Aaah Flying Spaghetti Monster!!! Oh wait its mine

Modern car


car says... #1

kk. wanna get on right now?

January 20, 2016 8:23 p.m.

IzzetFanatic says... #2

@car: untap? or cockatrice. I don't know any of the key bindings so ill be really slow on Also you may want to try out Crucible of Worlds as a 1-2 of in the SB. It makes land destruction almost useless and a recurring GQ is OP in the mirror match.

January 20, 2016 8:32 p.m.

car says... #3

I cant download cockatrice. I dont know why. Some wierd glitch. Crucible seems good. I like loam though. 50 less.

January 20, 2016 9:33 p.m.

IzzetFanatic says... #4

@car: exactly. Lol

January 20, 2016 10:23 p.m.

Jack-Frost says... #5

I'd love to play but i'll have to figure out when. I'm rarely free enough to play except sometimes on weekends.

January 20, 2016 11:54 p.m.

All hail his noodly appendange. rAmen.

January 26, 2016 11:31 p.m.

car says... #7

mmmmmmh. ramen is delish. if u like the pic, feel free to upvote

January 27, 2016 8:42 a.m.

Jack-Frost says... #8

car he should upvote just for the picture. He can hate the deck but it's the picture that counts?

January 27, 2016 10:20 a.m.

car says... #9

yup. XD jk

January 27, 2016 10:40 a.m.

outstare says... #10

How much land destruction are you seeing that isn't a Crumble to Dust? Crumble is just about the only card I see people run nowadays so I think Warping Wail might serve you better than Life from the Loam. It also gives you more game against Scapeshift , Infect, and Tooth and Nail as well. Definitely don't play Crucible of Worlds since everyone brings in their artifact hate in games 2 and 3 so it will never stick around for long enough to matter.

Sudden Shock is a card I would want in my sideboard against Infect as well.

Boil is a good card against Island decks, but the only deck that runs Islands that we care about is Merfolk and Boil is too slow for that effect to matter at all, so I wouldn't run them.

June 3, 2016 12:38 a.m.

car says... #11

thanks. ill definitly take a look at warping wail. loam is there against all the lands that destroy mine, and against fulminator mage. sudden shock is ok, and pyroclasm deals with most of the infectious threats. Boil is there because now control is a thing. the blue that is needed in merfolk and control. It also deals with blue moon to some extent. It kills all of the basic islands in blue moon, which turns it into a wierd skredish deck that doesnt work very well. Thanks a ton tho. Also, if you play a few pyroclasms then a boil against merfolk you kill the whole deck.

June 3, 2016 12:51 a.m.

outstare says... #12

The thing is that blue based control isn't an archetype that we care about playing against. Our win percentage against those decks is around 85%-90% with the only times that we lose being when they resolve a Crumble to Dust against us. Dedicating cards to that match up just feels like a waste of space since you don't actually need more percentage points against them. I would only consider it if Blue Moon was more widely played but it is a very fringe deck in most metagames so I don't think it's worth it for the off chance of playing against it.

Pyroclasm is indeed very good against Merfolk when they only have a single lord out. After wiping their board, all you must do is resolve a couple threats and it's game over. Boil is basically overkill since it comes at a time after you have killed their board. They can also just put their creatures into play without lands with Aether Vial as well so it's not always a complete end all, be all.

As for Infect, Pyroclasm is good at clearing out their first threat, but it does not help you get the pump spells out of their hand unless they do it to save their creature. A good infect player will only put out a single infect creature at a time to play around Pyroclasm and once you kill the first one then they will put out another. They won't put themselves in a position to have 2 infect creatures die to a single clasm. This is one of the reasons why Lightning Bolt has become more popular among Tron players since you are usually only killing one threat, the instant speed is relevant, 3 damage kills more things, and our opponents don't think we play Lightning Bolt so they don't play around it. Sudden Shock is even more brutal against them since it is an easy 2 for 1 when played in response to a pump spell. It also gets around the Apostle's Blessing they run, as does Warping Wail.

Here's my list. It is very close to what Joe Losset used to Top 8 GP LA with back in late May and I've had good success with it at FNM.

June 3, 2016 1:51 a.m.

outstare says... #13

Also, I have had Scapeshift and Tooth and Nail players Primal Command one of my Tron pieces to the top of my library on turn 3 when they are on the play and proceed to kill me on their turn 5 after they play a Prime Time on time on turn 4. Thus another reason to play a multitude of Warping Wails in the sideboard.

June 3, 2016 2:03 a.m.

car says... #14

pyroclasm also gets past blessing tho. it kills all their infect dudes and hierarchs

June 3, 2016 2:03 a.m.

outstare says... #15

Might want to re-read Apostle's Blessing then.

June 3, 2016 2:33 a.m.

car says... #16

sry, rules for protection changed i guess. idk. also i have kozilek return which is colorless

June 3, 2016 9:47 a.m.

outstare says... #17

Yeah. That is one of the many corner cases where Kozilek's Return is better. I think it's great that we just have lots of options since that just makes it harder for our opponent to play around our removal.

June 3, 2016 noon

abbatromebone says... #18

January 18, 2020 1:25 p.m.

car says... #19

abbatromebone made some changes gonna test on ill lyk what i decide thanks for the advice. I decided to try your choice of lands and take out an ugin as well as a mainboard o-stone to add 4 of the new karn mainboard. I personally like pyroclasm a lot more because it hits things like affinity humans and goblins turn 2 rather than turn 3 where all is dust could hit them if i have tron. I did make some sideboard changes and traded out a wurmcoil for worldbreaker.

January 19, 2020 7:57 a.m.

car says... #20

also what are ur thoughts on karn the creator

January 19, 2020 8:24 a.m.

abbatromebone says... #21

Kcg isnt as good because of recent bannings. Hed be better in eldrazi tron. I personally dont see a lot of affinity, and goblins isnt played a lot (less than 1% of meta). You should almost always hit tron turn 3. Milligan so that, happens. Wormcoil is a great card, I see any number from 2-4 copies. World breakers is pretty good, ive seen it wim games on its own. Its Espically helpful against spirits.

January 19, 2020 10:28 a.m.

car says... #22

abbatromebone made some changes plz lmk what u think

January 22, 2020 10:46 a.m.

car says... #23

also whats ur thoughts on g/r vs green tron

January 22, 2020 11:36 p.m.

car says... #24

also whats ur thoughts on g/r vs green tron

January 22, 2020 11:48 p.m.

abbatromebone says... #25

  • So Basically you are playing red for 3 main board cards, and 2 SB. That's a lot to commit for those cards. The cards a re good but they arent game warping. It can also make you search for red sources rather than more tron. I think tron is mono green.
  • Pyroclasm is great in some match ups, but tron has access to more powerful cards. I don't see it as needed. Sure its great against early humans, but humans doesn't kill turn 2, and the dudes get big, so its only a board clear early on. Its important to vary your boardwipes cause meddling mage is a card, its a 4 of. When you go first they'll have to resond to other cards like karn, before they can manage anything.
  • Tron is good because its so unfair, and consistent. Most of the traditional removal spells and tactics don't work against tron. Personally Id rather just pump out threats. I have seen some versions run Platinum Angel.
January 23, 2020 11:58 a.m.

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