AEther-Reckoner's Army
SCORE: 47 | 73 COMMENTS | 19661 VIEWS | IN 8 FOLDERS Top 8: 09/16
5-26-13 Standard Results —May 26, 2013
Deck went 2-2 today at a Dragon's Maze Game day tournament with about 40-45 players. Here's the breakdown:
2-0 versus Radkos. He was a new player that had only been playing for a few months and was using cards like Radkos Guildgates. Not really much of a contest.
0-2 versus Jund Midrange. Guy was very good and ended up in the top 8. Basically had top performance cards for the mana cost: Huntmaster of the Fells Flip, Sire Of Insanity, Garruk, Primal Hunter, Thragtusk, oliva, Slaughter Games out of the sideboard. radkos return destroyed me game one. I sided in 2x Detention Sphere for game two but never saw them. We were going back and forth 1 for 1 until her resolved Garruk, Primal Hunter. Once he resolved two beasts, I had to tap out to Supreme Verdict and he had 1 card, he cast the radkos return for lethal.
2-1 versus Bant midrange with the mimic, Angel of Serenity, Thragtusk, Acidic Slime, Restoration Angel. Game one AEtherling won it for me. Used Turn / Burn to get rid of a Thragtusk and on an Angel of Serenity to exile all of the cards. Game 2 we were both mana screwed before he started hitting his drops, he started cycling Acidic Slime and i conceded with 3 lands once he had the mimic copy it so we could get to game three. Game three was close and he had an Angel of Serenity packed while I had AEtherling and the race was on. Again Turn / Burn proved the downfall for Angel of Serenity. Also found out that Snapcaster Mage can only flashback 1/2 of a fuse card (i.e. either turn or burn, but not both).
0-2 versus Junk reanimator, featuring gristlebrand, Unburial Rites, Mulch, Grisly Salvage, and Lilliana of the veil. He also made the top 8. Game 1 I had mulligan to 5 on the draw, but still hung in there for awhile. Game two I sided in 2x Pillar of Flame, 2x [assemble the legion]], 2x Purify the Grave, 2x Detention Sphere, and 1x Mizzium Mortars. Left in my exile counterspells. I can't remember exactly what I sided out... I know I left Ral Zarek in there. Anyway, he resolved Lilliana and I didn't draw an answer in time. She pinged me to death. I did get Assemble the Legion out, but he was able to pull off her ultimate with gristlebrand coming back from the grave and it was game over. Didn't get any graveyard hate, but I did find out that Pillar of Flame doesn't stop regeneration (read that wrong) -but that didn't cost me the match.
I don't feel like I made many bad mistakes in the matchups I lost. Suggestions would be welcome! Owlus any thoughts? One esper control deck did make the top 8 (someone I know) and he beat a RDW. Not sure what else was out there. Everyone I talked to seemed to think the deck was solid.
fedesinnumero says... #4
I think you need 2-4 Azorius Charm bc its really versatile, and you destroy aggro with that
May 9, 2013 10:43 a.m.
I would also actually try to main board those Deputy of Acquittals . I they will work awesome with Snapcaster Mage , but the playtesting may prove a playset is adequate for you.
May 9, 2013 10:47 a.m.
Thanks capriom85 for the helpful suggestions! I completely forgot about Ral Zarek , and didn't consider Sphinx's Revelation because I only have one (I really should get another... My other option would be Staff of Nin ). I don't have Jace, Architect of Thought . I do have 2x Jace, Memory Adept , but doubt he has a place here. The Burn aspect of Turn / Burn does give me removal early game, and the combo as a late game kill too, which I prefer over Searing Spear ... at least in theory. Warleader's Helix was a quick late addition, but I do like it's ability to stabilize going into midgame and it is a turn 4 kill spell with possible reuse by Snapcaster Mage late. But you are right, there are probably better options.
I don't think I want to swap out any AEtherling , or at most go to 3x. Boros Reckoner is a good idea though and might have a place over Clone , which can either be awesome or a bust.
I'll play around with it. Thanks for the +1!
