Aeons Warp - A Walk Through Infinity

Modern CrazyLittleGuy


BLund says... #1

One of my friends is bringing this to a PTQ in Portland Oregon in June. His list is a little different, we've decided that Emrakul, the Aeons Torn main is just the sickest add as well as a single Laboratory Maniac for self mill in main as well. Deck is bonkers.

May 5, 2014 2:26 a.m.

Lotramus says... #2

Wow I love this deck +1! However I had a small problem when playing... I got stuck on turn 5 up until turn 22 and didn't manage to mill him down in time so I insist on putting 2x Jace Beleren . Maybe 1x Time Stretch ?

May 5, 2014 2:30 a.m.

CrazyLittleGuy says... #3

Thanks for the comments!

@Blund; I've got Laboratory Maniac in the sideboard for certain matchups, and to switch up the win condition randomly so that people can't just sideboard in Rest in Peace to win. I'm not quite sure how to feel about Emrakul, the Aeons Torn ; I do like that I can discard him as a pseudo-Elixir of Immortality , but trying to save up mana would restrict the use of Walk the Aeons . Plus, I'm devoting a deck slot to a win condition that could be another counterspell or draw engine. The beauty of winning with Jace Beleren is that he's a combo enabler anyway. It's like Nephalia Drownyard was in Standard; it's just another piece of the deck, like a land, that happens to also win you the game. I'm still interested though, let me know how that works for you!

@Lotramus; Uh... I do have 2x Jace Beleren in the list - maybe you missed him? And Time Stretch is definitely something I want to try. 10 mana is intensive, but should be reasonable to cast when the combo is going off. Although, I haven't really had issues with hitting Walks each turn at turn 10 or so. I'll test it out and get back to you anyway, thanks!

May 5, 2014 3:47 p.m.

CrazyLittleGuy says... #4

Woops, I didn't realize that [ [ blund ] ] linked to a deck. Sorry, BLund.

May 5, 2014 3:50 p.m.

BLund says... #5

Haha it's cool. Emrakul, the Aeons Torn is only cast when we're on the end of a huge turn cycle and at the point where we have around 2 turns floating. When we cast Emrakul, we get another turn which is exactly what this deck wants. Then with the preceding turns we swing and win usually after the first from concession, and if not that then the second. He uses it as a shuffler more often than not but when it lands it just helps speed things up outside of Jace'ing for the 15 or so turns required. Strict fun-of in the deck obviously

May 5, 2014 3:56 p.m.

gaymer says... #6

I liked your deck so I made this inspired by it.

May 11, 2014 2:20 a.m.

kmcree says... #7

Wouldn't it be easier to use Jace, Memory Adept instead of Jace Beleren ? Yeah, he comes down a couple turns later, but if you're going for a mill, he'll get you there so much faster.

May 11, 2014 9:19 p.m.

CrazyLittleGuy says... #8


The only issue I have is that Jace, Memory Adept can't force my opponent to draw a card with his + ability. Especially if I'm facing Dredge, I need to force my opponent to keep drawing cards infinitely after the milling process without giving them any turns.

May 11, 2014 10:12 p.m.

kmcree says... #9

You can use his ult to make them draw cards. Either way, its still faster and requires less turns, which means you don't have to keep stringing together as many time walk effects. Seems like it would make the deck more consistent.

May 11, 2014 10:18 p.m.

WicKid52 says... #10

Wow. 1x Panoptic Mirror can finish your opponent off once you start chaining.

May 12, 2014 4:29 p.m.

Dethoirk says... #11

just a fun troll you could do is Vedalken Shackles along with miren, the moaning well so you sell all their things then kill them to gain life

May 14, 2014 11:55 a.m.

gloomzorg says... #12

I really really like your list! good job!

seems to work pretty well as i did a few playtests!

I would recommend to try out Twisted Image .

I know it will probably be hard to cut cards for that but this card is absolutley bananas against pod / affinity!! (it kills, birds, noble, spellskite, ornithopters,... and so on)

so many creatures in modern have 0 power and you could kill those without loosing a card!

May 14, 2014 6:58 p.m.

gloomzorg says... #13

Another Card that could really find some use as a 1-off is: Mikokoro, Center of the Sea .

