


The main idea of this deck is to get a powerful front-line on the field, primarily consisting of first-strikers, and then giving them double-strike through Kwende, Pride of Femeref

Our ideal opening play would be to get Knight of Grace or Knight of Malice onto the field with access to all 3 colors. Through this we place a powerful attacker/blocker on the field, while giving us the versatility to go into defensive and offensive options. We may opt to wait a turn to play Danitha Capashen, Paragon or Knight of Autumn as our first play, but then we really need to have our lands setup so we can play a 4 drop on curve.
During this time we want to get as many first strikers on the field without leaving us exposed to too much harm. On the field our offensive creatures are also great on the defense, but our chief concern are nasty enchantments that give our opponent the edge or cripples our own play. History of Benalia, Experimental Frenzy, Disinformation Campaign and Search for Azcanta   are good examples of what we want to look out for. In the case one of these show up, we have Knight of Autumn, Status / Statue and Conclave Tribunal to deal with them. Getting a Shalai, Voice of Plenty on the field is also a great idea. If we are given the chance, we pay also opt to play our allstar card Kwende, Pride of Femeref to attempt to finish the game early.
As long as we have Kwende, Pride of Femeref on the field, our entire field is a win-con. Our powerplay would be to try and setup a situation where we attack with Lyra Dawnbringer during this scenario. Even one successful attack from a 5/5 doublestrike/lifelinker can grab the game from our opponent's hands. We may also attempt to get Blackblade Reforged into the hands of one of our many legendaries to put some real pressure on our opponents. Finally, we can put our mana into +1/+1 counters through Shalai, Voice of Plenty.

Knight of Grace: This card is definitely our strongest earlygame creature, as hexproof from black defends it against a multitude of spells that are specifically aimed at killing creatures like these.

Knight of Malice: This card is less likely to stick on the field than Knight of Grace, but its offensive capabilities are the same.

Danitha Capashen, Paragon: This card has a few things going for it. It has firststrike, which goes with our theme. It has lifelink, which plays especially well against red aggro, and it has vigilance, which makes attacking with it completely free. The downside is it is only a 2/2, so it can lose many more fights when compared to Knight of Grace or Knight of Malice, but if it does stick, it is probably stronger overall. One upside is that we can equip it with Blackblade Reforged!

Lyra Dawnbringer: This one is the most powerful creature we have. 5/5 is huge, flying makes it harder to block, first strike means that even if it is block it will rarely lose, and lifelink means that even if it does lose we still get something from it.

Kwende, Pride of Femeref: This card is the glue that sticks a lot of already powerful creatures together. Hes not particularly good on his own though, so never play him if there are no other first strikers on the field.

Blackblade Reforged: This sword is awesome! as long as you have a legendary creature on the field. Since half our creatures are legendary however, equiping this isnt the hardest task in the world. Double strike means we get double the damage. A Lyra Dawnbringer wielding this blade while Kwende, Pride of Femeref is in play hits for lethal.


Knight of Autumn: We are starting off with this card since it can be quite good offensively as well. It can be a 4/3, it can give you life, or it can destroy an enchantment, which is its primary defensive purpose.

Status / Statue: Statue allows us to destroy a creature or enchantment, which is its primary defensive purpose, but what makes this stronger than many other options, is the fact that status on a firststriker kills whatever it is fighting, without dying, for just .

Conclave Tribunal: This card is really good at dealing with anything, and in a creature heavy deck, it can be incredibly cheap as well.

Kraul Harpooner: This little guy can kill bigger flyers. That is why it is here. He will die when he does this, but you are trading a cheap creature for an expensive one, which is a win! If there are no worth while flyers to target, there are better options on the sideboard.

Shalai, Voice of Plenty: Shalai is pure value in this deck. She protects us against so many things, and she isnt the easiest creature to deal with either. What sells this card though is the active ability. It is expensive, but gaining +1/+1 counters across the board is just too good to pass by. When it comes to first strikers, often times +1 attack means you can win fights 1 higher on the mana curve. When it comes to double-strike, often times it will play out as a +2 in terms of damage output, which puts your creatures on a whole different level.


