parasitian says... #2
Spined Thopter is cool, but a Glint Hawk Idol is better and 3 mana for a 2/1 flyer that i usually have to lose life for just doesn't seem worth it, I'm just gonna stick with the Vault Skirge s
November 12, 2011 11:36 p.m.
jacksondebenham says... #3
Thx for the help! I like inkmoth nexus but I just couldn't fit it in.
December 4, 2011 12:09 p.m.
parasitian says... #4
I decided to take out my Contested War Zone s out for two more mountains
December 17, 2011 2:25 p.m.
parasitian says... #5
I made some more changes, now this deck has 4 Etched Champion s and two Shrine of Loyal Legions and to pay for this higher cost spells I added back one land. I added a Contested War Zone because it can be agressive.
December 24, 2011 3:56 p.m.
goldenrooster says... #6
I would drop Porcelain Legionnaire hes good with being first strike and all but a 5/3 gets chump blocked the same as a 3/3 Memnite . If you dont like Spined Thopter try Hovermyr . I like torpo orb kinda shuts off Manic Vandal s, and Leonin Relic-Warder s, and most important titans. Although, not sure how well it actually runs. I would ditch the Contested War Zone and run Inkmoth Nexus . I agree losing life to Spined Thopter sux specialy vs burn decks. I would run 4x Spellskite , and 4x Vault Skirge , and just drop the Porcelain Legionnaire . Let spellskite tank alot of threats to keep more important things on the feild. I might try to get some Spellskite for my Boros Steel deck.
December 29, 2011 4:19 a.m.
parasitian says... #7
People, any thoughts Curse of Stalked Prey , and maybe another Shrine of Loyal Legions ? The shrine is good early on, but late game it sucks, the curse can boost my guys, but I don't know what to take out.
January 29, 2012 12:24 a.m.
Minousmancer says... #8
I'd drop 2xMox Opal (since you can only have one out at a time) and I'd drop 2xOrigin Spellbomb s for 4xScrapyard Salvo . I'd take out 4xPlains for 4xHorizon Spellbomb , this will thin your deck and feed the Scrapyard Salvo s.
March 28, 2012 2:01 a.m.
Alphawolf626 says... #9
drop the origins for Porcelain Legionnaire . I think he is a very underrated card, and with a Tempered Steel what's not scary about a 5/3 with first strike? Thats just my suggestion...+1!
March 29, 2012 1:02 a.m.
parasitian says... #10
Thanks for the comments guys
@Minousmancer I really love Mox Opal as a 4-of, yes drawing a second one is a dead draw but it is so helpful, it can make vault skirges with no life loss, help get the double white for a tempered steel, add red when I have no mountains, add blue for Phyrexian Metamorph and Spellskite , and it can really speed up my game. (A tempered steel on turn two) Scrapyard salvo seems fun but it requires double red which is hard to achieve in this deck.
@Alphawolf626 I did originally have the legionnaire in the deck but the origins are early metalcraft that can be used immediately after slagstorm or day of judgement or any other mass removal and they provide a cantrip. I do have a question though, do you think I can take out a land or two since I have 24 land (if you count mox opal) and drawing for a deck with very low cost cards, If i do a plains or mountain and what to add? either more removal ( Dispatch ) or maybe some creatures, like the Porcelain Legionnaire or possibly Blade Splicer
On a sidenote, what's better Blade Splicer or Porcelain Legionnaire ? The splicer provides two bodies and the golem token is bigger than the legionaire and it can block Phyrexian Crusader but if they splicer dies it loses first strike, but the legionnaire can pop out a turn earlier if needed and it doesn't lose first strike, Maybe one of each is good?
March 30, 2012 2:29 a.m.
Minousmancer says... #11
parasitian well if you are still looking at Mana advantage you could drop 3xMox Opal for 3xSphere of the Suns so you don't get a dead draw or maybe even do 2&2.
March 30, 2012 2:42 p.m.
Alphawolf626 says... #12
I think maybe just drop 1 plains for a mountain, but I think your mana is fine. I playtested it a few times and didnt seem to have any issues with it. Blade Splicer is better than Legionnaire in my opinion, and ONLY because the golem becomes a 3/3 (5/5 with TS). Only drawback is keeping your artificer on the field to keep the First Strike, whereas not only can Porcelain Legionnaire become a 2 drop by paying 2 life, you gotta kill it to avoid first strike. It kind of really depends on your play style.
March 30, 2012 3:49 p.m.
parasitian says... #13
HEY GUYS I need suggestions on some things.
For one I really want to add Slayers' Stronghold . I could manage taking out one plains and one mountain for two, but anything more than that and I got to take out Inkmoth Nexus es
Next, I want to add 2 more Galvanic Blast s, they have proved to be amazing in matches, being able to instant-speed kill 4 toughness or less creatures is vital and it can easily finish an opponent later on.
May 7, 2012 8:14 p.m.
dorminjake says... #14
I don't have much experience with Tempered Steel , so take what I say with huge mountains of salt. I think your Slayers' Stronghold idea seems sound, and having just two is probably just fine. As for the Galvanic Blast s, does Origin Spellbomb pull its weight in this deck? It doesn't seem quite as vital as some of the other cards, but I could be wildly off base, as card draw is a pretty dang spiffy thing. Again, I know very little.
May 9, 2012 4:45 p.m.
parasitian says... #15
Thank you for the feedback I appreciate it.