I think that AEtherize is just a bad Cryptic, as you want to go off turn 5 anyway? I could probably see Rapid Hybridization in that slot as it gets rid of nasty hatebears like Thalia, Guardian of Thraben which is geting more popular now that GW Hatebears won Bazar of Moxen,....

Batterskull works wonders against creature based Decks as well,...

May 15, 2014 4:45 a.m.

gloomzorg says... #14

Hey Mate!!

As this deck somehow got me i took it to a modern event yesterday.Here is the list i played:

I playtested at home against many common T1 Decks.The biggest problem already in playtesting was Kiki-Pod because the Glen Elendra Archmage is simply the best Card against us.

I had to fight Kiki-Pod twice in 4 rounds and lost both those rounds to Glen Elendra.(one time actually one Glen Elendra + a copied one with Phantasmal Image )

I had a draw against Scapeshift but think i would have won if we had more time.

The other round i won against a B-U-W - Goodstuff Beatdown - brew 2-0.

While this looks bad on paper those rounds against kikipod were actually pretty close,...

Time is a problem with this deck in paper-magic, so play fast when you are going of, i had one draw and 2 more rounds that came close to time out

I was actually always hardcasting Emrakul over the Mill-kill with Jace because it was simply faster every game.

A few card-breakdowns:

Mikokoro, Center of the Sea was awesome, simple as that!

Gigadrowse was way better than expected i really want more than 2 mainboard, probably the full 4 copies (sometimes you go of and your opponent has no counterspells or stuff like that currently but could draw into some via Jace-activations, so i had to wait for a Gigadrowse to tap down the remaining lands before plus-ing the Jace. Mana denial in the upkeep is often a time walk against many decks. --> This happened one Round: Turn 2: play Howling Mine , Turn 3: in opponents upkeep Gigadrowse all his Lands, Turn 4: in opponents upkeep Gigadrowse all his Lands, Turn 5: Time Warp for going off,

Sideboard:Rapid Hybridization is important in my opinion because people are actually playing Spirit of the Labyrinth and other nasty stuff which resolves easily at 2cmd

Laboratory Maniac is probably a wasted slot as we already have two killconditions.

Another Card to consider is Reliquary Tower but im not a big fan of playing more than one colorless Land in fear of mulling a good hand with Mikokoro and Tower being the two lands, just a thought tho,

I would really like to hear your feedback.

May 28, 2014 5:17 a.m.


Wow, thanks! I really appreciate the playtesting! I've been pretty busy with finals lately, and haven't had serious time to work on this build. It's awesome that you've taken the time to help me out.

I actually hadn't been thinking too much of Glen Elendra Archmage beforehand, as Kiki-Pod isn't really popular in my local meta. It's almost always just straight Melira Pod instead. Splinter Twin is far and away the most popular though. I guess my plan for Glen Elendra Archmage is Vedalken Shackles currently, but I'll definitely be adding Rapid Hybridization to the board to help. I'm a bit surprised to hear Spirit of the Labyrinth already making the rounds, I guess hatebears is really gaining popularity, sooner than I expected. It's true that some cards are just tough to play around in this deck, but it's manageable.

You're right that the deck plays especially slow. Especially when trying to go for the mill. Once the combo starts going off, playing almost dangerously quicker is necessary. So long as a Walk is hit every turn, you can afford to miss a couple things here and there for the sake of time.

I haven't yet been able to seriously test with Mikokoro, Center of the Sea , but I already like it in the mainboard.

Gigadrowse is doing serious work in my tests too. It's like a Time Walk in the right scenarios.

I agree on cutting Laboratory Maniac , I've been needing more slots in the sideboard anyway.

Don't know how I feel about Reliquary Tower ; I can see where it would benefit, but being able to discard Emrakul, the Aeons Torn is pretty important too. I'd sooner have another Mikokoro, Center of the Sea to be honest.

I've also added Batterskull to the sideboard, it does serious work against Aggro decks, and since their removal (creature and artifact) is typically sided out anyway, it's usually uncontested. What do you think?

May 28, 2014 11:40 a.m.

gloomzorg says... #16

Yeah in my local meta there are about 2 to 4 kiki-pod decks at every of our weekly tournaments.And Kiki-Pod is a thing at every major tournament aswell,.

