Who would've guessed that Hans was running from a large amount of soldier tokens holding swords and a women screaming battle cries to enhance the combat power of her soldiers.
Anyway screw Jund. Why should I pay 200 dollars for a Tarmogoyf when I could just completely avoid the colour green... and graveyards... and power.... Whatever! We don't need Green mana for good removal like Abrupt Decay and Maelstrom Pulse or powerful creatures like Tarmogoyf and Scavenging Ooze.
Who am I kidding, this is gonna be a fringe deck by a fringe deck builder who just wants to avoid paying 200 for a piece of cardboard. But I'll happily pay 65 dollars for a piece of cardboard! While Green and Blue both have extremely good cards (Blue has probably the best cards out of any of the colours what with Snapcaster Mage and Cryptic Command etc.)
The Breakdown
What does this deck do? Well nobody expects B/W Tokens with a Splash of Red for Removal and Dark Confidant because that seems good in a deck with a low curve and beat-down tempo style. That's not quite as catchy as the Spanish Inquistion but still I guess it works.
There are very few creatures in this deck if you've noticed but they all do something very powerful.
Dark Confidant - Draws you some cards and can hold a sword fairly well. Unfortunately he doesn't get bonuses from the token buffs or the white creature buffs.
Hero of Bladehold - More tokens and more damage means more death for the enemy.
Tidehollow Sculler - Zombies! Bears! Zombie Bears! Hand attack is pretty awesome as well.
Inquisition of Kozilek - Hand attack for lower CMC cards that still hits tons of relevant things. I probably don't need to list them all here because you can probably figure them out on your own.
Thoughtseize - Inqusition's bigger brother. Hits everything for the low, low cost of two life and 1 black mana
Lingering Souls - This is banned in Innistrad block constructed for a reason.
Spectral Procession - 3 1/1 fliers for 3 mana that are eligible for being buffed by both
Honor of the Pure
Intangible Virtue
seems very good. It's almost as good as Delver. Aside from Delver being a 3/2 flier on a single body that becomes relevant a turn earlier.
Sound The Alarm! - Very fun card. Surprise tokens at the end of the turn that are again eligible for the all important buffs.
Path to Exile - Getting rid of any creature forever is very good especially at one mana. The only thing that would be better is Swords to Plowshares but that's not legal in Modern.
Lightning Helix - If Lightning Bolt was too strong then why did they give us this. This is almost as good as that and the extra life-gain can be very relevant.
Intangible Virtue
- Vigilance and extra damage is extremely powerful. It gets even better when those tokens fly.
Honor of the Pure
- It's like
Intangible Virtue
but buffs two other very important creatures as well.
Sword of Fire and Ice - This is arguably the best sword in the format. It gives protection from the two most played colours and has some great abilities.
Elspeth, Knight-Errant - Both +1 abilities are amazing. The second ability is the one I use the most as it gets the extra damage through very well.
Wrap-Up Time
Any suggestions for this deck? Does it look like total crap? Could it do alright at a GP or PTQ? What should I change? Should I change it back to the old Dega-Midrange deck that it was before?