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A Very Plain Forest *Now with sideboard!*

Standard Devotion GW (Selesnya) Midrange




Planeswalker (1)


This is my stab at a mono green devotion deck. Obviously the idea of one is nothing new, and to perfect the amounts of certain cards I looked at other mono green devotion decks for inspiration, so even the deck list isn't overly original. However what I did add is the splash of white. The white is for 2 Fleecemane Lions, because 2 for a 3/3 is already very strong, plus it can be made hexproof and indestructible, and 3 Banishing Lights, in case your opponent has a troublesome permanent. I do run 2 Setessan Tactics for removal as well, but they require you having big creatures out (or at least bigger then your opponent's creatures) and can only take out creatures. Below is a list of every nonland card in the deck, why I included it, and any tricks for using it.

Arbor Colossus: Provides 3 devotion, 5 for a 6/6 is already good, and great flying hate.

Banishing Light: Not only does this let you kiss goodbye to potentially troublesome creatures like Goblin Rabblemasters, Mantis Riders, and Polukranos, World Eaters being played against you, it can also nab cards like Whip of Erebos and Jeskai Ascendancy. Nice, versatile card.

Chord of Calling: Lets you tutor up any creature from your library, though for a fairly high price. A nice move is tutoring up a Hornet Next, then blocking with it, creating many 1/1 flying deathtouch tokens with no way for your opponent to get around. Or, if you have enough mana, tutor up a Hornet Queen and kill all of your opponent's attacking creatures.

Courser of Kruphix: A standard staple. As early as turn two (if you played an Elvish Mystic the first turn), you can have a 2/4 body that dodges most burn, and helps mana thin while gaining you life simultaneously. Doesn't look like much, but it's an easy 4-of.

Elvish Mystic: Simple but practical mana acceleration. A turn 1 Elvish Mystic lets you play a 2 drop on turn 3, a 4 drop on turn 3, etc. Combos well with solid creatures like Courser of Kruphix, Polukranos, World Eater, Arbor Colossus , etc.

Fleecemane Lion: Even without activating monstrosity, it's a good creature. However, as early as turn 4 it can grow to a 4/4, with hexproof and indestructible, leaving there pretty much no ways in standard to remove of it. Great card.

Genesis Hydra: It takes X being at least 3 or so to unleash its full potential, but as long as you don't draw it too early it's great. Last game, you can not only creature a massive creature, but also tutor for virtually any nonland card in your deck.

Hornet Nest: Hope your opponent's weren't planning on attacking. This creature not only heavily discourages your opponents from turning their creatures sideways against you, it also combos well with Chord of Calling and Setessan Tactics. Not to mention it makes great Goblin Rabblemaster hate, as the goblin tokens it produces, which have to attack every turn, can just ping your Hornet, and create insect tokens. Situational, but amazing in the right situation.

Hornet Queen: Hornet Nest taken one step further. In a lot of situation, getting this out will be what you need to pull ahead of your opponent, as it essentially creatures a wall of flying deathtouchers. Also combos well with Chord of Calling, though it takes ten mana to fetch it with that.

Nylea, God of the Hunt: Udderly useless on an empty board, but otherwise good, especially if she can become a god. It may take 4 other devotion to do it, which isn't overly hard to hit in a devotion deck, but a 6/6 indestructible that pumps your other creatures and gives them trample is something you want out.

Polukranos, World Eater: Possibly the best card in this deck. 4 for a 5/5 is great by itself, especially if you get it out earlier with mana dorks, but you can also pump it and simultaneously kill your opponent's creatures. It may be legendary, but it's still so good that it's run as a 3-of.

Setessan Tactics: Not only is this mass removal for your opponent in the right situation, it also allows your own creatures to fight your Hornet Nest , producing many insects for your opponent to fight through. And it works at instant speed, making it a nice combat trick.

Sylvan Caryatid: Considered the best mana dork in standard right now. Personally I find it a little overrated, but it's hexproof, provides a nice blocking body against aggro decks, and above all, produces one mana of any color, relevant in decks that run multiple colors like this one, though it's only a splash.

Terra Stomper: Solid card, and is nice late game, a time when you want big, dominating creatures.

Voyaging Satyr: Another mana dork I personally find to be rather underrated. Allows you to activate Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx more then one time per turn, generating some serious mana, which can be used in many situations to provide your creatures the extra push to win with a Nylea, God of the Hunt out. Also lets you create a huge Genesis Hydra.


Arbor Colossus: Pretty all purpose, mainly against heavy flying decks (i.e. Mardu) or against fast decks that whip out big creatures quickly.

Brave the Sands: A strong anti aggro card, might get another one of these.

Erase: Definitely one of the stronger sideboard cards in standard. Kicks the ass of U/W Heroic, Reanimator, Ascendancy, and any other deck that centers around/runs a lot of enchantments.

Hushwing Gryff: Yes, it does neutralize my Hornet Queen, but it's very handy for many Abzan cards.

Mistcutter Hydra: Amazing against control, which is a fairly weak matchup for this deck.

Nylea's Disciple: Another card against aggro, life gain is the bane of them, and ideally we can gain at least 4 or 5 life off one of these.

Nyx Fleece Ram: Insane against aggro. Provides a nice blocking body, and some life gain.

Skyreaping: Essential against heavy flier decks, like Jeskai or Mardu.

Thanks for checking out this deck!


Updates Add

Here's an update for you guys, since I haven't done one in a bit. After going 4-0, next week I faded to a disappointing 2-2. After that, I drafted for a week, before going 3-1. Last night, I went 2-1-1.

First two rounds I played red deck wins. First round was VERY close, in the third game I was down to one life at one point, but his fatal mistake was not running any burn in his deck. I Genesis Hydra'd into a Nylea's Disciple I sideboarded in, gaining me 10 or so life and winning me the game. Second game wasn't so close, I won pretty easily with good hands both games.

Third round, I got slaughtered by Jeskai Tempo. First round, he spammed out a bunch of Mantis Riders, which are hard to deal with in this deck. Second round, I had a god hand, and had amazing board position early with 3 Courser of Kruphixs, 1 Arbor Colussus, 1 Terra Stompter, and a few random mana dorks out. I was about to swing for game when he board wiped. I hit all the land after that (save for one Voyaging Satyr) so he won pretty easily.

Fourth round I played Mardu Midrange. First round, I had a slow hand and he outpaced me. Second round was one of the most grindy games (if not the grindiest) I've had with this deck. I got out a wall of hornets (I had around 10 at one point) through Nests and Queens that he couldn't attack through -- however I didn't have any offense. He almost killed me with a Sarkhan, but luckily I topdecked a Polukranos, which I monstrafied for 10 and won with. Third game was shaping up to be another grindy match but it got called for time.

Took out a land and added a Suspension Field I had in my binder to hopefully take down the mana flood-age. We will see how this goes. Also added a Nyx-Fleece Ram into sideboard for my aggro heavy meta.


Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

27 - 7 Rares

3 - 3 Uncommons

7 - 5 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.97
Tokens Insect 1/1 G w/ Flying, Deathtouch
Folders cool selesnya stuff, Cool Standard - KTK, Decks to Try
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