Abzan Rally Elves

Standard beckhr


The mana actually looks very good, and i can't see it really hurting Canopy Vista.

Hmm, without Satyr Wayfinder getting elfs in the graveyard could be tough...Wait, that's what the Languishes are for? I like it.

Geez, I really like the look of this. Hopefully we can get some support in zendikar... it doesn't really look like it yet though.

September 14, 2015 1:10 a.m.

Oh also, I think Sidisi, Undead Vizier would be a VERY good inclusion.

September 14, 2015 1:16 a.m.

beckhr says... #3

Canopy Vista will be a good addition when BFZ comes out, along with the elves that will hopefully come with it.

Satyr Wayfinder was considered, but as he only pitches three cards and doesn't effectively ramp, I didn't let him stay.

The Languishes are reset buttons for if we fall behind on board against RDW or Abzan Aggro. It fills up our yard for a big Rally the Ancestors and, on curve, it comes right before a X=3/4 Rally which should win us a lot of games.

Sidisi is something to consider. Lets us tutor for Languish or Rally or Siege Rhino, even Shaman of the Pack.

I think the elves we want are gonna be at common. We are not gonna get the G elf mana dork that we want, but hopefully we get something to fill that slot.

September 14, 2015 9:34 a.m.

New mana dork looks fine, good mana fixing for white. But I guess elves rally is really gaining popularity, especially on mtgo. so much for being special snowflakes :(

September 17, 2015 3:11 p.m.

beckhr says... #5

It looks very good, looking for someone to pre-order copies from. Hoping it gets a low grade.

Yeah, I'm actually watching a cfb video of it right now. Haha, yeah. I don't mind, I think it might bump up to T1.5 or so. Which is something that tribal decks don't do often in standard, so I'm excited.

September 17, 2015 7:23 p.m.

Darkspy says... #6

Why is there only 59 cards Mainboard?

September 19, 2015 4:38 p.m.

beckhr says... #7

small mistake, fixed it.

September 19, 2015 9:34 p.m.

Dontknowgabe says... #8

I run Abzan Elves too! Some recommendations i would make is cutting your Abzan charm, Foul tongue, rally, rhino, and languish i get pretty far without them and dont consider them necessary for winning. 2 cards are a must that i think are amazing together. 2x Evolutionary Leap 4x Abzan Ascendancy these two together are a powerhouse for any deck alone! I also would recommend 3x Brutal Hordechief once played you will automatically see results when you swing. Main deck i run no kill spells but shaman and the hordechief seem to be enough at my Gaming Store. I do run Kill spells in the sideboard.

September 20, 2015 1:54 a.m.

Jojja says... #9

I'd recommend looking at Gather the Pack as a way to get cards i the yard as well as a way to dig for your payoff cards like Rino. As it's a MAY ability you can still let all the creatures go in the yard for a big Rally.

Languish is not really needed in a deck like this. You can trade off your cratures by agressive attacks. After playing a lot with Elves in standard I'v been disapointed by the CoCo's. I'd rather be playing Gather the Pack and Sylvan Messenger for card advantage, with my spell suite being 4 Gather, 4 Rally, 3 Murdures Cut and 2 Sorin. It gives you a better beatdown plan with a random Rally win if you get the option.

On your manabase. I'd cut all the swamps for 1 Llanowar Wastes, 1 Mortuary Mire and 1 Caves of Koilos.

I'd also cut 2 Beastcaller Savant for 2 Nantuko Husk.

In the SB I'd look for more grindy options like Altar's Reap, Bone Splinters, Zulaport Cutthroat, Duress and Den Protector. The plan would be to take out the mana dorks and play a deck with all ETB effects and value when they die making the Rally plan super deadly with both Shaman of the Pack and Zulaport Cutthroat triggers. Maybee even finding room for Lantern Scout in the SB if there are super agressive decks in the format.

September 20, 2015 6 a.m.

beckhr says... #10

Dontknowgabe I like the ability to come from behind and win that Rallying for 4 into a pile of elves and Rhinos gives me. I think that Abzan Ascendancy is an interesting card and I think that it works well with Evolutionary Leap, it helps swarm the board which is something I want to do as well.

Brutal Hordechief is a good card that gives a great effect with the option to kill their guys with deathtouching elves, but I think that Foul-Tongue Shriek gives that same advantage without being as vulnerable to removal. Languish is supposed to help me in aggro and midrange match-ups where I am either even or behind and then I rally the next turn to jump ahead with Rhinos and Shamans.

Jojja I was actually looking for that card, I was saying "where is the Mulch or Commune with Nature?" Everything I saw just put them on the bottom. I do think Languish may have been an oversight, I wanted it to come down when I was behind and could rally up something big or CoCo a fresh board.

What about 1 swamp, 1 Cave of Koilos, and 1 Mortuary Mire?

Nantuko Husk is an interesting option. I think I may main Altar's Reap for the card draw and grave fuel. Bone Splinters and Duress would be good in the sb.

I see having problems with RDW and bigger Abzan, any pointers for those match ups? I'm not worried about control, I just let them counter elves and draw spells until they are tapped out and then lay down Rally ftw.

September 20, 2015 11:44 a.m.

Jojja says... #11

The changes seem solid. Agaist RDW I really like Sorin and Rino to stabilize.

Agaist bigger Abzan I save my 3 Cut's for Anafensa, and try to win with a big Rally+chord for additional Shaman, since Chord will rotate I'll be leaning more on Cut, Charm and Husks for trades.

