[Hide How to Make a Spoiler Instructions]Step 1: Copy and Paste this code to whatever forum post or description you want to use it on.Step 2: Search and find each capitol letter of the lower alphabet and notice that there are spaces to the left and right of each one. There should be 9 letters.Step 3: Delete each letter "Y" and the spaces on either side of it. There should be 6 letter "Y"s. Insert your UNIQUE AND INDIVIDUAL text where the "Y" letters once were for each and every one. Make sure that this text is exactly the same for each one, otherwise it won't work. Try and make it one long stream of text. No spaces or underscores or hyphens, just letters and numbers. Once again, don't remove or alter any part of the original code.Step 4: Insert your own little text where the letter Z is. You have free reign over this text, but a common use is [Show Spoiler].Step 5: Repeat step 5 for the letter W. Common use is [Hide Spoiler].Step 6: Insert what you wanted to hide, basically your spoiler text, in where the letter V is.Step: 7: For every time you want to make a line break, you must copy and paste this code: In that location. Step: 8: For every time you want to make something a part of a list, you must wrap your text in this code: INSERT TEXT HERE for each listed item, each one being on its own line. Should look like this:INSERTTEXTHEREStep 9: Make sure to preview your code IN A DECK DESCRIPTION so that it works. This code generally doesn't appear until after you refresh the page for the first time, hence why you can't preview it in a forum post, you can't refresh a preview. If it doesn't work, contact me or anyone else who deems to know the code, preferably in the T/O forum, for help.Step 10: Post and rejoice!