Round 1: Mardu Control
This deck was surprisingly good against mine. It ran a playset of just about every removal spell a deck could run in those colors. End Hostilities, Utter End, Banishing Light, Crackling Doom(which was amazing against me), Magma Jet, Mardu Charm, and others I have forgotten. From what I saw, the purpose of the deck was to wipe the Board and win with Butcher of the Horde I eventually won out by outlasting removal spells. In addition, Wingmate Roc loves a 4 creature deck. By the time he would stabilize, it was far too late.
Round 2: WBGR Planeswalkers
Game 1 was silly. He mulled to 5, and never hit a third land, while I god drew. I only saw two GW lands that game and an Ajani, Mentor of Heroes get force discarded.
Game 2: Was the exact opposite. I had no idea how to sideboard. I mulled to six, kept a bad hand, and he went to town. Planeswalkers everywhere, Sarkhan, Dragonspeaker Sorin, Solemn Visitor, Elspeth, Sun's Champion, and Xenagos, the Reveler made up a storm I could not stop, even when I began to stabilize. I lost, and bad.
Game 3: Sideboarded in my 4 Thoughseize and my 2 Despise. This game was much better. He ended up constantly dropping Courser of Kruphix and more land. He would gain life with Siege Rhino. The game stalled with me actually winning on Turn 5(after time) with Wingmate Roc and its tokens swinging. Life difference 63-1.
This was the most interesting deck, so I gave more description to the games.
Round 3: Abzan Reanimator
I knew it was a mirror when our opening game was the same. Elvish Mystic, Sylvan Caryatid, Satyr Wayfinder,Commune with the Gods. But there were key differences that helped me win out. He played Abhorrent Overlord and Ashen Rider over the Roc. (Which he played Stain the Mind on in game two. The Ashen Rider was interesting and definitely allowed him to flip control of the game every now and again, but the Abhorrent Overlord and its sacrifice trigger is what eventually allowed me to take control and win.
All in all a good showing. I saw some chips in the armor...and hopefully it will be fixed by next week.