The Abzan Supremacy Reloaded

Standard Nelstone


Pilz_753 says... #1

If this is supposed to be an aggro-ish deck 14 lands that come into play tapped are way to many. You should cut at least Blossoming Sands and Scoured Barrens and replace them with basics/feteches/pains.

September 14, 2014 12:28 p.m.

Nelstone says... #2

Great observation. Fetches are outside my current budget. I'll do some juggling and work in some basic lands.

September 14, 2014 12:31 p.m.

Rumrunner360 says... #3

So I too love Anafenza, the Foremost , but do you know what's better than a 4/4 for 3? A 4/4 for free! Try a few Preeminent Captain

September 15, 2014 1:57 a.m.

Nelstone says... #4

As much as I like Preeminent Captain and what it can do, the 3-drop spot is already packed with things I don't want to cut. I'll keep it in mind if the deck doesn't run as I expect.

September 15, 2014 11:34 a.m.

sharang3 says... #6

23 lands and only 4 mystics with no Caryatid is too few for Garruk; I'm guessing it's a card you have irl and you're just trying to fit it into a shell?

September 17, 2014 7:21 p.m.

sharang3 says... #7

Also, keep in mind the synergy between Caryatid and Kin-Tree. You can easily cut the 1 mana 0/4; as great as he is against aggro, you don't need help in that matchup as a midrange deck.

September 17, 2014 7:22 p.m.

zhouston says... #9

I see this as much more of an aggro deck than midrange; midrange usually focuses heavily on removal and very efficient creatures (brimaz, polukranos, maybe even necropolis fiend) and/or planeswalkers to end games. I think what you are going for here looks like an explosive start with soldier of the pantheon, fleecemane, anafenza etc. That being said it looks really solid so far.

My biggest piece of advice is to trade garruk to one of your friends while the value is still high. Everything in this deck looked really good until I saw the one random seven drop (with no 5 or 6 cmc cards to bridge the gap) and the awkward mana dorks to justify his position in the deck. I think elvish mystic and caryatid are going to be awful for you, other than garruk you aren't ramping into anything bigger than 4 mana so you don't want to lose the tempo in the early turns playing a creature that can't put pressure on your opponent. I think Bloodsoaked Champion would be a great addition to the main board in place of elvish mystic (assuming you can get black mana on turn one consistently). As for caryatid you could probably run four Fleecemane Lion and Rakshasa Deathdealer and clean up the numbers a bit.

I'm sorry if I came off too mean or rude, and feel free to tell me I'm wrong haha. But yeah, otherwise the deck looks really fun and I think it'll do very well but you have to get rid of that Garruk, even if he's burning a hole in your binder.

September 18, 2014 3:02 p.m.

Dragonfire60 says... #10

Looks like a solid agressive deck. 1 thought - you should never have to play garruk to win the game. A 7 drop in this deck isn't the best answer. If you want something that has to be dealt with or instantly murder them, we have polukranos, who also wipes their half of the board. I'm not sure if garruk fits here unless you can ulti him, and if you're in a position to ulti garruk then you've already won the game.

September 18, 2014 3:13 p.m.

Nelstone says... #11

@zhouston Great advice. Thanks for being direct. Including Garruk points out my lack of experience brewing and playing midrange. It's pretty clear I'm all about brewing aggro decks. That said, I'll take your advice and work in Bloodsoaked Champion and run four Fleecemane Lion and Rakshasa Deathdealer .

@Dragonfire60 Yea, I see now that Garruk really doesn't fit what I'm doing here.

September 18, 2014 4:27 p.m.

tinbrown says... #12

you have 4 empty slots. I think you should add 1 land and 3 Hero's Downfall removal is never bad.

September 18, 2014 4:37 p.m.

tinbrown says... #13

nvm you just filed your slots lol

September 18, 2014 4:37 p.m.

Nelstone says... #14

@tinbrown Actively makes changes lol

September 18, 2014 4:41 p.m.

