Thanks, Gabe082795! +1 to your deck!
I like the idea of playing Sorin, Solemn Visitor , playing Ajani Steadfast next turn, -2 him and then ultimate Sorin. If that doesn't prove to be worthwhile, I'll drop the Ajani's for two more creatures, probably another Siege Rhino and Soldier of the Pantheon .
I'm thinking about getting a playset of Thoughtsieze for this deck. I would mainboard 3 and sideboard 1 Banishing Light and 2 Suspension Field , dropping something from the sideboard to make room. Maybe drop the Bile Blight ? Maybe Plummet because I would have Hero's Downfall for Stormbreath and the Butcher?
October 2, 2014 11:17 a.m.
Gabe082795 says... #3
I could see you dropping the whip of erebos, because sorin will be giving your creatures lifelink constantly. I think that just abusing sorin's +1 is better than his ult... but I've never gotten his ult off, so I guess I don't know (usually I win before I have the chance to use his ult. Thanks for the look at my deck, it's greatly appreciated! Good luck in standard!
October 2, 2014 11:29 a.m.
If you dont mind my asking, what did you finish with this at the GP?
October 7, 2014 3:11 a.m.
I finished 1-2-1. The deck was different from the list above. Here are the differences:
Round 1: Mono Green Devotion: Loss
This kid was an expert. He won 2-0 against me; I never stood a chance. His deck curved out perfectly and Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx kept his mana flowing. I didn't have enough removal to kill his mana flow. He was one of the players that gave me some great advice after our game.
Round 2: Mono-Green Devotion: Tie
This match was played by someone that didn't appear to have much Magic experience. I am assuming that her boyfriend built her the deck and taught her how to play Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx , as he was hovering over her shoulder. She was very slow to play, and made numerous misplays. She flooded the board with creatures such as Arbor Colossus and Hornet Queen , all the while ignoring my Sorin, Solemn Visitor . I was able to ultimate Sorin and monstrous Fleecemane Lion , followed by continually +1ing Sorin to give everyone life link to stay in the game. His emblem slowly made her sacrifice most of her creatures. I could have ultimated Sorin a second time (and confirmed with a judge that I could do so) but stuck with life like to play for the tie. We never completed the first round. I would have ultimately won the match by ultimating Sorin a second time, had we more time.
Round 3: Sultai Walkers splashing white for Elspeth, Sun's Champion : Loss
My opponent took first match after a tight race. My deck didn't hit it's curve very quickly. I won match 2 very quickly; my deck curved just right, and his deck stalled. Match 3 went to him in another race similar to the first match. I just didn't pull enough removal to answer all his walkers.
Round 4: Sultai delve: Win
The poor guy had to mulligan down to 5 the first match and down to 6 the second. He was only running 21 lands, which can sometimes lead to excessive mulligans. Having Anafenza, the Foremost in my main board pretty much guaranteed me the win unless my draws were terrible, which they weren't.
I came away from the GP with some terrific advice from seasoned players. I feel very confident with the state of the deck as you see it now (with the exception of the land base, which I'm still tweaking as of this morning).
October 7, 2014 9:49 a.m.
Hey there, Nelstone, great info on your experience at the GP. In regards to your manabase: have you considered some of the scry Temples? Sure, they're not terribly aggressive but even just a few can help filter draws and avoid shocking yourself continually. I'm running a midrange deck similar to yours and find that despite running 6 Temples and 4 Citadels I'm not terribly slowed down - my curve is a bit different than yours, however.
Maybe dupe the deck and goldfish some hands? If you're up for it, consider: -3 Mana Confluence -2 Plains -2 Caves of Koilos for +2 Windswept Heath + 3 Temple of Silence +2 Temple of Plenty
That 1-of Murderous Cut is so hot, by the way... definitely stealing that idea! +1
October 8, 2014 1:18 a.m.
Hey, alulien, thanks! +1 to your deck. Yea, I've been working with the manabase in a copy of this deck. I've learned that tapped lands are a generally okay in midrange decks. I intend on going to my LGS at lunch today and picking up 4x Temple of Silence .
I've made the changes to this deck. I think the adjustments are sound.
October 8, 2014 6:34 a.m.
I'm holding off on more Windswept Heath simply due to costs.
October 8, 2014 8:57 a.m.
