A Vampire Always Pays His Debts...

Modern DjinnjerVitis

SCORE: 64 | 142 COMMENTS | 17819 VIEWS | IN 38 FOLDERS

Pyroshade says... #1

Well keeping in mind this is a life gain deck among other things, the Orzhov Charm is a super cheap removal card and a creature saving card too , why not try that for removal?

July 30, 2013 3:12 a.m.

DjinnjerVitis says... #2

i will include that when rotation hits. i love Orzhov Charm but currently Victim of Night is better in my meta. nobody plays those 3 exceptions for the most part.

July 30, 2013 3:25 a.m.

DjinnjerVitis says... #3

cptjmaverick Cyber Locc and almalong thank you for the last few comments. ive removed Immortal Servitude and 1 Sin Collector from the sideboard, and put the Archangel of Thune in here place. she will most likely take Rhox Faithmender spot when she gets put in, to change the decks pace a bit. ( i still need to acquire her first, so that's why she probably wont make a mainboard debut on here for a bit)

July 31, 2013 2:30 a.m.

Tarrasmeister says... #4

This deck looks h-i-l-a-r-i-o-u-s. I'm loving it! Thanks for giving me a project to brew with. Do you mind if I steal it and start making adds and cuts of my own providing I link this page as a source?

July 31, 2013 12:43 p.m.

doukychou says... #5

i builded a similar deck to this one, i really like it, do you think is worth to buy those isolated land? does it make huge difference? despite the rotation comes in 2 month.

another question i have 3 desecration demon, saw that you like that card, do you think it have no room for them? XD

July 31, 2013 2:32 p.m.

DjinnjerVitis says... #6

Tarrasmeister no problem, just mention it was based off of this one if you dont mind (as per tappedout.net doctrine). id love to see your changes, so let me know when you got it complete. good luck and let me know if you need any advice.

doukychou the isolated chapels do help, but they are approx 11 a piece, so if you dont have them, the orzhov guildgates are alright i guess, though it will slow you down a little if you draw them in a clutch. but 33$ for 2 months of use isnt really worth it imo. i love the Desecration Demon and had them here for a while, and they did well, but my meta caused me to switch it up for Rhox Faithmender for greater deck synergy. it all depends on what decks you are up against. it's great for setting off the morbid for Tragic Slip and you can count it as another removal for your deck. good luck to you too.

July 31, 2013 11:40 p.m.

Pyroshade says... #7

If you do switch to using Orzhov Charm it might be worth including Judge's Familiar for a little more control, and an alternate use for the charm, also Festering Newt and Bubbling Cauldron are another lifegain use for the charms alturate abilities, might be something to consider

August 1, 2013 7:49 a.m.

KeyCard says... #8

Nice Deck!!

Just wanted to point out one small mistake:At the "Ideal Hand / Turn by Turn" section you write on T6 "[...] Rhox Faithmender Triggers, you gain 12 more life [...]" I don't think that it changes much in your calculation, however Rhox Faithmenders abilty doesn't trigger, it's a replacement effect. "If you would gain life, you gain twice that much life instead", it could be however important if you are trying to use Strionic Resonator to copy it, since that wouldn't work.

Very nice deck tho, I run a similar one and I looked and found some inspiration here! thank you! :)

August 1, 2013 7:54 a.m.

fatality292 says... #9

nice deck +1

Only suggestion i'd make is probably take out 1 or 2 Swamp for 1 or 2 Plains , just because a few spells have double white and you don't want to be struggling to cast them if all you draw is swamps and 1 dual land.

Thanks for your help with mine :)

August 1, 2013 10:47 a.m.

Bellock86 says... #10

Don't know if this was mentioned or not but Strionic Resonator cannot be used on Rhox Faithmender because that is not a triggered ability it is a relacement effect. It's the same issue I ran into with Corpsejack Menace . Like the deck a lot though

August 1, 2013 12:46 p.m.

