I like big butts, and I have a lion, you other walkers can't deny, when a ram walks in with an itty bitty waist, and a big butt in your face, you get sprung.
Yup, it's another
Assault Formation
deck - somebody is going to break it eventually, and while my deck isn't tuned to where I'd really like it to be, I think any eventual breaking is going to look more like this than different from it.
Palace Siege
works both as an alt-win con when I can't find Ass-Form, and has a card-advantage engine when I cant. The Rhinos are just one of the best cards in standard.
The sideboard is more transformative, allowing me to get into the air and become more agressive and less reliant on Ass-Form, along with some anti-enchantment hate.
I have a small blind-spot right now, around three-toughness multi-coloured creatures. Fortunately, that's only Khan-Sidisi and the [Mantis Rider]]. From the meta, I should be seeing one or the other only one in 10 games (1 in 20 for each), so it's not a huge worry, and I can block for days if I need to.