Abzanimator - I'll be back!

Standard thewyzman


Three Nyx Weaver instead of Abhorrent Overlord, Pharika's Mender, and Reaper of the Wilds? Another Whip of Erebos, full playset of Siege Rhino, two Soul of Theros, and two more Hornet Queen are definitely good. Think about Pharika, God of Affliction instead of Ashen Rider (or in the Sideboard with a third Doomwake Giant)!

The rest of the deck looks good to me. Just be careful and know that Standard right now is stronger in the Midrange than Reanimator at the moment. Not discouraging you from playing the deck (because I love Reanimator), but you'll need to make big Sideboard plays if you take it to competitive events.

January 14, 2015 6:26 a.m.

thewyzman says... #2

devastated-heart, thanks for stopping in with some advice. Abzan midrange is a very tough deck, and since I don't have any Sorin, Solemn Visitor, I'm taking the reanimator route with Whip for the lifelinking stability.

  • I do like Nyx Weaver, but I've had games where it dumps good cards into the yard and costs me dearly. It would be so much better if it said you may put or one or both or something that allowed me to not have to put that Hero's Downfall or Whip of Erebos into my yard... which is why I threw in a 1-of Pharika's Mender. I know I could just exile it and get a card back, which is its way of making amends for thinning your library, but that 3 mana can be vital trying to make it into mid range where the deck takes off. I've got a full playset itching to get in, and I'm keeping them close by after a few playtest games when I can get them in with real opponents.

  • Reaper of the Wilds is a suprisingly tough card to deal with if it's able to resolve. I mean, U/B control has Perilous Vaults and Ashiok, Nightmare Weavers and all, but if it can hit the board it's tough to kill... and since they might have Tormod's Crypt in their SB they pretty much wreck me anyhow. Reaper is also fantastic against aggro because of its big body and its deathtouch makes it a threat to other midrange decks like green devotion. It's really a versatile all-around champ. I'd run a full set if this were a golgari control build.

  • Right now I only have those two Whip of Erebos, but I'll be trying to acquire two more. Same goes for Siege Rhino since they're in such high demand being the anchor card in the top decks (and have even found their way into Modern format); they're hard to find which makes them high-priced also ($16-17 range now). Another acquireboard item is Hornet Queen as I only have the one you see... but I would consider replacing the Abhorrent Overlord in certain matchups. The overlord has that big 6/6 body that helps me stabilize immensely, and much like the Ashen Rider, makes fantastic flying Whip fodder when I need it... so I'm a bit conflicted with the idea of removing it, even as just a 1-of.

  • I have no Soul of Theros, or any walkers other than Liliana Vess, so it's a nonissue right now.

I'm not, by any means at all, knocking your ideas down... I either don't have the extras, or I simply wish to discuss your ideas further, so please feel free to keep the conversation going - I'm always learning! :)

January 14, 2015 8:27 a.m.

Glad I could help!

I've found that Reanimator Targets are much more effective when they leave the board significantly influenced, which is why I'm not too impressed by Abhorrent Overlord. Hornet Queen leaves you with 4 blockers that will stop most of this format's attackers. The Insects scare off Polukranos, World Eater, Stormbreath Dragon, and the occasional Pearl Lake Ancient along with Wingmate Roc and Courser of Kruphix.

I've found that playing a larger number of Creatures (usually around 27) solves problems with Nyx Weaver dumping goodstuffs.

Playing 4 Whip of Erebos isn't really necessary, which is why I only recommended 3. It improves consistency without making dead draws. (Even 4-of is a bit much, as most decks only side 1-2 Erase against Reanimator, if any.)

By no means do I mean to say that Ashen Rider doesn't have a place in the deck, just that only having one doesn't help you an awful lot. Maybe getting one more would benefit you?

I understand you don't have any as of yet, but I still strongly recommend both Soul of Theros and Soul of Innistrad. Being able to use their abilities from the 'Yard makes them that much more appealing if you find yourself dumping them with Nyx Weaver.

If you find that Vault is a large problem in your meta, I recommend taking out the 2 Reclamation Sage in your Sideboard for 2 Naturalize. It allows you to break the Vault when it comes out without giving your opponent a chance to use it.

January 14, 2015 8:18 p.m.

thewyzman says... #4


The benefit to Abhorrent Overlord is that, like the Queen, he leaves me with 1/1 flying tokens (albeit without d/t), which is why I would probably swap it out for a Queen if I ever find another. The downside to the Queen is, like Goblin Rabblemaster, one Drown in Sorrow = b'bye, and the Overlord himself is a big body that has to be answered or it can take huge chunks of life (which there are plenty of answers in standard right now).

I'd love to be creature-heavy, but then the dilemma becomes which few spells to keep?

When I first built this deck ages ago in its Theros block form, I stuffed as many Ashen Riders as I could, but it made the curve top-heavy, so now I've actually just tossed it into the SB because of its versatility, until I figure out what I want to do with it otherwise.

I'll look into getting the Soul's, like everything else, when I can.

If you find that Vault is a large problem in your meta, I recommend taking out the 2 Reclamation Sage in your Sideboard for 2 Naturalize. It allows you to break the Vault when it comes out without giving your opponent a chance to use it.

I kinda like the idea of making them think about popping the Vault to knock out my Sage since Naturalize would leave me without a creature anyway. I see what you're pointing at though if I have a decent board otherwise, then making them pop it becomes trivial for them anyhow, but against Whip decks UBC always sides in Negate, making Naturalize less effective, but perhaps baiting that out so I can drop something else out after. It's a good suggestion, I'm going to keep that in mind! It seems better than Revoke Existence or Unravel the Aether.

January 15, 2015 6:54 a.m.

thewyzman says... #5

I'll have to think about Unravel the Aether Vs. Naturalize. UTA gives the a/e back to them, but it also not only hits annoying gods, but defensively allows me to potentially save my own Whip if needed... and a god like Erebos, God of the Dead can completely shut me down while Nylea, God of the Hunt can also spell disaster, and Keranos, God of Storms is just its own win-con straight up.

Honestly, a bigger problem for me than Vault is Tormod's Crypt, will literally grief my entire theme... a card I'd love to carry myself for mirror matchups once I figure out how many there are in my meta (always changing).

January 15, 2015 8:01 a.m.

thewyzman says... #6

FNM results added.

January 17, 2015 9:44 a.m.

Soul of Innistrad works wonders against the crypt if you know it's coming. Leave him in the 'Yard, save mana, and then save what you can when you see Crypt. Sometimes just having open mana and a Soul in my Grave has made my opponents hesitate long enough for me to win.

January 17, 2015 11:18 a.m.

thewyzman says... #8

My second matchup last night played a Crypt against me in game 2... it sucked. I really wish I'd had that Soul!

I picked up another Rhino and two more Whips, then tweaked the deck this morning, I'm going to update it in a moment.

January 17, 2015 3:14 p.m.

DoctorSqueaky says... #9

Whip it. Whip it real good.

January 21, 2015 2:49 p.m.

thewyzman says... #10

Whippin' it, Doc, whippin' it reeeeeal gud ...Like it's never been whipped before!


January 21, 2015 4:10 p.m.

thewyzman says... #11

Updated from last FNM

February 10, 2015 10:04 p.m.

Son-of-Mace says... #12

No massa, not the whip!

March 10, 2015 11:04 p.m.

thewyzman says... #13

The Whip of Erebos, loved by handlers, feared by enemies. In this deck, it puts games away. Let it resolve, shake my hand, move on, but don't be discouraged (it does this all the time).

March 11, 2015 7:42 a.m.

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