DjinnjerVitis says... #11

@KeyCard. yes i should change my verbiage on that, thanks. but the ability does take effect, just not triggered. thank you for the comment.

@fatality292 i just recently added Cavern of Souls for the control matchup, and replaced 2 plains for those. i will most likely add in a plains and take out a swamp if it proves to be hurting the deck. i dont foresee it bother Debt to the Deathless much as that's a late game spell, and Obzedat, Ghost Council is a creature, so i could always name spirit if i need to on Cavern of Souls , and make that a white mana.

@Bellock86 i never mentioned it, but maybe i should. though Strionic Resonator does say what words you are looking for "whenever, when, at" when discerning triggered abilities. Strionic Resonator in the ideal hand section would target Sanguine Bond for maximum effect.

August 1, 2013 11:41 p.m.

DjinnjerVitis says... #12

@Pyroshade i love judge's familiar, but truthfully, i dont think it has a place in here, even with Orzhov Charm .

August 1, 2013 11:44 p.m.

Schechefter says... #13

I played a very similar build to this one. The only difference is I main 1 Merciless Eviction and 3 Doom Blade instead of Victim of Night due to its lower CMC and utility. I still side board Victim of Night in case I find myself up against black though. All around great deck and it's even better if/when you get your hands on some Archangel of Thune .

August 3, 2013 11:51 a.m.

redclaw says... #14

not much early game...

August 3, 2013 3:07 p.m.

Cyber Locc says... #15

Ya so I have almost the same deck and i lost horribly at fnm last night. The top decks were 1 bant control 2 white control and 3 rakdos aggro i beat the rakdos in messing around pre tourney but didnt play it for tourney. The white control locked me up the whole first macth hewon 2-0 I beat a sliver deck 2-1 then lost again to a shadowborn deck. I think im going to go more control in mine because its not fast at all and as a bleeder a lockup will tower.

August 3, 2013 10:10 p.m.

cptjmaverick says... #16

how did the deck do playing it this weekend DjinnjerVitis?

August 4, 2013 3:52 p.m.

Cyber Locc says... #17

hey so just was reading your description and you have some errors you say. Swamp Debt to the Deathless for 6X. Remaining 2 mana to Strionic Resonator the Sanguine Bond . 12 to opponent, you gain 12 life.Sanguine Bond triggers x2, deals 24 to opponent Rhox Faithmender ability happens, you gain 12 more life. sanguine blood triggers again x2, opponent loses 24 more life. and that wont happen you cant trigger sanguine bond that many times. Strionic Resonator only procs once for 1 specific life gain the second time they would only lose 12 not 24. not that it really matters there still dead just saying

August 5, 2013 11:10 a.m.

DjinnjerVitis says... #18

@Cyber Locc sanguine bond will trigger everytime you gain life. you can re-word it, so have the effects activate in whichever order you like, the math will remain the same. you can re-word the math to say "Debt to the Deathless for 6, they lose 12, you gain 24, then since you gained 24 life, they lose 24 x 2 = 48, plus the 12 they already lost = 60. it still works

@cptjmaverick not as well as i would have liked. i played on Saturday at a "standard win a box" event; so the players there had pretty good decks. i won game 1 vs some strange unorthodox izzet homebrew; lost game 2 to Resto-Thragtusk-Trostani (1-2) combo deck, lost game 3 (1-2) to a copy-paste deck featuring Olivia Voldaren and Slaughter Games my Blood Baron of Vizkopa and Sanguine Bond and lost game 4 to jekara's Paladin's Path to Thune (5 turn win for monowhite) (0-2). i am going to be re-working this deck to have more early game presence and i think ill be splashing green for this and ramp.

August 6, 2013 6:54 a.m.

Cyber Locc says... #19

Dude you can have it trigger how ever you like the fact is your math is still wrong you cast debt for 6 sanguine makes it 12 you resinate it for another 12 thats 24 damage where the hell do you get 48 from then im saying in your above example in your description you have it saying sanguine bond x2 twice your trying to copy it twice same turn your math is wrong and you cant copy it with stritonic resinator twice . What i think your missing is your trying to add too much life at once dude sanguine makes them lose 12 for debt copy thats 24 in total faithmender you gain 12 they lose 12 more not 24 more 12 more.