Flower / Flourish: Flower helps us with our early mana-fixing/land hits. by itself it wouldnt justify a spot in the deck, but it just so happens that we can use Flourish as well. Flourish gives our creatures +2/+2, which follows the same logic as the explanation with Shalai, Voice of Plenty. Flourish may play out as a +4 in terms of damage output across the board. It can finish out games. By itself i might be hesitant to add this one as well, but the two parts together means that this spell is always relevant.

Journey to Eternity  : This card is just cool. It protects a creature, and when it flips it allows us to bring all our dead creatures back from the graveyard. As long as you have Kwende, Pride of Femeref out on the field, most of our creatures are easily worth 5 mana.

Duress:The classic anti-control sideboard card. Cant say much more about this one.

Inspiring Cleric: Life is the most valuable resource against aggro decks. Getting 4 life and a blocker that can block most of reds creatures is an amazing anti-red tech.

Ixalan's Binding: This one deals with difficult to deal with creatures/ an enchantment heavy deck or planeswalkers. A great sideboard option for white against pretty much anything.

Remorseful Cleric: This one is specifically added for decks that card about how many cards are in their graveyard, or against reanimation decks. A decent option against the golgari meta. Against golgari you want to replace Kraul Harpooner with this.

Tocatli Honor Guard: This card is meant to replace Knight of Autumn in the golgari midrange matchup. These two cards work against one another. The golgari matchup is the worst matchup for Knight of Autumn, in fact it is probably the only bad matchup for the card. Tocatli Honor Guard is arguably the best card against golgari midrange, so the swap is really obvious. In addition to this, swapping out Kraul Harpooner for Remorseful Cleric give us a very real chance at beating this matchup.

Vona, Butcher of Magan: An alternative win-con to swap out for Lyra Dawnbringer. Vona is notas strong in a fight, but he can kill permanents in addition to being a creature, so he is better at controlling the board. Against slower decks we can swap out Kraul Harpooner for Vona, Butcher of Magan to add some more lategame plays.

So first up, i know that 23 lands look like a little too few considering that the average cmc is 3.72, but hear me out on this. cmc is calculated by all the mana-symbols on the card, so something like Flower / Flourish counts as , where as 2/3 times i would cast it at , so these cards scew the cmc heavily. with this in mind the average cmc actually works out at about 3. Now when you look at the curve you will see lots of cards at 4cmc, so one might argue that if i dont hit 4 lands on turn 4 i just lose, since i cant play half my cards and i would need at least 24-25 lands to make it work. This simply isnt the case either, since Conclave Tribunal, which accounts for almost half my 4 drops can be case for less, so in actuality i wouldnt need 24-25 lands, but rather 23-24. this is exactly what i have, since i run 23 lands, along with 2 cards that find me lands(cards like these should be counted as about 1/2 a land since you need mana to get mana, and they can be countered, so they cant really count as a full land). This brings my land total up to 24, which is an adequate number.

Playtested this against:

Esper control: 2/1(Control is control. if one threat sticks against them they lose. in our case, our creatures are quite strong already, so if something does stick this fact is much more true)

Boros Angels: 2/1, 1/2, 2/1(havent decided what i think of this matchup yet)

Golgari midrange: 1/2, 2/1, 0/2, 2/1(golgari just has too much value to compete with, but game 2 taking out Knight of Autumn and Kraul Harpooner for Tocatli Honor Guard and Remorseful Cleric gives us a real chance at winning)

Red aggro: 2/1 (the sheer amount of lifegain counter-plays direct damage. This along with the fact that my early creatures can kill every single creature they have in a fight, and the fact that Experimental Frenzy doesnt stick makes for a scenario in which i win the race. Much more so if Shalai, Voice of Plenty lands)

Selesnya tokens: 2/0(didnt look like it would ever be a close matchup, since chumping double strikers is hard, requires 5 tokens to kill 1 2 drop, and my 2 drops do way more damage)


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Top Ranked
  • Achieved #23 position overall 5 years ago
Date added 6 years
Last updated 5 years
Exclude colors UR

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 2 Mythic Rares

26 - 6 Rares

24 - 3 Uncommons

0 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.43
Tokens City's Blessing
Folders stuff, standard casual other
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