Advanced Mutology

Standard* Madnote

SCORE: 407 | 337 COMMENTS | 88135 VIEWS | IN 278 FOLDERS

8bitmiso says... #6

Like I suggested in your other deck, Cavern of Souls ! If you happen to get Master Biomancer on the field, call mutants and all your creatures are protected from control!

January 30, 2013 7 a.m.

OcelotProblems says... #7

Love it! Easily the best deck write up I've read on You, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar; a fine judge of whiskey and deck methodology and there are damn few of us left.

Personally, I'd drop 1 Vorapede so I could play a full set of Rancor , but other than that I think you have a pretty sweet set-up here.

January 30, 2013 11:30 a.m.

Madnote says... #8

Cavern of Souls and declaring mutants is genius! I will add it!

Thank you Gallows! The deck page was the result of not being able to fall asleep, hated to let creative thinking go to waste!

January 30, 2013 11:59 a.m.

JokerWx13 says... #9

Cavern of Souls and declaring mutants does not work with Master Biomancer because it is an enter the battlefield effect. they aren't mutants before they come out. and think of Hydrosurge or Downsize in conjunction with Simic Manipulator . it makes his job so much easier :P

January 31, 2013 11:41 p.m.

xKylex89 says... #10

Easily the best looking guide i've read on tapped, I'm definitely going to make the deck tonight! I currently only have one Gyre Sage any suggestions I can replace with for the mean time?

February 2, 2013 6:04 a.m.

Hey this is great! The deck is fun and the write-up just seals the deal. It's going in my favorites folder, definite +1 from me.

February 2, 2013 7:05 a.m.

Madnote says... #12

Thank you guys for the compliments!! In regards to subbing the Gyre Sage maybe try a cheap mana creature like Arbor Elf ? Won't be near as fun for loading up with counters and making a mega hydra but just as a sub should be fine. :)

February 2, 2013 1:09 p.m.

Madnote says... #13

I love the idea of Hydrosurge and or Downsize paired with the Simic Manipulator ! I would actually really like to put that in my mainboard, but no idea what I'd take out.

February 2, 2013 1:27 p.m.

JokerWx13 says... #14

btw, that 'Lesson 1: Evolution' you put up also applies with Strangleroot Geist except you also get a 3/2 hasted geist out of it. Would also replace the 2 Cavern of Souls . As for the Simic Manipulator idea, even though i suggested it, i wouldn't put it in yet until i've properly tested it out xD

February 2, 2013 2 p.m.

Madnote says... #15

The example I gave under 'Lesson 1' is just one of many different combos you can use to get some quick and deadly evolutions. The geist is 2 green and Rapid Hybridization is 1 blue, so you wouldn't be able to pull that combo off turn 2 but its still a nice use of the spell.

February 2, 2013 2:54 p.m.

apeachy280 says... #16

I'm pretty new to magic, but I've been looking into this deck and have found that Increasing Savagery combos really well with Gyre Sage . If you already have two counters on Gyre Sage you can play Increasing Savagery , add 5 more counters to her, then tap her for 7 and play the flashback for 10 more counters on herself (for later use to bring out the Primordial Hydra ) or for Cloudfin Raptor , all by turn 4. I would say put two in over the Master Biomancer since his job is pretty much to stack on the counters similarly to how Increasing Savagery could (for the same amount of mana too!), but not necessarily ruining your undying plays. Again though, like I said at the beginning, I am new to magic.

February 2, 2013 3:25 p.m.

Madnote says... #17

I really like the idea of Increasing Savagery for either the sage or for simply pumping up creatures. I had it on my original list of cards but it somehow slipped through the cracks. I'll do some playtesting and try to figure out where to put it.

February 2, 2013 3:39 p.m.

apeachy280 says... #18

Also, seeing as how there are a lot of creatures in your deck, possibly add Champion of Lambholt which essentially has a better evolve effect as well as the potential for making most of your creatures unblockable.

February 2, 2013 4:12 p.m.

apeachy280 says... #19

Also, seeing as how there are a lot of creatures in your deck, possibly add Champion of Lambholt which essentially has a better evolve effect as well as the potential for making most of your creatures unblockable.

February 2, 2013 4:12 p.m.

card:Alchemist's Refuge

February 2, 2013 6:11 p.m.

Neberus says... #21

no thragtusk?, its basic on green decks now

February 3, 2013 2:05 a.m.

Neberus says... #22

-2 Primordial Hydra-3 Slitherhead-3 Gyre Sage-3 Bioshift-4 Forced Adaptation

+4 Arbor elf+1 Land (players choise)+2 master biomancer+3 Experiment one (it regenerates)+3 Simic Charm+2 Thragtusk

February 3, 2013 2:14 a.m.

pnick3197 says... #23

I really enjoyed this write up and I love the deck construction. I put together a similar deck based off of this (I lack the cards to construct the deck as is) and I found through some play testing that the Increasing Savagery and Gyre Sage combo is fantastic. Because I lack any Rancor , I threw in some Hunger of the Howlpack and I found it to be very useful. I would love to hear more thoughts on Increasing Savagery and Hunger of the Howlpack . I'm looking forward to more updates on this deck.

February 3, 2013 5:34 p.m.

JokerWx13 says... #24

i think Increasing Savagery is a great card but Hunger of the Howlpack isn't used to it's full potential because i don't see creatures that would be consistently dying

February 3, 2013 9:35 p.m.

JokerWx13 says... #25

i'd drop a Vorapede for a Strangleroot Geist . you want those geists early game. And don't forget that undying doesn't trigger if there are ANY 1/1 counters on Strangleroot Geist or Vorapede so watch out when you put those down after a Master Biomancer

February 3, 2013 11:51 p.m.

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