AEther-Reckoner's Army

Standard Apoptosis

SCORE: 47 | 73 COMMENTS | 19661 VIEWS | IN 8 FOLDERS Top 8: 09/16

Last hoorah —Sept. 23, 2013

Last time out with this deck being standard legal. A disappointing 2-2 on the night, which can be attributed to two bad matchups and a cold that I started coming down with in the afternoon was in full beatdown by my 2nd match. I don't have good notes, but here's a summary:

Match 1. 2-0 versus Selesnya aggro
Game 1 was close, AEtherling sealed it. Game 2 sided in burn and finished it with Boros Reckoner/Blasphemous Act.

Match 2. 0-2 versus Junk rites
Lost game one to Angel of Serenity when I couldn't counter it due to opponent's Cavern of Souls. Bad sideboarding, and a weak hand game 2 led to a gradual Ghost Dad beatdown.

Match 3. 2-1 versus Naya aggro humans
Same opponent as 8/19/13 Match 4. By this point I my cold had hit full force, couldn't swallow, headache, body-ache. Lost Game 1 by one turn. Made a really stupid mistake: he attacked with a soulbonded 2/2 Champion of the Parish to a Silverblade Paladin, I blocked with Boros Reckoner and then gave the reckoner first strike, and then cast turn Turn / Burn on the silverblade before damage was dealt, since the Champion of the Parish never got to deal damage, i had nothing to redirect to kill the Silverblade Paladin. This came back to haunt me as that Silverblade Paladin was able to rebond and cost me the game 1 turn before AEtherling could put it away. Game 2. Sided in burn and won the game after going to turns, since we were both 1-1, having a game 3 draw would mean neither of us could get packs we rolled dice for Game 3: I won 8 to 7. Honestly, I wish I lost because I wanted to go crash but decided to stay to try to play for the packs.

Match 4 0-2 to Golgari zombies/scavenge
Bad play, bad sideboard, bad decision making, too sick, I should have gone to bed. Oh well. At least I stuck it out.