Unfortunally Rapid Hybridization doesnt help to good against Glen Elendra Archmage as it simply persists. Vedalken Shackles is a probably a good plan here but maybe its too slow against the pod decks, but i dont know, this must be tested. Tapping down their blue sources with Gigadrowse was what i did but the problem is that mostly you have to cast Gigadrowse in their upkeep to tap down Pod or whatnot because they would be able to go off, and so they have probably another blue source in their hand. I think slowing them down with Twisted Image is a good plan here.

I Think Hatebears is a good matchup unless they run away with AEther Vial & Leonin Arbiter + Ghost Quarter or multiple Thalia, Guardian of Thraben

I am play-testing a lot at home just that when going of i know exactly how to do it and dont need to think too much to be as fast as possible without making mistakes,

I think Spreading Seas is a good Sideboard Card against many Decks. It is obviously awesome against Tron but also good against Decks like Jund for example.

Echoing Truth is probably a good Card for the Sideboard, too. Good against Splinter Twin & Storm, or to get rid of nasty permanents before going of.

You are definitely right about Reliquary Tower , not being able to discard Emrakul, the Aeons Torn could be backbreaking.

I am not completely settled on Batterskull even tho i recommended it. If we make it to turn 5 against the aggro decks we probably win anyway. In my particular Sideboard Plan i dont have the space. I dont know, this probably depends on the metagame.

I am playing on another tournament on saturday or tuesday and i think this will be my list:

May 29, 2014 8:31 a.m.

gloomzorg says... #17

Hey Mate!

I went to another tournament yesterday and here is my report:

First of all this Deck brings so much fun and draws the attention of so many people that come by and watch me playing this deck after they finished their rounds, yeah! Who doesn't like to take extra Turns and draw extra Cards?!

ROUND 1 - RUG Delver (2-0)

Game 1 i was on the play and ran into a spell snare with my (1-off) Howling Mine on turn 2. He played a Delver of Secrets  Flip on his Turn which flipped 2 turns later. I was able to control him out with Gigadrowse and Cryptic Command but fizzled unbelievable 3 times before finally going off. I had just one Dictate of Kruphix in play and could not find more Engines and not more Walks either for a time but had enough mana for several huge Gigadrowse and Cryptic Command until i finally got 15 Lands in play for Emrakul, the Aeons Torn .

Game 2 he kept a too risky Hand in my opinion (which he later revealed) with: Island , Serum Visions , Lightning Bolt , Lightning Bolt , Tarmogoyf , Spell Snare , Mana Leak . He did not find his second Land drop the entire Game so i easily won. I had a very good hand anyway with Dictate of Kruphix , Swan Song , Gigadrowse , Remand , and several Island so i think i would have won this game anyway.

ROUND 2 - LSV Angel Pod (0-2)

I played against clearly one of the best players i know, he is nearly every time top 8 around here and even won our weekly modern tournament (with around 30 - 40 players) 3 times in a row two weeks ago.

He played against me last week aswell so he knew exactly what he was up to.

Game 1 he destroyed all my Engines with 3 Abrupt Decay and 1 Harmonic Sliver which just felt unreal. If he had one removal less i would have won that game. It was actually very close. That was a very interactive and good Game despite the fact he had all 3 copies of his Abrupt Decay against me.

Game 2 I played around Thoughtseize with Serum Visions setting up my Draws perfectly to not get blown out by Hand disruption but it simply was not enough and i got blown out by Qasali Pridemage Abrupt Decay and the Thoughtseize hit some Walks so that i was on Topdeck-Mode with one Dictate of Kruphix in play and draw two Islands in the deciding Turn.

ROUND 3 - Merfolk (1-2)

Game 1 i locked him out of the Game with 2 Gigadrowse and Remand . I was going off on Turn 5 fizzled one time but got the Job done easily.

Game 2 he was just way to fast and i probably used my Gigadrowse too soon but the longer the Game goes Gigadrowse gets worse when they Bring in a Kira, Great Glass-Spinner .

Game 3 Was very very close. I think i did not make any mistakes in that game but he managed to get 3 AEther Vial out and when i had to pull the Trigger because i had nothing left exept of Walks and two Engines on the board i had to go for Walk the Aeons on Turn 6 which got countered by a Cursecatcher that got vialed in in response. If i had a Time Warp instead of Walk the Aeons or Temporal Mastery i would have won this game for sure.

