Abzan Ayli

Casual Udinaas


TommyConklin says... #1

Rally the Ancestors would be good in this deck, other than that, amazing deck!

January 25, 2016 12:37 p.m.

Udinaas says... #2

Thank you. I've been thinking about Rally the Ancestors. Get a bunch of life from returning Clerics for 4, pump some lands from Walls of Resurgence for 5. The thing is, I don't know what to take out and I would probably want to have some extra mana when playing Rally, so I could sac them again.

On a diferent note, I managed to trade for some Siege Rhinos and Dragonlord Dromoka, so they're in and I belive, this deck could be realy badass now.

January 26, 2016 10:19 a.m.

stinnemans says... #3

since most of your guys have bigger butts would Assault Formation be something?

February 4, 2016 6:30 a.m.

wisegreenbean says... #4

You're literally playing an aristocrats strategy and you aren't running standard's blood artist, Zulaport Cutthroat, who both drains your opponent AND bumps up your life total?

Also, Feed the Clan has kinda weak synergy, really. It's life gain, sure, and it's potent life gain at that, but...your creatures are low power. The wrong deck for a very solid card.

February 8, 2016 5:31 a.m.

Udinaas says... #5

stinnemans: I was thinking about Assault Formation. The thing is, I want this deck to be more focused on lifegain and also don't know what to take out for it. Could I make a stronger deck with Assault Formation? Maybe. And if I made few more changes, I could probably make stronger Assault Formation budget abzan deck, but it would no longer be Ayli life gain deck. (Still thank you for your suggestion.)

wisegreenbean: It's not actualy aristocrats strategy. It's similar, but if I understand it right, aristocrats decks are more aggressive, sacrificing they're creatures to get stronger attacks, while this is more midrange/control type deck. Also, I don't realy sacrifice them that much. About Feed the Clan, I know it doesn't play to it's full potential here (which is why I play only 2), but it's more like late game play Rhino/Dromoka/animate awakened shambling vent/double awaken a land to get 4 power, end of opponent's turn Feed the Clan to jump to high life, sacrifice a wall if neccessary and start exiling.

February 12, 2016 6:07 a.m.

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