I think I will add Slayers' Stronghold for that extra push. As for Origin Spellbomb s and their purpose. I have to admit, at first I didn't even want to add them to the deck, but a I have realized that they are quite helpful. They can be interpreted as 3 mana for a 1/1 and a draw, but they are much more.
For one they provide very early metalcraft, which is incredibly vital. It can be the difference between a turn two Tempered Steel using Mox Opal and a turn 4 Tempered Steel . It can be the difference between tapping a creature or exiling a creature as early as turn 1. Just providing metalcraft makes it worth it.
Secondly, you can pop it when you need it. I can make instant speed blockers, in fact it acts a lot like Think Twice . I can use an instant if needed, but if not I can pop in a myr and get a draw. Also after a Day of Judgment or Slagstorm I can still apply pressure the very next turn by popping the myr at their end step.
I must ask you do you think I should ditch two Inkmoth Nexus es for Galvanic Blast s or ditch two Slayers' Stronghold s for them? Or just leave it at what it is?
May 9, 2012 11:43 p.m.
I have been thinking that instead of the traditional Tempered Steel I have seen in many affinity decks you could instead use Spear of Heliod . It's an artifact, half as much of an anthem, but has utility in killing pesky creatures that hit you. I haven't actually played affinity before but it's a thought.
May 24, 2014 10:05 a.m.
KnightsBattlecry001 says... #17
I have to agree with kameenook about Spear of Heliod . The ability to kill an opponent's creature after they do damage to you is pretty damn good. I've been tinkering with it in my artifact deck as well.
June 3, 2014 3:10 a.m.
parasitian says... #18
While Spear of Heliod is a cool card, getting double white can be difficult and also affinity is such a fine-tuned deck that what could any player possibly cut in order to add it?
June 3, 2014 3:17 a.m.
LittleLeaf says... #19
I really like the deck. I have one question, however; I notice that there are two copies of Thoughtseize and one copy of Spell Pierce in the sideboard. My instinct is that I would like to streamline the permission and pick one of those cards. However, it seems like you're doing this so that they have no idea how many of each card to respect. Is the mind game proving to be as valuable as I expect?
June 28, 2014 7:17 p.m.
Why not play Wear Tear over Deglamer . Also, i would drop at least 1 Blood Moon from the board to add at least 1 more Etched Champion . Maybe drop the second Blood Moon for Torpor Orb . i feel like Etched Champion , in general, is better than Master of Etherium do to all the spot removal, and he is easier to cast. i would probably take him down to a 1 of.
June 28, 2014 8:49 p.m.
LittleLeaf says... #21
Master of Etherium is a commitment; usually you see either 0 copies or 3
June 28, 2014 9:20 p.m.
parasitian says... #22
LittleLeaf, I really like the 2:1 split. Thoughtseize is good against decks that Spell Pierce isn't good against which is why it's a 2-of. You reason that I should "streamline the permission" and that is a valid thought but personally I like to have versatility. If my opponent has no cards in hand then Spell Pierce is a much better card. If my opponent casts their Splinter Twin I get major advantage over using Thoughtseize because they likely didn't expect it and now they are tapped out. (however don't do this if on turn 5 considering they might play a land and play Dispel or Swan Song to counter your Spell Pierce )
konawolv, I run Deglamer over Wear / Tear because it can shuffle Wurmcoil Engine into my opponent's library so I don't have to face two 3/3 tokens. That being said, what does everyone think, should I run Wear / Tear instead despite that fact?
Not sure about the Blood Moon remarks considering I really like it against UWR decks, Tron, and Scapeshift in addition to other decks with a scarcity of basic lands.
Originally I ran Etched Champion and Master of Etherium as a 3:1 split but I've been testing the deck with 2-of each. I might go back to the 3:1 split but I'd like to do consistent playtesting before I make that decision. I wouldn't call one of them better than the other and a lot of it comes down to what decks you expect to play against.
Back to LittleLeaf again, I don't believe Master of Etherium is a commitment. Most lists run at least one of him, I rarely see zero in affinity lists. Also lists with 3 or 4 of him are relatively rare as well although I have seen a few. Typically Master of Etherium is a one-of or two-of.
June 28, 2014 10:26 p.m.
@parasitian i have a one of Wear / Tear in my side board for one reason, a reactionary play against a turn 2 Stony Silence . Also, on the flip side (pun intended) its another ancient grudge. Now, there is another school of thought here. Many believe that having an extra Thoughtseize is just flat out better. This is debatable because drawing Thoughtseize late just simply sucks, where as top decking a Wear / Tear could be just what the doctor ordered.
June 28, 2014 10:38 p.m.
parasitian says... #24
Now that you mention it, keeping one mana open for Stony Silence seems much better than Deglamer 's uses against Tron. Thanks for the suggestion, I'll make the changes.
June 28, 2014 10:42 p.m.
LittleLeaf says... #25
@parasitian; I was respecting the 2:1 split of Thoughtseize and Spell Pierce , and I guess I didn't make that obvious - My apologies there. As for Master of Etherium , I know that I'VE only seen 0 or 3 at top tables of events like GPs or SCG Opens, but I fully understand it's power as an incidental draw as well. I still think that 1 and 4 are the worst numbers for Master of Etherium , but don't fault you greatly for having 2 in the main. Obviously it's working for you, just offering some thoughts.
xXTDUBZXx says... #1
u should run spined thopter
November 12, 2011 9:33 p.m.