August 6, 2013 10:54 a.m.

doukychou says... #20

i find same as djinn, i dont understand why you do rhox after. yeah if you count rhox after i find same as you cyber.

Djinn calcul
you do debt for 6x = 12 dmg / 12 lifes
from here you add the rhox, 12 dmg / 24 lifes
sanguine 36dmg / 24 lifes
resinator 60dmg / 24 lifes

Cyber calcul
now i do same as you said
debt for 6x = 12 dmg / 12 lifes
sanguine 24dmg / 12 lifes
resinator 36dmg / 12 lifes
rhox 36dmg / 12 lifes + 12 lifes
so sanguine procc again for 12 , 48 dmg / 24 lifes

August 6, 2013 11:20 a.m.

Cyber Locc says... #21

my above probably don't make sense i did it on my phone delete please. The total damage is 48 look.

Debt to the Deathless for 6, L12-G12

Sanguine Bond , L12 more (were at 24)

Strionic Resonator L12 more (were at 36)

Rhox Faithmender G12

Sanguine Bond L12 more (were at 48)

your comment they lose 24 x 2 = 48 is wrong and I don't know where you came up with that. They lost 12, 12, 12, 12, your trying to put everything together that's not how magic works. If you want to bundle stuff together which I don't suggest doing it would be D&D for 12, San for 12, Rez for 12, and then again san for 12.

The part of your equation that is messing you up I think is this. Sanguine Blood triggers again x2, opponent loses 24 more life, and that is completely wrong it would cause a loss of 12 not 24 no where in this does sanguine bond deal 24 damage. The first one does 12 the Strionic Resonator copys the first proc and does another 12 so that's 24 but separated And for some reason your trying to do that again which you don't you cant.

August 6, 2013 11:30 a.m.

Cyber Locc says... #22

Hey doukychou I could see how he could get 60 like that but that also doesn't work. Sanguine Bond views each life gain independently and triggers as such so again that would be the same as my comment.

Here is the official rulings on it, Sanguine Bond's ability triggers just once for each life-gaining event, whether it's 1 life from Soul Warden or 8 life from Tendrils of Corruption.

August 6, 2013 11:35 a.m.

Cyber Locc says... #23

BTW this (you can re-word it, so have the effects activate in whichever order you like) is wrong. The abilties trigger when the life gain resolves debt was cast first it resolves first sanguine triggers from it first. Theres not much in magic you can re word if anything it all depends on the stack theres clear cut rules for everything.

August 6, 2013 11:39 a.m.

DjinnjerVitis says... #24

D&D will have opponent lose 12, you gain 12 (24 because of rhox, bc its not a triggered event, it happens instead of). bc sanguine bond has been strionic resonator'd, it will happen 2x. so becuase you gain 24 life, that will trigger twice, dealing 24+24 damage = 48 plus the original 12 = 60. Rhox is not a triggered event, i think thats why your math is off. it happens CONCURRENTLY with life gain, so you dont gain 12, you gain 24. then the whenever effects (triggered effects) take place; ie sanguine bond

August 6, 2013 2:31 p.m.

Cyber Locc says... #25

Yes that makes sense to be honest I didn't read faith mender too well but his ability is static thus the life gain is as one not separate entities. In this case your math is right your wording in the description is wrong thus what sparked my confusion I should have read the card LoL. The way you have it worded is a little confusing is all. You should make it say t6 for debt , faith makes a gain of 24, Sanguine bond triggers for 24 lost followed by pay 2 to resonator for another trigger of 24 loss. The way you have worded in the description kinda goes around in circles and is confusing to me anyway. But yes your right its 60 Im sorry

August 6, 2013 3:07 p.m.

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