September 22, 2015 5:54 a.m.

beckhr says... #12

Jojja that sounds good, how about sideboarding Arashin Cleric against RDW.

Should I mainboard more removal? Should that removal be diverse? Or is 3 cuts optimal?

September 22, 2015 9:05 a.m.

Wow, this deck is really coming along. Awesome.

September 22, 2015 2:46 p.m.

beckhr says... #14

telepathyoverdrive yeah, I'm getting pumped for BFZ standard. I found another neat interaction. I can attack with Nantuko Husk, if they let it go, I can respond by casting Rally bring all of my dorks in, ETBs happen and then I can eat them all to ensure the win. That's pretty insane. This deck is very flexible and interesting.

September 22, 2015 5:12 p.m.

Dragonlord Dromoka should probably be 1 sideboard and I would try to avoid Sandsteppe Citadel, your an aggressive deck tap-lands are only a hindrance.

September 23, 2015 11:20 a.m.

beckhr says... #16

I think Dragonlord Dromoka is a very good option in the sideboard, especially if UW Control gets a foothold in the meta. I'll see what needs to be done in the sideboard after a week or so of BFZ.

I think the triland is very good. If I can play it on T1 when I have no plays and it fixes my mana for the rest of the game, that's pretty damn good.

September 23, 2015 4:50 p.m.

CeraAngel says... #17

Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen seems like a good fit, and is one of the main rewards for playing elf tribal.

November 13, 2015 6:31 p.m.

beckhr says... #18

@ CeraAngel- From what I've seen, she doesn't pull enough weight. She makes my elves better, 2/2s and some 3/3s. The way I thought about it is she is adding one damage to each elf, but this is only true if they can attack without blocks. What's better is dealing that damage immediately through Shaman of the Pack. For example, I was playing a match for fun earlier this week against Abzan Aristocrats, Dwynen's Elite is amazing and Siege Rhinos were the name of the game, until I dropped a Rally the Ancestors for a Dwynen's Elite and two Shaman of the Pack on a full board. Stack the triggers and each Shaman deals 10, 20 total, that's lethal out of nowhere.

November 14, 2015 3:11 p.m.
December 3, 2015 6:23 p.m.

beckhr says... #20

The best case scenario I can get out of Collected Company is Shaman of the Pack x2 on a full board. The worst case is either all lands or, worse, Siege Rhinos being marooned in the bottom of my deck.

So, that establishes the floor and ceiling of the card in this deck. Coco and Rally could exist together in say an Abzan Allies list, but they can't in this list because I am hedging on Shaman of the Pack's ETB being more impactful than Zulaport Cutthroat or Kalastria Healer. Which from some play testing, it has been.

Because ofRally the Ancestors, my deck is way more interesting imo. I can put my opponent in bad positions, having to blocking deathtouching elves and pump-able Nantuko Husks. I don't care about what happens to my guys too much because then I just rev my elves and a few Siege Rhinos for a huge hit back then I can sack them to Nantuko Husk for another go. Coco doesn't add anything to that and it's game plan isn't demonstrably better, I've played with both.

CoCo frets about overcommitting to the board, while this deck begs for a board wipe, so it can go off again. I like that second plan of attack much more. When Khans and FRF rotate, I'm probably going to shift into a GB Coco Elves/Allies deck, it's a solid card/deck.

December 3, 2015 8:13 p.m.

shinck says... #21

how was your fnm with this deck so far??

December 5, 2015 8:04 a.m.

beckhr says... #22

Unfortunately, I have not been able to make it to a standard event at my LGS because exams are this week. I really have not been able to get myself out from under my textbooks. Here's to next week possibly being better.

I have been able to play some casual matches against two of the store's better players and I went 4-1 against Abzan Allies Rally and 3-2 against GW Hardened Scales. I'm very excited to have the chance to play.

December 5, 2015 11:28 a.m.

shinck says... #23

i try similar your deck casual play against Mardu midrange and Blue black control , both match i had won. but not confidence to bring over to fnm or major event. since there is so much abzan and artaka red deck around now. what your opinion on the match up against those deck?

December 5, 2015 noon

beckhr says... #24

How's the match up with UB control? I'm hoping that it works well.

I think that Abzan and Atarka Red are our worst match-ups. Anafenza destroys our combo plan and the combo from Atarka Red is very powerful and becomes more dangerous through out the game.

But I think that we have some resilience out of the sideboard, bringing in hand disruption, removal, and larger creature. Against Abzan; Self-Inflicted Wound, Dragonlord Dromoka, and either Bone Splinters or Duress come in, depends on how big/small they are. We take out 2 Murderous Cut, Altar's Reap and, I believe, Gnarlroot Trapper. This gives us more efficient ways to kill Anafenza and Siege Rhino, ways to interact with their hand, and a bigger creature that they have to deal with.

Against Atarka Red, we bring in Dragonlord Dromoka and Dromoka's Command. We take out Altar's Reap and Gnarlroot Trapper. This goes bigger than them, they don't have a lot of ways to deal with our dragonlord, and we have an efficient way to kill their creature while their going for the combo, usually while Become Immense is on the stack.

I could be wrong, what are your thoughts?

December 5, 2015 1:20 p.m.

ObeseBanana says... #25

Collected Company? Love the deck.

December 21, 2015 4:46 p.m.

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