Shakull says... #15

Have you considered Reaper of the Wilds over Siege Rhino ?

September 19, 2014 6:02 a.m.

Nelstone says... #16

@Shakull I had not. I'll get a playset to have on hand for testing.

September 19, 2014 10:19 a.m.

Shakull says... #17

If possible share the results. Although I think that Siege Rhino might be a little bit more aggressive, Reaper of the Wilds is a more versatile creature. Hope I could help. +1

September 19, 2014 12:42 p.m.

sharang3 says... #18

I think that, since we've all independently come to the conclusion Garruk doesn't belong here. that you're running more of an aggro-ish deck? I think that Siege Rhino is better than Reaper in that capacity. On turn 4, you can play rhino, and if he gets removed, you paid 4 mana to drain 3 and make the other guy discard removal, which is a SUPER playable card. Reaper doesn't have such insurance in a deck with limited mana sources.

Anyway, since you're more about the aggressive start, I retract my statement about caryatid - probably Fleecemane is a good choice, maybe 2 Deathdealers.

September 19, 2014 12:56 p.m.

flashter says... #19

I really like Ajani Steadfast in this type of deck, also I would go with all 4 of on cards like Bloodsoaked Champion Fleecemane Lion Soldier of the Pantheon and Siege Rhino and for those cut the Seeker of the Way and 1 Herald of Anafenza . Like the deck a lot +1 to you.

September 22, 2014 2:45 a.m.

LMCDaSniper says... #20

Sweet deck but do you not have Temple of Silence or does the lifegain of Scoured Barrens just better for you? Also I would replace the Suspension Field with 2x Utter End and 1x Reclamation Sage the Utter End because they can hit everything but lands at instant speed unlike Suspension Field which is only creatures toughness 3+. The Reclamation Sage because I think in the future meta I think we might be seeing a lot of Banishing Light and Constellation Decks going around.

September 25, 2014 9:32 p.m.

Phyrexia108 says... #21

Hey Dude! I'm building an Abzan Aggro deck too! Not as popular as yours (27 upvotes!). Our decklists are very different, like different ways to build an Abzan aggro deck. You can check mine out Here. I really like this decklist, I just recommend not necesarily having the lands that come into play tapped for life gain or scry. Does not seem worth to be a play behind in an aggro deck. Maybe some fetch or pain lands instead?

September 25, 2014 10:17 p.m.

Pyroshade says... #22

i very much like the deck! it is very focusd and refined!

i would suggest Rakshasa Deathdealer , as it's nice to have a mana sink later-game (if it gets to that), and he gets around Courser of Kruphix which i can see being a big probelm for alot of aggro decks ><
Treating as a 2/2 has really done me well in play-testing as it has given me soo many options, such as forcing out Hero's Downfall on him when i'm tapped out, so next turn i can play my Siege Rhino with less of a worry!

here's the deck i've been working on if you fancy a look Junk Em Out

September 27, 2014 6:22 a.m.

Sedrom says... #23

why use windstorm? if you are going for single target anti flier, why not use Plummet ? Just curious as I'm building a similar deck

September 28, 2014 2:37 a.m.

Nelstone says... #24

@LMCDaSniper: I'm still working out the lands. I'm keeping Reclamation Sage in the sideboard, but I am moving Utter End to the main.

@Phyrexia108: +1 to your deck! I need to buy some more fetches and pain lands for this deck.

@Pyroshade: Thanks! +1 to your deck, too. I've move Rakshasa Deathdealer to my main deck, I think that's good advice,

@Sedrom: I choose Windstorm because although it is more expensive it will take down multiple targets. I don't know if that's better than the lower cost of Plummet in practice. I'm open to suggestion.

September 29, 2014 4:19 p.m.

Nelstone says... #25

I'm thinking I'll go with Plummet . Much more economical.

September 30, 2014 10:39 p.m.

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