Thanks! I'm fairly confident that UWR control is going to be a hard match-up for this deck because like you said terminate doesn't do much of anything in those kind of games. When that match-up comes around I'll most definitely board in the Sword of Fire and Ice along with a Batterskull in place of the Terminate .
April 5, 2014 12:42 p.m.
RussischerZar says... #3
Question: How does Sword of Fire and Ice protect from Doom Blade and Murder ?
April 7, 2014 11:22 a.m.
It doesn't at all. Some creatures in the deck have protection from Doom Blade as they are black but Sword of Fire and Ice doesn't give protection from black. I'll change it.
Fishyjerk says... #1
This looks like a great dega deck. I got one myself, and it looks pretty similiar to yours. I must admit though that I often times found myself completly screwed over by UWR control, and I just think cards like terminate in that matchup is gonna be a dead card. I feel like having 4 bolts, 3 helixes and 4 paths should be more than enough removal/burn; even against lots of aggro decks.
April 5, 2014 4:19 a.m.