That's totally true, Aggro is a big deal in this format and this deck's biggest qualm, If I can look at their hand and get rid of that Monastery Swiftspear or Seeker of the Way or the badass Mantis Rider it's more than worth it, It slow's their tempo and they lost gas which is a huge deal when it comes to aggro.
And as for Kiora I don't think she'd fit too well in the deck. If they give the other shards a clan, I'd hope a bant shell would be perfect for her as it's always been her strong point. If i were to run another planeswalker id probably run something like Clever Impersonator just for it's utility.
And as far as planeswalkers, I'm debating removing some in exchange for some heavier removal as I've been playing around with other decks and Murderous Cut is slowly winning me over as well as Utter End as a one of for a tight situation.
October 5, 2014 6:22 p.m.
Tingettley says... #3
If I would drop anything, it would be 1 Sultai Charm, 1 End Hostilities, and 1 Abzan Charm. Bring in 2 Murderous Cut and the 1 of Utter End
October 5, 2014 6:45 p.m.
Still working on it lol, It's a pricey deck so i'm taking a little time with it =P
October 10, 2014 8:16 p.m.
operationremie says... #6
haha i hear ya. still working on mine. can't really figure out the direction with it. i found a few decks i like so we'll see. gotta get my deck ready for the invitational i'm going to at the end of the month.
i could do this one. just missing one land (UW scry) and one planeswalker (GW ajani)
October 10, 2014 8:53 p.m.
Nice man, well when i've used it in play testing it's worked out rather well
October 10, 2014 8:59 p.m.
PreZchoICE1 says... #8
my Abzan deck isnt all that much different from this one and I've been doing really well with it.
November 7, 2014 11:13 a.m.
@PreZchoICE1 heck yah, Walker control is the way to go man, Especially with Abzan colors. The support is unreal.
November 7, 2014 11:17 a.m.
PreZchoICE1 says... #10
yeah the only ones (on color) Im not using are Nissa, Steadfast, and Mentor of Heroes. The first two because I dont think they fit right, the third one because I cant find any. I live in sort of a small town so there is 3 other guys in my small town who are all playing the same style of Abzan build. Here's an example: Khans was released and I headed down to my lgs at 12. It opens at 11. I wanted 4 Utter End, 2 End Hostilities and 2 Ajani. They were sold out. One of the 3 I mentioned earlier had already been in 20 mins before me and bought them out.
November 7, 2014 11:22 a.m.
PreZchoICE1 says... #11
You have my playmat linked into your description!
November 7, 2014 11:23 a.m.
I like steadfast for the earlier ults for the other walkers, It can make all the difference if you have them in play. otherwise he's kinda useless on his own so I see your point there.
Yeah Mentor of Heroes is hard to come by even here in Edmonton, People love that version of him, that being said If I do stumble on him i'd gladly trade him over to you, I haven't even begun working on this build yet and it's most likely not going to happen lol. I'm just too distracted with my other modern brews right now =O
But i've playtested this deck alot and it's makes for some good matchups, Mirror matchups are pretty fun so you should test them out and see how they fare =P
Tingettley says... #1
Fibbe: Paying 1 black and looking at your opponent's hand to get rid of something is fantastic. The reason that Despise is better than Thoughtseize for at least game 1 is the format is very aggro/midrange heavy. Thoughtseize is best used against control and combo. So being able to get rid of creatures without having to lose life in an aggro heavy format is good.
As for Kiora, I actually disagree. She is a good planeswalker, this is true. But she really does nothing for the deck in terms of really really wanting that blue. The Sultai Charm is in the deck as it is an Ultimate Price /Draw 2, Discard 1/or Naturalize . That is worth the blue splash. Kiora is just a prevention effect/Explore / and if you get her up high enough a possible finisher. For 4 mana, there are much better options for finishers, preventions, and explores. I personally do not see her doing anything valid in the deck. However it is Caligula's deck, so maybe he will.
October 5, 2014 5:57 p.m.