguine Bond with lifelink triggers. board presence isnt the wincon; Fireshrieker would be a disappointing draw 85% of the time

July 29, 2013 5:19 a.m.

almalong says... #22

right, that is the big difference with our decks, i'm trying to push a more board presence one, I never really found debt that great myself, it was nice a few times but more often then not it was a dead draw, I had other things that needed to be played first

July 29, 2013 5:31 a.m.

DjinnjerVitis says... #23

Debt to the Deathless does have that effect at times. i never want it in my starting hand; hence why i only run a 2 of. it does so much though; it can easily win games by itself, it can do enough damage to let creatures through to win; it can transform Blood Baron for the win; it can gain you enough life to survive another turn. against mill-tempo. it is the card i want. its my only answer w/o a sideboard. opponent will eventually tap most of their mana for AEtherling , or pair it with a Silence late game to win it. kinda a niche use in that aspect, but has won 2 matchups at FNM vs mill-tempo. if the meta changes enough to where this deck stops performing well as is, ill probably be going down the same route as you and cptjmaverick with the increased board presence.

July 29, 2013 5:56 a.m.

cptjmaverick says... #24

I'd say my deck is mid way between the two play styles, it makes for some flexibility and gives you a few diffterent ways to win that the oppponent won't always be prepared for... when m13 roles out spot removal is going to take a hit effecting the play style of our decks somewhat

July 29, 2013 7:34 a.m.

DjinnjerVitis says... #25

yep. hoping theros has some replacements. Doom Blade isnt going to cut it for me.

July 29, 2013 11:37 p.m.

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