Orzhov Aggro
Thanks to mah bro BoardFire for the idea!
2 problems, 1. Anger of the Gods 2, Stormbreath Dragon, 3, burn spells
Well, i guess we have Master of the Feast against Stormbreath Dragon but i have a feeling G/R Monsters could be a problem g1 which puts us in a tough spot the next two games.
Trimmed out
Mana Confluence
for 2 Plains and 2 Swamp just because the mana is literally killing me.
Lets break it down here-
Let's start us off with our power players!
Brimaz, King of Oreskos- Our main win-con here. This guy is an utter beast, dropping in at turn 3, attacking t4 with 4, along with your other guys. Survives Anger of the Gods, our main enemy here
Athreos, God of Passage - Makes all our 2/1s into 3 life threats each turn. It is honestly a crucial deck point, helping to shove our deck across the finishing line. This definitely comes second to brimaz, but if there is no turn 3 in your hand, you can definitely cast this guy.
Bloodsoaked Champion- Our main little 2/1 that has a lot of firepower when it hits the field, and its bounce back ability makes the Athreos ability even better if they don't realize you can bounce him back.
Soldier of the Pantheon
- Our other main 2/1 that helps a lot late game when things like
Butcher of the Horde
Narset, Enlightened Master
the swinging by them, and protection from them is great, and has increased the value of this card, and also it has nice life gain ability to counter act all those pain lands.
Pain Seer
- Another boss in the deck, basically pumping more cards into my hand, plus he is a 2/2 for 2, which is already pretty good. Card Advantage= Wins
Tormented Hero
- 2/1 for 1, which is already in the synergy, but when you drop them down to 1 or 2 life, you can easily double up for 1-2 damage with heroic. The heroic also cancels out some pain land life loss.
Ajani's Presence
- great heroic trigger that saves some of our important creatures from Anger of the Gods
Defiant Strike- Nice little card draw spell that can easily make a tormented hero deal 4 damage in 1 turn!
Gods Willing- Scrying, and protection, and damage, oh my! But seriously this is a must for any deck that runs white and creatures. It easily allows a lethal swing or a crucial blocker to live. Also a scry card to clear off top deck.
Bile Blight- Mainboard that can take out almost any viable threat in standard.
Goblin Rabblemaster
, Mantis Rider, etc.
Thoughtseize- the only sorcery, but also a crucial hand damage card that lets us take a peak at the upcoming turns. It is always a debate to play this turn 1, or turn 2.
Spear of Heliod just a beast in this deck, making our puny 2/1s into bigger 3/2s. Also forcing their big creatures to not attack so we can turtle it out.
Aegis of the Gods
- Just in case we run into any burn or mono black hand destruction with
and Thoughtseize
Banishing Light- Doesn't mess with the curve that much and allows a nice easy removal of your favorite walkers.
- This card is so versatile, it almost always goes in from the sideboard. Applicable targets are Master of the Feast,
Circle of Flame
, Courser of Kruphix,
Boon Satyr
, and
Nyx-Fleece Ram
Glare of Heresy
- Any deck that has white, this goes in. Main targets are Brimaz, King of Oreskos and Elspeth, Sun's Champion, and even Siege Rhino, which is great because he is a huge threat.
Godsend- Makes Brimaz, King of Oreskos a thing to deal with. This mostly goes in with mono green devotion, because it exiles their fatties before combat damage to goes through.
Last Breath
- takes out that pesky little
Goblin Rabblemaster
, and some other threats as well.
Phyrexian Revoker- Used to name huge problem monstrous creatures, like
Arbor Colossus
, or Stormbreath Dragon
Disowned Ancestor
Great against aggro, as it is a wall, that can attack later on. Not sure if i want this or
Lagonna-Band Trailblazer