Aggro Boros Humans
First Changes —Oct. 11, 2012
I've made some changes with the cards that i was finded.
What do you think now?
I have to agree with baatosan, Gather the Townsfolk goes well with Champion of the Parish .
feel free to take a look at my version of W/R humans
September 23, 2012 10:47 a.m.
baronseiya says... #3
Thanks Guys!
I think that Gather the Townsfolk may be boarded. Vigilante Justice is great, but i think that slows the deck. What do you think?
Also i have trouble with card:Commander's Authority. Is expensive and is only usefull with card:Cathars' Crusade.
What do you think i should remove?
September 23, 2012 4:57 p.m.
well that link went to a different deck supposed to be Esmic's boros humans
September 23, 2012 10:05 p.m.
taycraft22 says... #5
Silverblade Paladin can get the champ swinging for a lot on turn 3
September 24, 2012 9:12 p.m.
pappasmurf91 says... #7
Hellrider , Instigator Gang Flip and Reckless Waif Flip all would be great cards to help speed up the game and end the game. i know Clifftop Retreat is expensive but i made the plunge to get a play set and it is worth it. Burn at the Stake is also a good option. hope these suggestions help you out.
September 25, 2012 1:05 p.m.
baronseiya says... #8
Thanks, i m going to buy a Clifftop Retreat set. Cavern of Souls ?? Is sooo expensive, but is necesary??
Reckless Waif Flip is better than Somberwald Vigilante .
Instigator Gang Flip is really great, but is expensibe (4 mana), i dont know...
What cards do you think that I should remove?
September 27, 2012 6:34 p.m.
pappasmurf91 says... #9
well if ur going to be playing mostly with friends then i would say pass on the Cavern of Souls but if you do want to take this to an FNM or any other event then they are a must. i have two in my deck and would love to have a play set but like you budget is key. i would get rid of the Somberwald Vigilante for the Reckless Waif Flip minus the card:Commander's Authority and a copy of card:Cathars' Crusade and put in two Instigator Gang Flip you will find urself loving that card in playtest. it will also lower ur mana curve too. and if you find you like them i would pass on the card:Cathars' Crusade at that point you will have an empty hand and the counters won't be doing much sadly. in that case i would up the number of Reckless Waif Flip and Hanweir Lancer if you don't have a Silverblade Paladin paired with the Kruin Striker than it is a nice back up, first strike and trample. hope this helps you out!
if you want to check out my deck list that i have here it is @red/white humans post rotation
September 27, 2012 7:09 p.m.
Corvus_corax says... #10
I use the same tactics in my own deck, Goldnight Strike. You could check it out if you want. I use Increasing Devotion , as well as some removal such as Searing Spear and Oblivion Ring . Keeps the deck versatile. :)
September 28, 2012 10:08 a.m.
TheArcticWind31 says... #11
I agree with most of what Pappasmurf91 said, except for the Reckless Waif Flip . It would be good for you to put it in, tough, if you want to keep the card:Cathars' Crusades you should slow the deck down, and add some red burn spells and some anti-control spells, like Rootborn Defenses and sideboard Rest in Peace . If you want to pick the pace up, it say take out the Cathar's Crusade, some of the removal and add some Hellrider s and Gather the Townsfolk .
Feel free to check out my R/W human aggro deck: Cowboys and Indians.
Baatosan says... #1
I had the same prototype, but I couldn't finish it. May I suggest Gather the Townsfolk . Why? It makes the champ stronger and it is a combo with Kessig, now I would also suggest some burns spells to make you deck a bit faster, and finally Vigilante Justice to burn your opponent with the tokens and all the creatures you summon.
September 23, 2012 2:32 a.m.