

The Quantum Quandrix Precon was the first EDH deck that I bought, figured I'd give it a solid upgrade here before I go in and buy the rest of the cards I wanted. I'm trying to get the speed of this deck up a wee bit without going beyond a crazy budget, there are a handful of cards in here that stretch the budget a little hard but I'll work that out as time goes on.

(Also ignore the monstrous maybeboard, those are things that had a place in the deck at one point and I want to keep them on the table or make a counter themed deck out of them at some point)

Want some Quantum Combos? Sure!

Theres some fun to be had playing with the lands in this deck

There are a few cards that make self-mill and milling your opponents a possibility, this subtheme wasn't originally intentional and I just decided to lean into it once I realized it was around

I wouldnt call it a subtheme, but of the few Embalm, Eternalize, and Encore creatures that fit into Simic, these ones have some useful effects

There are a handful of powerful options that will make a lot of tokens when they ETB (anywhere from 4 to 68), why not have them make copies of themselves instead?

There are some synergies that I didnt think needed their own section so I'll throw em here

Thanks for checking it out, would love to hear some feedback on it. Still gonna be a work in progress as time goes on but I've had a lot of fun piloting this


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