Abzan Menagerie!
Basically a standard take on modern humans/CoCo. Run lots of 1,2, and 3 drop value creatures. Run 4 of assassin's trophy because assassin's trophy. And 3 Gruesome Menagerie for bringing back the beats.
Militia Bugler helps us to keep creatures in our hand, and synergizes swimmingly with most of our other creatures (Chups, Jadelight, Branchwalker, KoA, Sticher's). we have enough <3 power creatures that bugler should be hitting a creature every time.
Chups and Plaguecrafter, along with Assassin's Trophy are our removal suite (KoA is sort of in there too, but only for enchantment/artifact hate).
Early game we drop a Stitcher's or Pelt Collector, followed by a Shaman or Branchwalker. After that is where things start to branch off. We can go into full aggro mode with a turn 3 Charnel Troll if we had the Stitcher's/Shaman start, or we can take it a little easier and set up for the longer game with Jadelight/Bugler/KoA/Isareth. Ideally, on turn 5 we are either dropping a Doom Whisperer or casting a Gruesome Menagerie to bring back 3 creatures, this can either restock our graveyard for the troll (With Stitcher's and Shaman), or bring out our value creatures to dig for answers.
I'm absolutely open to suggestions and advice, so if you have any idea's towards what could help the deck out please leave a comment! I'm also open to sideboard suggestions, because until the meta really shapes up it's anyones guess. Thanks for looking!