My take on a competitive Allies deck
Since I first was crushed by these rapidly growing creatures I saw the allies as nearly unbeatable in a casual setting. Impossible to deal with without the proper hate at least.
I figured that almost all of the relevant Ally creatures were 2-drops and decided to make a deck pumping them out with Aether Vial. The use of this brilliant artifact combined with cavern of souls make counterspells useless to the 29 most important cards in the deck.
I guess an ideal play would be:
t1: Cavern of Souls (Ally) + Aether Vials
t2: (Add counter to Vials)Vial out Hada Freebladeland + Harabaz Druid
t3: (Add counter to Vials)land + one or two more allies, another one with Vials and tap Harabraz Druid for 4-5 mana, play more allies or a
Lead the Stampede
to fuel up, you see where this is going.
And so it goes, but this is just one of the many great plays I'm having with this deck. Your allies gradually gets pumped up and grants you a lot of advantages.
Ondu Cleric
often gives you a LOT of health to stretch the timeline, and the combination of controlling a
Kabira Evangel
and being able to Vial out allies with instant speed is just amazing! It can win you the game AND protect your creatures. ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES!
What's also pretty amazing is how well this deck plays without Aether Vials.
Of course the greatest fear of all allies are the mass removals. It's easy to fuel up your hand again with
Lead the Stampede
but sometimes it just doesn't make the cut. I'm SLIGHTLY familiar with the modern metagame. I have playtested this deck a lot and it works like a charm against competitive players but I know there's a lot of room for improvement.
Please help me find cards to strengthen this deck against bad matchups or improve the mechanics.
What more to say? Hm. I've been mostly playtesting on Cockatrice cause I don't want to pay for virtual cards and I don't have the budget to buy the cards yet.
I really appreciate you checking out the deck, and PLEASE take the time to suggest new additions to it. I'm very much looking forward to hearing your feedback.