ROUND 4 - Affiniti (2-0)

I felt so much ahead in both Games. Gigadrowse is such a great Card again so nothing much to say here. Hurkyl's Recall after Sideboarding is just too mean. :)


I went 2-2 overall which is okay. The Games where i loose are actually so close i think this deck just needs a bit of perfection to get the edge on that. The match against Merfolk for example was super ultra mega close.

My match against Birthing Pod was unlucky for sure, as he drew into really much removal. But Pod-Decks are a massive beating because they pack in so much hate. We really need to do something about that. I will probably try out Spellskite which will be not too great as you loose tempo but i really cant think of a good way to beat multiple Abrupt Decay (and Thoughtseize after Sideboarding)

June 4, 2014 5:18 a.m.

ChiefBell says... #18

So you mentioned having trouble against rock and removal heavy decks.

I think you suffer from two problems agaisnt those decks -

1) They can remove Jace (your main wincon).

2) Almost everything they play is a threat. If they play a goyf - it needs countering or removing in some other way. If they play abrupt decay for jace - well then you're in trouble.

This puts a lot of pressure on you to deal with EVERYTHING.

Why don't you test out Vapor Snag ? This should help with creatures. It slows stuff down A LOT because they lose the turn they were attacking and then if they re-play the creature it has summoning sickness (that's 2 turns!).

Keep the counterspells reserved for Liliana etc.

Try running another Jace or 2. Abrupt Decay hurts.

July 14, 2014 7:57 a.m.

gloomzorg says... #19

BTW i was leading this Deck to a 2nd place finish a few weeks ago, but unfortunally did not got the time to play it since.

It is in fact really powerful against control-decks!

This is what i played against:

Round 1: UW - Control / 2-0 Win

Round 2: Scapeshift / 2-0 Win

Round 3: Naya midrange / 2-1 Win

Round 4: UWR - Control / 2-0 Win

Round 5: LSV Angel Pod / 0-2 Loss

(but note that the player in round 5 was knowing my deck very well as we playtested often before and mulled to get hands with multiple abrupt decays and Thoughtseize because of that,... game 1 i nearly won through 2 Abrupt Decay , 1 Thoughtseize and 1 Qasali Pridemage ,...

Trickbind overpreformed for me as a Sideboard Card! Strong against Pod, Fish, Tron and manahungry Decks when you're on the play

Exhaustion is such a blast against nearly every deck! I strongly recommend it!

This is my list:

July 21, 2014 9:41 a.m.

Bmooreman says... #20

I think Crucible of Worlds should go in this deck, so you can replay those lands in the graveyard after sacrificing them to Walk the Aeons.

November 8, 2014 4:08 p.m.

ESTABAUSS says... #21

If Brainstorm is legal (i dont play much modern) then i would recomend that. great for card draw, going 3 cards deep, and if your Temporal Mastery is in your hand, then it can set up the miracle.

November 21, 2014 11:17 a.m.

HoweYouDrewin says... #22

I milled myself out taking an ungodly amount of turns before I could even cast Emrakul

December 1, 2014 7:43 p.m.

@HoweYouDrewin Towards the end of the game, you need to run some quick math on how many cards are left in your deck, then compare that to how many cards you're drawing a turn times how many turns you need to cast and attack with Emrakul, the Aeons Torn. If you would mill yourself before the win, you do have to discard Emrakul at cleanup to reshuffle your graveyard and then draw into him manually once more. Pretty inconvenient, yeah, which is why I ran Elixir of Immortality, but I'd rather run a card with multiple modes of functionality, even if it sometimes makes you take a bit more time.

December 1, 2014 8:06 p.m.

HoweYouDrewin says... #24

would Laboratory Maniac be any good though?

December 1, 2014 8:20 p.m.


He's been in a few versions of the deck, and is actually a really tempting add right now. I've tended to shy away from running him as I run the risk of being blown out by a timely Lightning Bolt or Slaughter Pact; what I've found lately, however, is that it's very easy to just tap out the opponent with Gigadrowse before casting him and hold up countermagic to protect him.

I guess it's another discussion of making the deck marginally less consistent to make it much faster. This online version is supposed to be the fine-tuned, best possible card choice model, but it's more practical to probably run Laboratory Maniac or Extraplanar Lens. That's my plan for when I take it to the next Modern tournament in my area. But on paper, Emrakul, the Aeons Torn is in the list because he serves two functions for the deck and is much harder to counter/kill.

December 1, 2014 8:32 p.m.

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