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African Horse Man and his Spider Lady Friend

Commander / EDH BGW (Abzan, Junk) Budget Theme/Gimmick


The Horse man and his Spider Lady Friend

A flanking throwback to dominaria with a semi-unblockable anthem. A 2/2 with lifelink that's essentially a Phyrexian Arena on a stick.

Sidar Kondo and Tymna are some of the most underrated partner commanders. What I'd like to show you today is my take on them: in a fun, themed, and sometimes brutal EDH homebrew. Let's get started.

Why Sidar and Tymna?

My original plan was to pair Sidar with Tana, the Bloodsower to have an army of a million unblockable little turds and use cards like Assemble the Legion and Purphoros, God of the Forge and stomp my opponent to death. After my testing with it, I just really didn't like such the straightforward strategy. But: I knew I had to use Sidar. So who was my next best option? Tymna!

What I love about having these as my commanders is that they're on curve with each other. T3 or possibly T2 I can play Tymna, and on T3 or T4 I can play Sidar and immediately start getting value out of Tymna. So, this deck's main strategy focuses around when I first discovered that interaction: VALUE!

1. A major all-star for this deck is Mirror Entity. Swing in with a billion dudes and make them all 8/8s, 10/10s, or even 15/15s!!
  1. True Conviction. We have lots of tiny dudes, so making them do a lot of damage is essential.

  2. Bower Passage. Just in case they have flying, we will be facing no trouble.

  3. Meekstone. There are DOZENS of creatures, no, hundreds that are bonkers good in commander that want to tap. This card makes our team perfectly safe. Yay!

We have dozens of creatures all utilising different roles. I will break down those roles and get to what the card choices are.


Reclamation Sage and Acidic Slime get rid of enchantments and other annoying stuff. One of my all time favorite cards for removal is King Macar, the Gold-Cursed . I have never found a deck until now where he's actually viable! Not only does he exile (yeah f#ck you, Meren of Clan Nel Toth), but he gets you MANA! And he can do this every turn! Now that's a crap ton of value. Cabal Executioner gets over hexproof and indestructible, at the cost of sucking against token decks. And Nekrataal is a pet card of mine and just super fun to play. Phyrexian Revoker is also a busted card in this deck to shut down a Breya, Etherium Shaper and to get value by attacking in the process.

Graveyard Hate:

Withered Wretch is one of my favorite cards against graveyards of all time, and he's so helpful to just be even spot removal sometimes for only one mana. Deathrite Shaman, although a little pricey, does get the job done very effectiently with TONS of value.

Win Conditions and Additional Value:

As I said earlier, Mirror Entity will finish games. Raving Dead , another pet card of mine (every time I paly him, I raise my hands and say "woot woot"), is absolutey stupid in this deck to just keep knocking life totals down. Spawnwrite unchecked, especially with double strike can get out of hand very, very quickly. I played this in a 1v1 while I had True Conviction, and the opponent had no cards in hand and immediately conceded. It's terrifying.

Pure Hate:

The usual package. Windborn Muse, Grand Abolisher, Loxodon Gatekeeper. You may have now noticed a good include: Gaddok Teeg. I hate him. This card should be banned, it's retarted. It also shuts down literaly all of our curve toppers, so I don't run him.

One thing that's difficult with value decks and lots of cards that are specific against certain kinds of strategies is tutoring. Yisan, the Wanderer Bard, doesn't have this problem, but we do: Since our commanders only draw us cards and give us damage room. So how do we compensate for this?

Chord of Calling is a must. As well as Diabolic Tutor and Increasing Ambition. And if you have luck/experience/cash, Demonic Tutor is fantastic in this deck. And although all the tutors are great, there is one particular tutor I find to be better than any of these.

That's right, it's Wild Pair . A forgotten reprint in Conspiracy 2.

Wild Pair is incredibly busted in this deck. Recruiter of the Guard just turned into a Mother of Runes and a Phyrexian Revoker. Reclamation Sage? Have an Eternal Witness. Since all of our creatures are small, this card tutors any problem we're facing from any creature and giving us the answer we need any time we play even just one creature. Very, very underrated card, and well worth the include.

Most of our control is self-explanatory. Swords to Plowshares, Path to Exile, Utter End, the staple abzan removal spells. One of my pet cards for board wipes however is Fell the Mighty . Keep all our dudes safe!
Why do we have so much mana? Simple. We draw a ton of cards.

With Tymna and Sidar out, we draw two cards per turn. With an arena out, three. Pain Seer , four. So we need a way to dump our hand out to refill it. Oh, did I mention Mask of Memory? Not only giving us three cards per turn, but also dumping value into the yard for Deathrite Shaman?

So we make a lot of mana. Burgeoning is a must have. We will have a lot of cards in hand, that can mean a lot of lands. And we want those on the battlefield. Birds of Paradise, Chromatic Lantern, but one enchantment stands out above all of these: Nature's Will.

Talk about value! the will gives us ALL of our mana back after combat(well, land mana), and we can use that to play the card(s) we drew from Tymna! How great is that?

Another reason mana is so important is just the sheer power of Mirror Entity. One swing from a team loaded with him can kill three players at once. Here's how: Imagine you have six 2-power creatures on the board (not hard to do), you have True Conviction, and 10 mana available (also not hard). Swing with everyone. Tap 10 mana. You know have 120 power on the board. Enough to kill three other players all at 40 life. And, you gain all that.

For upgrades, any form of removal better than the one's I use would be good, Aura Shards being a stand out. Tutors also could use upgrades in Academy Rector and Enlightened Tutor, since we have a lot of vital enchantments. Idyllic Tutor would also be good.

You Made it This Far? Wow!

If you managed to read all of that, thank you so much. I would probably weep in happiness if you told me that in real life, anyhow. Thank you for reading my description, or even if you just liked the deck! +1 if you enjoy the list, or if you enjoyed my rambling in the card choices.

Comments, feedback, or even just compliments are all greatly appreciated. It warms my heart to an immeasurable amount to see people grow together in such a beautiful game. Be sure to check out my other decks as well, and until then,




Updates Add

Lots of great changes. I don't have room to fit them all, but 10 cards left and 10 cards replaced them. I found that the replacements suited the card draw fantastically and smoothed out my curve. Mirror Entity and Fell the Mighty being my favorite new additions.


Date added 8 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

35 - 0 Rares

28 - 0 Uncommons

13 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.03
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Cat 2/2 W, Copy Clone, Gold, Morph 2/2 C
Folders Edh Ideas, Cool concepts
Ignored suggestions
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