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aether avalanche

Standard UB (Dimir)



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Ciphers galore! This deck is about locking down your opponent and slowly destroying them through card advantage. Cards like strionic resonator and hidden strings are the real heart of this deck due to their amazing versatility. Stionic resonator can copy any cipher trigger, allowing you to double whichever you may need. Hidden strings can untap your lands for playing more creatures or counterspells, untap your fortune hunters for more cards and blockers, even tap down your opponents' pesky blue mana so you can make sure your undercity plague gets through. Which brings me to the big closer of this deck. Undercity Plague is a wonderful card, which two-for-ones your opponent on the first cast, to say nothing of successive ciphers. Once this card hits the board it's hard to come back. Far and Away and Hands of Binding help to keep your opponent locked down while you get going. Negate, Judge's Familiar, and Mizzium Skin will help keep the cipher creatures alive.Agent of the Fates would be incredible in this deck, but I'm on a shoestring budget, so if he lowers in price I'll have to snatch him up.This is a casual deck for fnm, but I'm looking to improve it, comments and +1 appreciated!


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Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 0 Rares

15 - 0 Uncommons

12 - 0 Commons

Cards 59
Avg. CMC 3.23
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