Ach! Hans, run! It's a Bogle!

Modern Bovine073


Bovine073 says... #1

Ah TheGrayMerchant, I sometimes forget that it is and not just . It seems a bit narrow, however, I've been thinking about Mana Tithe as well.

March 14, 2016 2:07 a.m.

Rhyno52 says... #2

June 15, 2016 3:43 a.m.

Rhyno52 says... #3

ah sorry isnt legal .-.

June 15, 2016 3:44 a.m.

Bovine073 says... #4

Yeah, it's a better Unflinching Courage. I have chosen not to run courage in place of an extra Spirit Mantle. Thanks for the suggestion!

June 15, 2016 4:41 a.m.

lonker says... #5

Ach! Hans, Run! It's a scarf-wearing spider spirit-covered Bogle!

December 18, 2016 3:20 a.m.

Bovine073 says... #6

Yep pretty much lonker, lol.

December 18, 2016 3:21 a.m.

"How many decks actually run Liliana of the veil" That is a joke right?

March 9, 2017 3:48 p.m.

Bovine073 says... #8

Yes, it is somewhat sarcastic Snapdisastermage. I should probably add a bit more detail to that section to avoid confusion.

March 9, 2017 3:58 p.m.

clayperce says... #9

Love it!

Fyi though, the +1 buttons in the description are broken.

Draw well!

March 11, 2017 9:45 a.m.

Bovine073 says... #10

Huh, I thought I had fixed those clayperce... Thanks for the heads up!

March 11, 2017 10:02 a.m.

clayperce says... #11

By the way, Armadillo Cloak is legal in Modern. T/O is notoriously bad about actual banlist accuracy.

March 12, 2017 6:45 a.m.

Bovine073 says... #12


It was originally printed in Invasion, and has only been printed in non-standard legal sets (masters, duel decks, etc.) since. It isn't that it is banned, it just hasn't been printed in a standard legal set past 8th edition.

March 12, 2017 6:58 a.m.

clayperce says... #13

Oh derp. Thanks much for the correction!

March 12, 2017 11:14 a.m.

Ryne91 says... #14

After playtesting the deck on here, it makes me want to go out and build it. Upvote from me.

March 24, 2017 3:50 a.m.

Bovine073 says... #15

Thanks Ryne91! Appreciated!

March 24, 2017 3:56 a.m.

Ryne91 says... #16

Bovine073: Out of curiosity, have you tried Gryff's Boon? I wasn't sure if the flying would be beneficial to the deck. Granted, I'm not so sure it's good enough to replace anything in the deck regardless.

March 24, 2017 4:09 a.m.

Bovine073 says... #17

Ryne91, it has been on my watch list, but have not done any actual playtesting with it.

March 24, 2017 4:45 a.m.

Redace878 says... #18

I've heard someone say that Bogles gets crushed by Death's Shadow. Have you found this to be true?

June 4, 2017 8:30 a.m.

Bovine073 says... #19

The bad matchup is Jund DS for the most part. Grixis is a little bit more fair, as it more closely resembles Grixis Delver instead of OG Jund, Redace878.

June 4, 2017 9:17 a.m.

Kappalauzius says... #20

I don't like that you give a 400+ $ deck the 'budget' tag. In my opinion, budget is <100.

March 9, 2018 4:28 p.m.

Kappalauzius 400$ is budget for modern. Most decks in modern are 900$ - 1400$

March 9, 2018 4:38 p.m.

Kappalauzius says... #22

Well, thanks for the hint Snapdisastermage (I'm pretty unexperienced with format specific prizes), still, 400$ is nothing with which you simply go to u LGS and buy. At least i wouldn't do so :D.

March 9, 2018 4:42 p.m.

Bovine073 says... #23

Kappalauzius yeah there's a few things that make the budget tag look weird in this deck, most of them come from this version of the deck being made by me and posted on TappedOut quite some time ago. I originally had it under budget because it didn't have the playset of Horizon Canopy which was an 80$ card at one point (not anymore). Also, a lot of the prices of many of the cards in the deck have actually spiked in just the last few months with the recent success Bogles has been seeing in the competitive scene, as well as Leyline of Sanctity now being a 20$+ card when it used to only be about 12$.

March 10, 2018 12:52 p.m.

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