"A Vast Network of Spies"

A classic Edric deck, on a tight budget and for the focused playgroup.

This deck is without all the ekstra turns that have become commonplace in Edric decks because they are to be honest very solitaire-ish and salty...

So instead this deck is more light, have a bit higher curve, lots of shenanigans to keep things interesting and focuses on overrunning with our spies for a coup d'état!

This deck is fast, very fast. We need our spies out ASAP, so they can start their Intelligence-gathering. While they're are doing this we need to use "counter"-intelligence.

Now, our "counter"-intelligence is not to be used aggressively, unless there's a threat that absolutely needs to be removed before it hits the board like Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite, other than that only for protection (since this deck is crippled if boardwiped or if Edric gets removed), all the while we get our resources and intelligence in order so we can push for a coup d'état!

But be smart about it, if we flood the board too fast we'll become a target.. Sometimes 3-4 spies is better and should be enough to keep us accelerating until we have the means to finish, THEN we push for the win!

  • Druids' Repository with a proper boardstate this gives us all the resources we need!

  • Bident of Thassa & Reconnaissance Mission if we should lose our commander, these make decent substitutes.

  • Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive really helps our non-evasive spies become evasive, so they can get through enemy lines.

  • Notorious Throng the only potential extra-turn card, only there because it was so in theme and if you can get the prowl cost, it usually ends in a coup d'état.

  • Double Major usually used on Edric, not only to give double triggers, but also to make him harder to get rid of.

  • Mystic Reflection Amazing card in this deck! Use it on whatever bomb is on the table, see all the small weenies you play become giants! Or use defensively to play on incoming threat, and make IT and all other bombs played that turn, into one of your weenies.

We mainly overrun our opponents with our spies once they have been trained up with Biomass Mutation or other such spells. Our potential spies can also be trained by our Spy Trainers like Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive to be effective.

Lastly we have Notorious Throng which coupled with fx. Beastmaster Ascension is completely devastating!

And voila, coup d'état!

You like a fast and aggressive strategy, BIG boardstates, with loads of shenanigans, where you have to think a lot on your feet, assess threats and play a bit of politics.

Aaand the deck is very cheap:

30$ on Cardmarket.com - Jan '23

Any suggestions and input on how to make the deck more fun and interesting are always very welcome.


Updates Add

After extensive playtesting, I realized my playgroups are more "focused" than casual - so I've streamlined the deck, cut average cmc down to just under 2, also I've put even more shenanigan cards in. And the deck really flows now without being "stomp or die" and is super fun to play with all the small tricks it can pull out of the sleeve!


Top Ranked
Date added 2 years
Last updated 10 months

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

27 - 0 Rares

26 - 0 Uncommons

30 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 1.96
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Cat 2/2 G, Copy Clone, Day, Faerie Rogue 1/1 B, Foretell, Manifest 2/2 C, Morph 2/2 C, Night, Squid 1/1 U, Treasure
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