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Aberrations go bump in the night (edited for JOU)

Standard Competitive Control Mill UB (Dimir)




Creature (2)

Artifact (1)

A deck I've been working on. The keys are abusing Ashiok and some of my Mills but my ultimate goal is Consuming Aberration followed by maybe using Thassa's unblockable ability. Desecration Demons and Nightveil Specters (along with whatever the nightveil snatches) are key components as well.

The mill is more of a compliment and secondary win con as opposed to my main strategy. it helps but it isn't required. I will always welcome criticism and suggestions I want to make this deck as good as possible and if you like it feel free to upvote it. Any comments are greatly appreciated thanks in advance.

Record since (12/11/13): 35-26-0


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Finished in 4th after going 3-1

Round 1 was a 2-0 loss to a white weenie deck where most removal was useless and the deck curves at 3 really well.

Round 2 2-0 win against Boros burn and minotaurs. Weird deck that with tweaks could be solid. Desecration demon was a star.

Round 3 was a 2-1 win against RUG enchantment aggro. Funny and fun deck that could win on T4. When my deck got past turn 4 I was fine. Did funny stuff with he proof creatures and charging badger.

Round 4 was a 2-1 win versus a naya hexproof deck. It was budget but very lethal it came down to a miraculous top deck of thassa while I had a huge aberration out. It was either that or I'd have probably lost.

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Top Ranked
  • Achieved #87 position overall 11 years ago
Date added 11 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 1 Mythic Rares

22 - 2 Rares

10 - 9 Uncommons

5 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.00
Folders Standard decks, Maybe, New decks, My Decks, Other People's Decks, mill, Im Auge behalten, retired decks
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