
Hi, and welcome to this deck tech. This is the deck I have been using for this ranked season on MTG: Arena. This deck was also used to Top 8 in Mythic Championship VII by Chris Kvartek. So far this season, this deck has singlehandedly carried me from Silver to Mid-Plat (as of 12/17/19) in Best of One Standard. This deck is loads of fun, and I'm going to break it down for you. This deck is similar to many of the other Golgari Adventures decks in the format, but with one key difference. Rather than throwing high influence on Adventure synergy and playing Lucky Clover or Smitten Swordmaster this deck focuses on being more "top-heavy" and aggroing out the opponent with beefy creatures. Now let's tech this deck:


One Mana

  • Edgewall Innkeeper (x4), this little guy is a value engine. He'll gain you card advantage off of the 16 different creature cards in your deck that have an adventure side. NOTE: The trigger is on the casting, so even if the spell is countered, you can still draw cards. Synergies: Lovestruck Beast not only does the Edgewall Innkeeper draw you cards off of the casting, but serves as a 1/1 to enable Lovestruck Beast and speed up your curve

  • Foulmire Knight (x4), this wee little Knight provides stupid amounts of value. His adventure is also handy in grinding games. Let's go into some of that value, shall we: Synergies: Edgewall Innkeeper , a one-mana draw a card spell is mediocre. How about a one-mana cantrip with a 1/1 deathtouch attached. VALUE ------ Lovestruck Beast , same as the Innkeeper, serves as a 1/1 to speed up the curve

Two Mana

  • Paradise Druid (x4), speeds up the curve, simple as that. Also with hexproof to make it mostly burn proof.

  • Order of Midnight (x2), in a format that doesn't have many fliers, this creature can not only clock the $#!% out of people, and it can recur countered or killed creatures

Three Mana This is where the value starts to come through, you get the haymakers of the deck, the cards that will win you games--fast

  • Lovestruck Beast (x4), a three-mana 5/5, yes please; card draw from Edgewall Innkeeper , yes please; a one-mana spell that can generate tokens for grindy matches or enable Lovestruck Beast , yes, please.

  • Rotting Regisaur (x4), firstly, he prefers to go by Reggie. Secondly, he is value incarnate. A three-mana 7/6 is scary and very hard to deal with in the current state of standard. To kill it, you need 2 Burn Spells, 1 Murderous Rider (-2 life for the opponent), or a counterspell. It's a beast. You're probably asking "what about the drawback?" With this deck, you're churning through cards. And, with 7 cards that can net you cards, you'll be able to always have a discard. Reggie has to much value to be passed up on.

  • Murderous Rider (x4), this decks bread and butter. Easy kill spell, check. Solid 3 mana creature, check. Card draw with Edgewall Innkeeper , check. So yeah, this card is great. Did I mention it kills Planeswalkers? Liliana, Dreadhorde General , gone. Nissa, Who Shakes the World , gone. Teferi, Time Raveler , gone. This card is great.

Four Mana

  • Questing Beast (x3). Do you hate chump blockers? Are most creatures to boring for you? Do you like killing planeswalkers while dealing damage to the opponent? Well, Questing Beast is for you. This card is too good. If it doesn't get countered, it forces the opponent to deal with it or lose.

Non-Creature Spells

  • Vivien, Arkbow Ranger (x4), congratulations, your biggest scariest creatures are now bigger and have trample with her +1. Boom! You just dealt 7 damage to any of your opponent's pesky creatures or planeswalkers with Rotting Regisaur combined with her -3.

  • The Great Henge (x3), this card speeds your deck up to absurd levels. Not only does it provide mana and life gain, but it's also a card-draw engine, and bolsters your creatures. Oh, and it'll cost two mana if you have a Rotting Regisaur out.


Note: all matchups are based on my experience playing best of one ranked in Platinum and watching Kvartek play this deck in MC7

  • Simic Flash: this is a sketchy matchup, you're banking on them running out of counterspells. If they do, you can easily finish them with your superior creatures and spectacular value. It's a toss-up, but don't be surprised if you lose.

  • Simic Ramp: A much easier matchup, as you can deal with their Nissas and Krasises, and they don't run nearly enough countermagic to stop your curve.

  • Izzet Flash: As long as you can quickly set up your board, their Bonecrusher Giant s won't be that useful, this is a pretty good matchup.

  • Mono-Red Cavalcade: Step 1: Set up blockers, Step 2: Kill Torbran, Step 3: Win

  • Golgari Adventures Mirror Match: This top-heavy version should cook any other versions that get in your way

  • Esper/Orzohv Stax: It'll be close, I haven't played enough of these decks to have a good idea yet

  • Knights: If you don't get killed too quickly and have time to set up, you can win

  • Gruul Aggro: Same as above

  • Cat Food/Jund Sacrifice: This is the best deck in the format right now (ask Piotr Glogowski), you have to out curve them or hope they get unlucky to win

  • Random Jank Decks: EZ win


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Date added 5 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 0 Mythic Rares

22 - 0 Rares

14 - 0 Uncommons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.08
Tokens Human 1/1 W, On an Adventure
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