May 9, 2013 10:50 a.m.
Wow, lots of additional comments! Great food for thought.
May 9, 2013 10:51 a.m.
I wouldn't run the Clone
at 4, I agree there. At worst, you get another AEtherling
out of him, so I wouldn still use them. Also, I am a big fan of cloning things like Olivia Voldaren
and Obzedat, Ghost Council
to get rid of them. You're also right about the Burn
side being a kill spell. I forgot it hits creatures, too.
May 9, 2013 10:59 a.m.
Thanks for the suggestions. Sideboard has been updated and tinkered a little with the main (added Dissipate ) to be able to handle reanimator, which would have given this deck a hard time before. If anyone feels like it, please playtest this deck and let me know how it goes! Thanks again.
May 9, 2013 10:43 p.m.
cedricbobro says... #10
I think you should go with 3 Detention Sphere s because you never want to be flooded with those and maybe a couple Oblivion Ring to get rid of Detention Sphere s
May 9, 2013 10:44 p.m.
cedricbobro says... #13
He only has 13 instants and sorceries so Delver of Secrets Flip isn't that useful
May 9, 2013 11:16 p.m.
In control, I've found Syncopate to be all sorts of awesome. Early game, you can counter stuff for 2 mana. You punish people for tapping out. I also think that Azorius Charm is good for your health. It acts as solid removal and locks out your opponent's draw for a turn.
May 11, 2013 10:37 p.m.
Nyne Thank you for the suggestions I could see Syncopate possibly replacing Dissipate in the sideboard for aggro/reanimator (since it also exiles), but my late game largely depends on AEtherling for the win -and he's rather mana intensive, which makes me think that having a 3 CMC hard counter might be better for this deck's mainboard. You and fedesinnumero both recommended Azorius Charm and I agree it's a good card. The question is where to cut to add it in? And does it make the mainboard or stay in the sideboard for aggro matchups? I'm guessing the latter, perhaps swapping out Wear / Tear , since Wear / Tear is probably a bit more situational (dealing with a pesky artifact/enchantment) than stopping an aggro deck (as aggro decks are pretty popular these days)? What do you think? Please let me know, if I can get away I'm going t o try this deck out tonight. Thanks again. -Apop.
May 13, 2013 12:46 p.m.
If you're going to cut anything, maybe one Snapcaster Mage and the three Detention Sphere s for four Azorius Charm . I've never found myself drawing Snappycaster Mage too little with three, but I found that four can be a bit much. I also prefer Azorius Charm to Detention Sphere as removal.
May 13, 2013 12:53 p.m.
nashbridges52 says... #17
Great deck! I'm also working on a control style deck with AEtherling I'd love your thoughts on Aetherilng Control (Help please!)
May 13, 2013 1:09 p.m.
Hi there.
Before going over the changes I suggest, I want to say a few things about playing control. First of all. control takes a ton of practice, experience and patience to play well. Taking notes on games you play, playtesting rigorously, and asking more experienced players at your LGS and on Tappedout will help you get better and start winning tournaments. Secondly, control lists are usually specialized to the player to a certain degree. Land count, how many wipes you run, etc. Also, taking your meta into account is insanely important in Control. Reading The Current Standard #4 will help you out with that.
That being said, onto the changes.
Me and my friend put this list together; Aetherling is Alright v2
The first significant changes were to the Creature Base:
-2 Deputy of Acquittals : This guy is cool, but he's no Restoration Angel . Him Being a 2 drop isn't really that relevant, and having to recast whatever creature you bounced is pretty lame when you can just flicker them.
-3 Boros Reckoner : Hes nice, but he still dies to our Supreme Verdict s. If you really like him as a 2 for 1 against aggro, keep him in. he just doesn't fit my style.
-2 Snapcaster Mage : Snaps is an amazing card, no question about it. And i'm jealous you have 4. But he still requires you to have a a spell in the gy when you cast him, so I wouldn't play 4 of them. Snapcaster Mage isn't something you really need to cast until later in the game, so you don't need so many.Casting an Azorius Charm on turn 2 is better than casting a Snapcaster Mage on turn 2 99% of the time.
