Costly Plunder was an OK add to the deck and certainly did help with card draw. There were times however where it put me in some awkward scenarios. Since Priest of the forgotten gods needs two for payment, there were times in my main phase/end step where I couldn't activate both Priest and Plunder. I was thus was recommended Midnight Reaper by several people and in my first few games trying it out, it made a world of difference. I was afraid of the drain I'd take from Midnight and only added three to mainboard. The life gain I do have does seem to offset this deficit somewhat but when both Teysa Karlov and Midnight Reaper are on the field, it makes for some exciting/dangerous circumstances.
I was also recommended Mortify over Final Payment; Payment does fit with decks theme well but it sacs creatures I sometimes need for my engine especially in the early game. Mortify also deals with pesky enchantments. I have thus rotated Mortify in and Final Payment out.
I had Ministrant of Obligation in the deck as a stable 3 drop with good upside. I like this card in this deck and it has performed well for me but I think a stronger card could be placed here. Midnight Reaper will now replace the 3 drop position and I will also be play testing Seraph of the Scales for a heavy hitting 4 drop. Its flying/afterlife 2/abilities make it ideal. Elenda, the Dusk Rose will also be considered for this spot. I'm not sure which will be better quite yet. I'll add 3 Seraph of the Scales initially to make sure its not to hard on the curve/mana. The extra spot will be taken by one more copy of Assassin's Trophy for more generalized removal.
My 4 drops are beginning to get heavy and I may have to consider dropping Rite of Belzenlok, it has done really well though and I'd like to keep it. Suggestion are welcome.
Deck continues to be a pleasure to play. I have decided to make this officially and have begun collecting the real copies, will be testing at the next local FNM.
Changes are as follows:
+3 Midnight Reaper
+2 Mortify
+3 Seraph of the Scales
+1 Assassin's Trophy
-3 Costly Plunder
-2 Final Payment
-4 Ministrant of Obligation