Those changes are looking pretty solid - more diversity in your opening hands seems like. Just drew a half dozen hands real quick and only 1 time did you not have WW or BB for Brimaz/Herald T3, but always had access to all 3 colors by T3.
October 8, 2014 10:44 a.m.
Hallowed_Titan says... #10
Nice looking standard deck. I'm a fan of Abzan ; ) +1
October 9, 2014 9:16 a.m.
scapertist says... #11
I think the key to improve your aggro match up could be on the manabase. You're running 11 EBT lands which can make you stumble really hard against an aggro average start. You should take a look at this article ( and figure it out what is the best suit for you. I'm thinking of this for my render of abzan aggro:
Sandsteppe Citadel(4)Windswepth Heath(4)Urborg, Tom of Yawgmoth(1)Caves of Koilos(3)Llanowar Wastes(3)Temple of Malady(1)Temple of Silence(1)Temple of Plenty(1)Swamp(1)Forest(3)Plains(2)
Maybe you could switch Temples for Lifelands to smooth up against Aggro and Burn.
I don't think Caryatid belongs here either, you're 2-drop spot is way too crowded and it crashes really hard against your aggro plan. Is cool to ramp up a Rhino but not that cool to ramp into Sorin or Ajani with nothing to benefit of them. I think Wingmate Roc belongs main or sideboard depending on your metagame. Not the best card against aggro.
November 10, 2014 2:34 p.m.
scapertist says... #12
You should also consider Heir of the Wilds as a key to breakthrough stalled battlefields and Caryatid-Courser combo. It's also is a fine option to ensure raid for Wingmate Roc.
November 10, 2014 2:37 p.m.
I wouldn't consider Arbor Colossus, with the three green mana symbols. It's just too hard to play.
December 27, 2014 8:51 a.m.
Kuninotokotachi says... #15
Okay, so I love this deck, it's beautifully consistent, but it needs work. From what I can see is this:
You need much more mana swamp abilities, run 2 or 3 Abzan Banners. I know it is horribly unorthodox, but in running Abzan you're going to want to build up massive mana, and running those will only help you more. Besides, the extra draw power is very nice, especially in an aggro deck.
Abzan Ascendancy does not need to be sideboarded. It's a staple in an Abzan deck of any kind, whether running Abzan Counter Spam or Abzan Token Spam, due to the extra Power it gives.
I heavily recommend running Erebos, God of the Dead, Karametra, God of Harvests, and Athreos, God of Passage. I would suggest a single Erebos, along with another sideboarded, along with the same with Karametra. Athreos runs very well in an Abzan deck, so I suggest 3, because not only do you gain a high powered creature, but heavy survivability, allowing you to bring your monsters back in the same turn, due to mana ramp.
Trade your scry lands for life, dual lands from KTK Block. You want to stack mana as fast as physically possible while also loading yourself with life.
I heavily agree with the statements of scapertist and mwwb16. They offer great advice that you should take.
Take most of your sideboard and set it into your mainboard. Then, proceed to separate your maybeboard into your side and mainboards because they will make your deck even better.
I hope you enjoyed my overview, and thank you for a look at an amazing deck.
February 23, 2015 9:38 p.m.
I would suggest Ranger's Guile to prevent getting burned again.
April 28, 2015 7:04 p.m.
Phyrexia108 says... #17
I would suggest Ranger's Guile for the +1/+1, +1/+1 for one mana at instant speed! BROKEN! XD
Gabe082795 says... #1
Wow, this deck is really cool, all I have seen is abzan mid-range in a competitive setting, this is the first aggro-based JUNK deck that I've seen in this rotation, I really like it though.
Obviously, like you said in your description, you need some fetch lands in there.The only other suggestion I would make, is that Sorin is just straight up better than ajani, but at the same time, I can see why you would want ajani, because if you can get his ult off, you win the game. There are just so many good planeswalkers in this rotation that fit our abzan colors!!
I would suggest trying to find a way to main board Despise , but I can't quite find one, also, if you're up for the dollar figure, Thoughtsieze is way better than despise.
I love the deck though, and if you get a chance, feel free to go in and criticize my abzan midrange build! Thanks!
Abzan (JUNK) Post Rotation (Suggestions Needed)
October 1, 2014 2:25 p.m.