Augur of Bolas is just a cantrip on a stick, and Restoration Angel is just an all around good card.
Next comes the big part, the noncreature spells. rather than explain the cuts, I'm gonna explain the additions.
3x Sphinx's Revelation : This is why control is a deck. This is why it can win against midrange, or completely lock out aggro. have at least 3, always.
2x Dissipate + 2x Syncopate + 1x Rewind : This is my go-to counter magic set up in U/W/x standard decks. Syncopate is essentially a hard counter in the current meta, because everyone is tapping out for their Thragtusk s and Restoration Angel s and Sire Of Insanity s. But most of it's strength is shown in the early game, counterin Voice of Resurgence , Burning-Tree Emissary , etc. Dissipate covers up the late game, and Rewind can get you out a tight spots a lot of the time.
Or as my friend put it: "Having too much 3-mana countermagic runs the risk of clogging up your hand with counterspells that you can't always cast - you don't really need that many. Dissipate is the best of the bunch right now, and Syncopate can really punish the midrange decks that like to use all of their mana. Rewind functions as a counterspell that lets you counter something else that turn, or flash in a Restoration Angel at the end of their turn - much more flexible, although a bit more costly."
4x Azorius Charm : This is an instant 4 of in most U/W decks. It is pretty much the best tempo card in standard right now. It hits anything that is annoying you, worsens your opponents' topdeck, draws out of tight spots, and lets AEtherling race insanely well. Swinging with an 8/1 unblockable lifelink will out-race all but the strongest opponents if it comes down to it.
3x Think Twice : shrugs cantrips are a control player's best friend
2x Turn / Burn : Kills anything and everything(without hexproof i guess). 2 is enough because you want to be drawing them off of Sphinx's Revelation late in the game when you have 5+ mana, not early on.
3x Supreme Verdict : 4 for 1? yes please.
2x Pillar of Flame : With Voice of Resurgence popping up everywhere, this is the go-to burn spell. Not only that, but a lot of aggro creatures are x/2s so it hurts them. Finally, Turn + Pillar of Flame makes Unburial Rites cry.
Finally, Ral Zarek : he's a great removal engine, and answers any other planes walker really well. he can force AEtherling s in and help you rev for more or cast more spells, an he has to be answered pretty fast. He's the perfect engine for a deck like this in my opinion.
I cannot stress enough the importance of being patient and willing to learn as a control player. Talking and listening to the more experienced players at your LGS, and the Tappedout community will help you out, and make you a better player. Also, if you disagree with some of my changes, then don't use them. As I said before, control lists are pretty specialized, both to the player and the meta. Just make sure to playtest each change.
I hope this helps, and good luck!
May 14, 2013 8:16 p.m.
Owlus...what do you mean when you say Ral Zarek for e's AEtherling in?
May 14, 2013 9:17 p.m.
I mean; 1. he lets you play AEtherling relatively safely on turn 6 rather than turn 7, and 2. he can tap down their one blocker so you don't have to make him unblockable.
May 15, 2013 8:10 a.m.
Have you considered Terminus ? Works wonders with AEtherling ; would at least run one, possibly two, just because of how good the miracle is!
capriom85 says... #1
I like it, a lot, but I see a few holes in your plan here. I would swap out 2 Turn for 2 Searing Spear . You need removal that can happen within the first 2-4 turns. Also, I would take out both Warleader's Helix for 2 Sphinx's Revelation . You have no draw in there, aside from Tamiyo's -2, so the Revelations wil lreally help. Also, 4 AEtherling seems a bit much, only bc its a 6 drop. I would suggest Boros Reckoner as a 2 of here. I love AEtherling and plan an using a similar build tot his one. +1 from me, I reallyt hink you need to rethink the first few turns better. Good Luck!
Some other considerations.....Jace, Architect of Thought for the draw, Ral Zarek , or maybe Cavern of Souls to ensure your creatures drop.
May 9, 2013 10:31 a.m.